Mueller Strikes again? Michael Flynn associates charged over illegal lobbying for Turkey

Not one of Mueller's indictments has related to collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
I didn't say otherwise. And that being true would not mean Mueller has found nothing. You're kind of falling om your face, here.
lol Are you drunk? You just agreed with me that Mueller has failed utterly in his assignment to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
No I didn't, you freak.
LOL................Keep lying to yourselves DOPers!

Michael Flynn associates charged over illegal lobbying for Turkey
The Dec. 12 indictment unsealed Monday alleges that Kian and Alptekin “conspired covertly and unlawfully to influence U.S. politicians and public opinion concerning a Turkish citizen living in the United State
Flynn is not identified by name in the filing. Instead, he is referred to as “Person A,”

:113: LOL Mr 'Lock Her Up' is now... 'Person A' ~aka DOPer American Traitor Flynn.
Seems like Mueller scores again. :happy-1:Seem like Flynn gave this guy up.
Looking forward to the new charges on others as this guy rats on them.
To quote Kelly Ann, the IRONY is sweet
World's 'Most Dangerous Islamist' Alive and Well and Living in Pennsylvania
World’s ‘Most Dangerous Islamist’ - Alive, Well, and Living in Pennsylvania - Freedom Outpost
'....Neighbors complain of the incessant sounds of gunfire -- including the rat-tat-tat of fully automatic weapons -- coming from the compound....But in 2008 a Federal court ruled that Gulen was an individual with extraordinary ability in the field of education who merited permanent residence status in the U.S.'
Worlds most dangerous piece of crap ,,,living in our WH
Not one of Mueller's indictments has related to collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
I didn't say otherwise. And that being true would not mean Mueller has found nothing. You're kind of falling om your face, here.
lol Are you drunk? You just agreed with me that Mueller has failed utterly in his assignment to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
No I didn't, you freak.
lol Yes, you did. You're just too stupid or drunk to understand your own posts.
Not one of Mueller's indictments has related to collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
I didn't say otherwise. And that being true would not mean Mueller has found nothing. You're kind of falling om your face, here.
lol Are you drunk? You just agreed with me that Mueller has failed utterly in his assignment to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
No I didn't, you freak.
lol Yes, you did. You're just too stupid or drunk to understand your own posts.
Wrong dummy
Whaaa? Mueller had a stroke again?
Yeah, a master stroke.

Trump truly is a needy billionaire. You know how Republicans love needy billionaires.

Trump is definitely needy. He needs better lawyers.
We invite the American prisoners to gain access to Gulen's writings so as to know the phrase 'alien of extraordinary ability' more intimately.
Michael Flynn associates charged over illegal lobbying for Turkey
The Dec. 12 indictment unsealed Monday alleges that Kian and Alptekin “conspired covertly and unlawfully to influence U.S. politicians and public opinion concerning a Turkish citizen living in the United State
Flynn is not identified by name in the filing. Instead, he is referred to as “Person A,”

:113: LOL Mr 'Lock Her Up' is now... 'Person A' ~aka DOPer American Traitor Flynn.
Seems like Mueller scores again. :happy-1:Seem like Flynn gave this guy up.
Looking forward to the new charges on others as this guy rats on them.
So Mueller, who was appointed solely to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and has failed at that assignment utterly, is flailing around wildly trying to justify the tens of millions of dollars he has fleeced from taxpayers instead of investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, making the US justice system a laughingstock.
Proves more Traitor Flynn was doing illegal thangs. Seems to be approved by DrumpF then.

Flynn pleaded guilty because he was bankrupted and had no more money to pay lawyers. Flynn didn't do anything wrong other than not recall something correctly in a conversation. None of his actions with Russian diplomats were even illegal.
Michael Flynn associates charged over illegal lobbying for Turkey
The Dec. 12 indictment unsealed Monday alleges that Kian and Alptekin “conspired covertly and unlawfully to influence U.S. politicians and public opinion concerning a Turkish citizen living in the United State
Flynn is not identified by name in the filing. Instead, he is referred to as “Person A,”

:113: LOL Mr 'Lock Her Up' is now... 'Person A' ~aka DOPer American Traitor Flynn.
Seems like Mueller scores again. :happy-1:Seem like Flynn gave this guy up.
Looking forward to the new charges on others as this guy rats on them.
So Mueller, who was appointed solely to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and has failed at that assignment utterly, is flailing around wildly trying to justify the tens of millions of dollars he has fleeced from taxpayers instead of investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, making the US justice system a laughingstock.

You seem to be either a Turk or Russain Troll. Real Americans would not stand for Traitors like the Douche or Flynn.
They would want the fullest investigation to confirm, DOPer Fools voting Great Douche ignorant morons.
Facts destroy ignorant faith and hope every time.

Please List Obama indictments and jailed as a Real American Elected President.
If you were a real American you would want this sham investigation ended and would campaign against Trump if you don't like him honestly instead of wanting to destroy the integrity and credibility of the Justice Dept. by using it as a political weapon.
A legal investigation is fine with me. Show us where its illegal to do what Mueller is doing.

Seem Mueller scoring more than Ken Star forever Blowjob hunt did.
Seems DOPers are fine with Sex now Married Raw Dogging Dorn Star...LOL! DOPer Lying hypocrite liar.
Or was Monica a Nasty Porn Star in your eyes?

Btw: Bazaghazi and Email Server have scored how many indictments?
The sole reason for appointing a special counsel was to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and since Mueller has failed to find any evidence of such collusion, were you a loyal American you would want to protect the integrity and credibility of the Justice Dept. by shutting down Mueller's sham investigation. Were Mueller an honorable man, he would want to shut it down.

I don't know what sole reason for supporting the special counsel means but here's a screen shot of the order from Rosenstein for Mueller, his investigation and exactly what he's supposed to be investigating. Pay very close attention to numbers ii, iii and letters C and D in that order. It's very direct and succinct.

Screen Shot 2018-12-17 at 3.55.52 PM.png
So Mueller, who was appointed solely to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government


Actually Golfing Gator was correct.

You're a liar according to the order from acting AG Rosenstein signed in 2017.

Here's the order.

You are the liar.

View attachment 235267

Did you miss Section B part ii?

Or Section B part iii?

Or Section C?
So Mueller, who was appointed solely to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government and has failed at that assignment utterly, is flailing around wildly trying to justify the tens of millions of dollars he has fleeced from taxpayers instead of investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, making the US justice system a laughingstock.

You seem to be either a Turk or Russain Troll. Real Americans would not stand for Traitors like the Douche or Flynn.
They would want the fullest investigation to confirm, DOPer Fools voting Great Douche ignorant morons.
Facts destroy ignorant faith and hope every time.

Please List Obama indictments and jailed as a Real American Elected President.
If you were a real American you would want this sham investigation ended and would campaign against Trump if you don't like him honestly instead of wanting to destroy the integrity and credibility of the Justice Dept. by using it as a political weapon.
A legal investigation is fine with me. Show us where its illegal to do what Mueller is doing.

Seem Mueller scoring more than Ken Star forever Blowjob hunt did.
Seems DOPers are fine with Sex now Married Raw Dogging Dorn Star...LOL! DOPer Lying hypocrite liar.
Or was Monica a Nasty Porn Star in your eyes?

Btw: Bazaghazi and Email Server have scored how many indictments?
The sole reason for appointing a special counsel was to investigate allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and since Mueller has failed to find any evidence of such collusion, were you a loyal American you would want to protect the integrity and credibility of the Justice Dept. by shutting down Mueller's sham investigation. Were Mueller an honorable man, he would want to shut it down.

I don't know what sole reason for supporting the special counsel means but here's a screen shot of the order from Rosenstein for Mueller, his investigation and exactly what he's supposed to be investigating. Pay very close attention to numbers ii, iii and letters C and D in that order. It's very direct and succinct.

View attachment 235266
You are missing the point. Special counsels are only appointed in cases in which there are allegations the President may have engaged in criminal behavior, the reasoning being that that his influence over the Justice Dept. might be so great that a fair investigation would be impossible without a special counsel. In the present case, the allegations concerned collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and since Mueller has failed to come up with even a single piece of evidence that either the President or anyone else involved in the campaign colluded with the Russian government, there is no legitimate reason to continue the special counsel.
At least Republicans can finally stop crowing to people they are the party of law and order.

When the commander in chief calls a cooperating Justice Department witness a “rat“, then clearly they are no longer the party of law and order, they are the party of Mafia Don.

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