Mueller Summary Released

Revenge is a dish best served cold. It will be politically very cold in 2020.
THE DNC line of the day is: We don't know what is in the report but it doesn't say what we want so it must be made public but until then we will keep saying that it proves what we want it to say on obstruction.
He has no evidence of any obstruction, and there was no underlying crime committed in the first place.

Now go pound sand.

Not true at all. Mueller said he could not come up with a decision one way or another, and that his results do not exonerate Trump.

Investigators do not “exonerate”, they search for evidence of crimes.

He found zero evidence for collusion, period.

You lost. Have fun spinning it otherwise.

This is down right dense. Mueller's investigation had the ability to go in front of a grand jury and get indictments. Mueller clearly stated his results do not exonerate Trump when it comes to obstruction of justice. It's clear as day.

Mueller said his investigation was not obstructed. There is no evidence of any obstruction which means he is exonerated.

He did not say that. He said he couldn't decide either way and Trump was not exonerated from it. There is no mincing words, he flat out, clearly, said it.

Anither poster nailed it. IF no Russian Collusion, no crime. Therefore nothing possible to obstuct. You are welcome.
Not true at all. Mueller said he could not come up with a decision one way or another, and that his results do not exonerate Trump.

Investigators do not “exonerate”, they search for evidence of crimes.

He found zero evidence for collusion, period.

You lost. Have fun spinning it otherwise.

This is down right dense. Mueller's investigation had the ability to go in front of a grand jury and get indictments. Mueller clearly stated his results do not exonerate Trump when it comes to obstruction of justice. It's clear as day.

Mueller said his investigation was not obstructed. There is no evidence of any obstruction which means he is exonerated.

He did not say that. He said he couldn't decide either way and Trump was not exonerated from it. There is no mincing words, he flat out, clearly, said it.

Anither poster nailed it. IF no Russian Collusion, no crime. Therefore nothing possible to obstuct. You are welcome.

You can still obstruct the investigation of a crime, even if when the investigation concludes they don't charge someone. If what you said was true, then all the people that lied to Mueller, and Pappadopolous who they said hindered the investigation through his false information, shouldn't have been charged.
Investigators do not “exonerate”, they search for evidence of crimes.

He found zero evidence for collusion, period.

You lost. Have fun spinning it otherwise.

This is down right dense. Mueller's investigation had the ability to go in front of a grand jury and get indictments. Mueller clearly stated his results do not exonerate Trump when it comes to obstruction of justice. It's clear as day.

Mueller said his investigation was not obstructed. There is no evidence of any obstruction which means he is exonerated.

He did not say that. He said he couldn't decide either way and Trump was not exonerated from it. There is no mincing words, he flat out, clearly, said it.

Anither poster nailed it. IF no Russian Collusion, no crime. Therefore nothing possible to obstuct. You are welcome.

You can still obstruct the investigation of a crime, even if when the investigation concludes they don't charge someone. If what you said was true, then all the people that lied to Mueller, and Pappadopolous who they said hindered the investigation through his false information, shouldn't have been charged.
No they should never have been charged with a crime.
Just now.

No collusion or conspiracy on part of Trump or campaign.

Line up for flogging, Democrats.

Of course, every sane person in America who wasn't butt hurt over losing an election already knew this.
non sequitur, sonny. there is not a sane person in America who is not pissed off a completely dishonest sack of shit pig like Trump somehow won the election.
Sock Puppet Troll, people died in Benghazi horrible deaths for no good reason because of a corrupt, incompetent administration which buried the truth both before the attacks, blatantly lied about them after, then buried the truth again in the hearings at the behest of the deep state to keep it from the world.

Um... no. People died in Benghazi because an arrogant Ambassador ignored warnings that civil order was collapsing there and decided to go there because he thought they loved him on a personal level.
So Mueller made no decision on obstruction, but suddenly Barr is making the decision there is no obstruction. How odd.
No evidence of collusion or obstruction was found after a 2 year hunt by a group of Hillary's fan boys.

Grow up and move on.
Sock Puppet Troll, people died in Benghazi horrible deaths for no good reason because of a corrupt, incompetent administration which buried the truth both before the attacks, blatantly lied about them after, then buried the truth again in the hearings at the behest of the deep state to keep it from the world.

Um... no. People died in Benghazi because an arrogant Ambassador ignored warnings that civil order was collapsing there and decided to go there because he thought they loved him on a personal level.

You're a funny dipshit! It was the Ambassador who was issuing the warnings while Hillary ignored 600 requests because she was "too busy." He wanted American back-up there, not locals that would flee, and when it all came down, they stopped help from going in there and saving him and let him cook to cover up the illegal operation. Then Barry's team all lied about it claiming it was a protest over some dumb movie.
I never called you stupid, and in fact my post pretty much agrees with you. Trump's next biggest hurdle to overcome is the emoluments cases where it seems he and his family have complete several quid pro quo deals.

What a sad retread. What's next? The LOGAN ACT?


Sad retread? Not long ago a judge turned down Trump's request to get rid of the emoluments case. NEVER in the U.S. has a President EVER been tried for violating the emoluments clause. NEVER before Trump.

And never before Trump has the outgoing President led an effort to overturn the election of his successor.
That is because it never happened.

Actually, it did happen, which is why the Prog Elite have been so desperate to destroy Trump. Their worst nightmare is that an honest investigation into their corruption actually take place. Well, get ready!
Okey dokey
There is no issue. The AG has made the decision based upon the evidence presented. Whine as you will, there will be no further action in the matter.

He made the decision in 2 days going over TWO years of investigation results. That's an absolutely ridiculous situation. There is no way in hell he read all the evidence in just two days in order to make an educated decision.
He read the report liar.

First the Progs are giving themselves atomic wedgies over the delay in release the findings. Now they are upset that Barr didn't take longer.

As there is nothing Barr can do to make them happy, I say to hell with them and their flying monkeys in the press.

Barr should announce the reopening of cases related to the 2016 election, before Nadler starts his whine tour.

Indeed. Lynch, Holder, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Brennan, Clapper, hiLIARy and Obabble himself (and others) should all be subjects of an investigation into how the fake dossier was used as a pretext to spy on the political campaign of the opposition candidate.
Just now.

No collusion or conspiracy on part of Trump or campaign.

Line up for flogging, Democrats.

AP Sources: Congress receiving Mueller report summary Sunday

The only thing I take issue with is the finding that Russia interference was divided into just two parts. Apparently Mueller overlooked the part where Russia assisted the DNC with the fake Steele Dossier that was used to influence FISA.
That is because It. Never. Happened.
Just now.

No collusion or conspiracy on part of Trump or campaign.

Line up for flogging, Democrats.

AP Sources: Congress receiving Mueller report summary Sunday

The only thing I take issue with is the finding that Russia interference was divided into just two parts. Apparently Mueller overlooked the part where Russia assisted the DNC with the fake Steele Dossier that was used to influence FISA.
That is because It. Never. Happened.

Cranial infarction much?

The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

5 Things The FBI Never Told The FISA Court About The Trump Dossier
He made the decision in 2 days going over TWO years of investigation results. That's an absolutely ridiculous situation. There is no way in hell he read all the evidence in just two days in order to make an educated decision.
He read the report liar.

First the Progs are giving themselves atomic wedgies over the delay in release the findings. Now they are upset that Barr didn't take longer.

As there is nothing Barr can do to make them happy, I say to hell with them and their flying monkeys in the press.

Barr should announce the reopening of cases related to the 2016 election, before Nadler starts his whine tour.

Indeed. Lynch, Holder, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Brennan, Clapper, hiLIARy and Obabble himself (and others) should all be subjects of an investigation into how the fake dossier was used as a pretext to spy on the political campaign of the opposition candidate.

Of course you would think that. You're thoroughly brainwashed.
The left is nothing but a bunch of anti-American lunatics.
Pat noted how many people on the left were actually disappointed that the president of the United States wasn't colluding with Russia. "They were rooting for the president to actually be a traitor," he said.
It’s unbelievable that the left is disappointed that the President of the United States wasn’t working with Russia to defraud U.S. elections.

'Vindicated': MSM's surprising reaction to Mueller report finding no collusion
“No one in Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with Russia.”

Absolutely true, but the entire dossier and witch hunt conducted by the left have already made a lot of people really hesitant about entering politics in opposition to the Deep State.

The United States is becoming like Bolivia.

When I was a young man, a gentleman by the name of Chico who was a driver for a local Holiday Inn was from Bolivia. I chatted with Chico, he told me how dangerous politics were in his home country. It was reckless, just like the libs want to make it in this country.

Trump should really crack down on the coup conspirators in the months ahead.
How is no further indictments the same as no indictments?
Republicans don’t seem to be terribly bright

But they seem to be terribly in the White House.

And you have been terribly wrong.

Trump never colluded.....

Suck on it.

Your parents are ashamed of you.
The left and the so-called “mainstream” media has zero credibility. Zero.
Brennan said that the president is "treasonous," "imbecilic," and "wholly in the pocket of Putin."
The devout leftist was adamant that President Trump was guilty of Russian “collusion”. For years he would go on any show that would have him to convince the American people that President Trump was conspiring with Vladimir Putin. But after the report from the Mueller investigation?
I think I suspected there was more than there actually was
So let me get this accused the President of the United States of treason, collusion, and voter fraud based on your thoughts and what you suspected? Brennan just openly admitted he had no facts or evidence whatsoever when he made his outrageous accusations.

Former CIA head John Brennan—who called Pres. Trump 'treasonous'—attempts to explain how he got it so wrong on Russia
You're a funny dipshit! It was the Ambassador who was issuing the warnings while Hillary ignored 600 requests because she was "too busy." He wanted American back-up there, not locals that would flee, and when it all came down, they stopped help from going in there and saving him and let him cook to cover up the illegal operation. Then Barry's team all lied about it claiming it was a protest over some dumb movie.

Okay, you realize he didn't have to go to Benghazi.

He was the ambassador to Libya. The capital of Libya is TRIPOLI, not Benghazi. Going to Benghazi was a choice.

It really wasn't our job to stabalize the local political situation, and Hillary certainly had no control over whatever the Rent-a-Thugs the CIA had were doing to piss off the locals.

And yes, it really was about a movie. There were riots all over the middle east about that video. .

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