Mueller report What to expect

Bruce, it's not that he's been bad , it's any guy without his money would be serving time if they pulled half the shit he has

Well you just described most rich men and politicians...
Cohen this week ,,,2 closed meetings and 1 open Lets see what he has to say Might be bad enough to separate many of those who AREN'T part of his loyal gang
But BK we know you're loyal to trump You'll stick with him thru thick and thin

Ed do me a favor and google Trump and my postings of him and notice I love him as much as I love Hillary...
I'll take your word for that The question is would Hill have done so much damage to Americas good name?

More dead troops,
Another dead ambassador or two,
N Korea would be firing off missiles,
a GDP of 1.0% if we were lucky,
No mfg jobs,
No energy production,
more illegals,
more jihadis from Iraq and Syria,

so yeah, we would be much worse off and that was what was in top of my head, give me an hour I could come up with much more
Also, from a political standpoint, presuming there is a separate report to party leadership, you do what Harry Reid did to Mitt Romney and his taxes if you’re the democrats. Have a leading “gang of 8” Dem go off the reservation and talk about the contents of the report that won’t be released. The denials from the Conservatives will be “It doesn’t say that”. Then the Dems have a political issues….”Kindly release the report and show us what it does say”. Then when the Trump syndicate won’t, they look even more shadowy and corrupt than usual.

Not having the report made public isn’t that huge a matter.

In other words, lie through your ass like Harry did about Mitt's taxes except you have a little problem...the only eyes who will see Mueller's actual piece of fiction is Barr, and Congressional committee chairmen will get his redacted first version....Barr will then amend the first version and nail whoever leaked the first money is on Adam Schitt who will then be indicted for espionage.

If you withhold something, you lose the right to complain about others not being truthful
Also, from a political standpoint, presuming there is a separate report to party leadership, you do what Harry Reid did to Mitt Romney and his taxes if you’re the democrats. Have a leading “gang of 8” Dem go off the reservation and talk about the contents of the report that won’t be released. The denials from the Conservatives will be “It doesn’t say that”. Then the Dems have a political issues….”Kindly release the report and show us what it does say”. Then when the Trump syndicate won’t, they look even more shadowy and corrupt than usual.

Not having the report made public isn’t that huge a matter.

In other words, lie through your ass like Harry did about Mitt's taxes except you have a little problem...the only eyes who will see Mueller's actual piece of fiction is Barr, and Congressional committee chairmen will get his redacted first version....Barr will then amend the first version and nail whoever leaked the first money is on Adam Schitt who will then be indicted for espionage.

If you withhold something, you lose the right to complain about others not being truthful

Withold what?
Hold the meat the cheese the lettuce and the pickles.....:113:
Its more like this:
More evidence that.....

View attachment 247427
oh really?

too busy crying to meme
What you daffodils never got is that we MAGA folks know Trump is a sociopath...that's exactly why we put him in the WH....take a look at the world we live in. He only sleeps 4 hours a night and is up and around plotting moves while the rest of the world snoozes...he has no conscience...he's a killer and killers who are killers as long as he's been, are smart bastards...always a step ahead. After two years, he's pretty much terrified every world leader who's met him. Putin? Shit....Trump has him in a trick bag...sanctions, pulled out of the nuclear treaty, armed the Ukes with some nasty tank killing missiles. China? If they haven't thrown in the towel on a trade deal by 28 February, the tariffs go from 10% to 25%. China is already in financial trouble, over-extended and growing stale. Iran? gutted like a perch. Mueller? get serious. If Trump wants another 4 years, he'll get it....he always gets what he wants...that's just the way it is. :eusa_whistle:
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The author of the article in the OP's link: "Mr. Katyal was an acting solicitor general under President Barack Obama."

More fake news. You TDSers fall for that shit every time. Trump has claimed ownership of your brains and is using your stupidity to his advantage.
The report will show either....

Trump was involved in a conspiracy with the Russians
Trump surrounded himself with criminals and had no idea what was going on in his campaign
The report will show either....

Trump was involved in a conspiracy with the Russians
Trump surrounded himself with criminals and had no idea what was going on in his campaign

There's no proof of either claim, so how is Mueller going to conclude that?

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