Murderous Lenin on gun control: if you hide guns, you'll be shot


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
This is from the murderous Bolshevik, Vladimir Lenin.

The collection of arms from the population is an integral part of this work. It is natural that plenty of arms should have been hidden by the peasants and the bourgeoisie in a country which has been through four years of imperialist war followed by two people’s revolutions—it was inevitable that this should happen. But we must combat it with all our might now, in face of Denikin’s menacing onslaught whoever conceals or helps to conceal arms is guilty of a grave crime against the workers and peasants and deserves to be shot, for he is responsible for the death of thousands upon thousands of the finest Red Army men, who not infrequently perish only because of a shortage of arms at the fronts.

The Petrograd comrades succeeded in unearthing thousands and thousands of rifles when they conducted mass searches in a strictly organised way. The rest of Russia must not lag behind Petrograd and must at all costs over take and outstrip it.

On the other hand, there is no doubt that the largest numbers of rifles are hidden by the peasants, and often without the least evil intention, but solely from an ingrained distrust of any “state”, etc. If we have been able to do much, very much (in the best gubernias) by means of persuasion, skilful agitation and a proper approach to get deserters to return to the Red Army voluntarily, there can be no doubt that just as much, if not more, can be done, and should be done, to secure a voluntary return of arms.

Workers and peasants, look for concealed rifles and turn them over to the army! By doing so you will save yourselves from being massacred, shot, flogged wholesale and robbed by Kolchak and Denikin!

All Out for the Fight Against Denikin!

Tens of millions of these unarmed people died. Diane Feinstein, our Lenin.
All the more reason to, IF the do come for them, SHOOT! At least you die on your feet not like a democrat.

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