

Apr 11, 2006
When nearly 1000 cases of mumps surfaced in Iowa the Center for Disease Control should have responded automatically as they are reportedly tracking such things with heavily financed programs in Atlanta. As it was Iowa and other Midwestern states had to report the problem to them in order to finally get them to respond with mumps vaccine.
What was the CDC doing when they should have been doing their job?
It looks like they were trying to prove that laziness is genetically inherited and that damaged DNA is not caused by stress and chemicals but is an indication of laziness.
Eugenics, which is the study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding is raising its ugly head in the United States again.
I received an unsolicited bit of mail the other day posing as a newspaper entitled ‘The Truth At Last’. It is produced by a group called ‘The National Vanguard’. It features writings by men like David Duke who contributed the article, ‘New Orleans: Africa-like savagery’.
You can also order books and tracts like ‘Defensive Racism’ and ‘The Biology of the Race Problem’ from their offices in Marietta, Georgia.
Twenty-two miles from Marietta are the offices of the Center for Disease Control.
Even through bird flu threatens the United States, AIDS continues to be an epidemic problem and other serious diseases flourish in the United States (like the outbreak of mumps in the Midwest) the CDC has turned its attention to something called ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’.
According to the Associate Press “chronic fatigue syndrome appears to result from something in people's genetic makeup that reduces their ability to deal with physical and psychological stress, researchers reported Thursday. “
The CDC is claiming that they have evidence that genetics along with stress can cause chronic fatigue syndrome.
That is - lazy people are genetically disposed to laziness and there is nothing you can do about it.
Dr. William Reeves of the CDC was quoted as saying, "The results are ground-breaking."
This information was published in 14 articles published in this month's issue of Pharmacogenomics, published by ‘nature publishing group‘, which is a subsidiary of Macmillan Publishers, Ltd., which is owned by a German company called Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck GmbH.
The Macmillan Company has, in the past, published such items as, “The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeblemindedness” by Goddard, H.H. in 1912, “Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture“, by Hollingworth, L.S. in 1926, “Eugenical Sterilization: A Reorientation of the Problem.”, by Myerson, A., J.B. Ayer, T.J. Putnam, C.E. Keeler, and L. Alexander in 1936, “Foundations of Educational Sociology”, by Peters, C.C. in 1930, “Applied Eugenics“, by Popenoe, P. and R. Johnson in 1918.
Don’t you think it’s time for the CDC to account for its actions and all the money that is poured into it by the States and the Federal Government?
Do you have a point!!!!

or do you just post the same crap in a number of different message boards.

The CDC can only do what its informed of. If you are so interested in what they do why dont you contact them yourself. I know for a fact when there were 25 cases of TB in Indiana the CDC was There for 6 months tracking down the cause and limmiting its effeect. Your are nothing but a troll and only want to hear yourself rant...... :trolls:
Granny says, "Dat's right - get yer kids vaccinated so dey don't get the mumps...

Mumps Cases and Outbreaks
Mumps is no longer very common in the United States. From year to year, mumps cases can range from roughly a couple hundred to a couple thousand. For example in 2010, there were 2,612 cases reported to CDC, and in 2012, there were 229. Before the U.S. mumps vaccination program started in 1967, about 186,000 cases were reported each year, but the actual number of cases was likely much higher due to underreporting. Since the pre-vaccine era, there has been a more than 99% decrease in mumps cases in the United States.
As of December 31, 2016, 46 states* and the District of Columbia in the U.S. reported mumps infections in 5,311** people to CDC. Eight states have reported more than 100 cases this year: AR, IA, IN, IL, MA, NY, OK, and TX.

Mumps Outbreaks

In some years, there are more cases of mumps than usual because of outbreaks. Mumps outbreaks can occur any time of year. A major factor contributing to outbreaks is being in a crowded environment, such as attending the same class, playing on the same sports team, or living in a dormitory with a person who has mumps. Also, certain behaviors that result in exchanging saliva, such as kissing or sharing utensils, cups, lipstick or cigarettes, might increase spread of the virus.


Mumps Outbreak Map​

MMR vaccine prevents most, but not all, cases of mumps and complications caused by the disease. Two doses of the vaccine are 88% (range: 66 to 95%) effective at protecting against mumps; one dose is 78% (range: 49% to 92%) effective. The MMR vaccine protects against currently circulating mumps strains. Outbreaks can still occur in highly vaccinated U.S. communities, particularly in close-contact settings. In recent years, outbreaks have occurred in schools, colleges, and camps. However, high vaccination coverage helps limit the size, duration, and spread of mumps outbreaks.


Mumps Cases in U.S., by Year as described in this section​

Although it is not mandatory to report mumps outbreaks to CDC, many health departments will contact CDC when they experience an unusually high number of cases. In 2015 and 2016, a number of cases and outbreaks have been reported to CDC, primarily associated with college settings. These outbreaks have ranged in size from a few to several hundred cases, have mostly affected young adults, and are likely due to a combination of factors. These factors include the known effectiveness of the vaccine, lack of previous exposure to wild-type virus, and the intensity of the exposure setting (such as a college campus) coupled with behaviors that increase the risk of transmission.

Past Mumps Outbreaks

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