Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed Mob Style

Republicans went after Hillary for 30 years.

And got nothing
Bullshit!...we ended her political career.....

After 30 years, she retired.
If she thought she had half a chance she would be all in....her and Bill act like they left something in the White House they desperately want sorry she reluctantly retired....did you see her anger when Trump walked by today....if faces could kill....
You expect her to give him a warm greeting? He was ignored by all the presidents.

The sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn doesn't look good for Trump.

The Office of the Special Counsel dropped the sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn, President Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, on Tuesday night.

It’s only 13 pages, and 6 of those are heavily redacted, but it seems to send a message to Trump: Michael Flynn talked. And he talked a lot.

First, the memo goes out of its way to praise the “significance and usefulness” of Flynn’s assistance. This includes assistance in another criminal investigation that’s separate from the special counsel probe, the subject of which is unfortunately redacted.

That redaction is tantalizing because it makes clear that Flynn has helped with more than just the investigation into collusion — and that a criminal investigation may well be circling ever-nearer to Trump and his inner circle.

Mueller also takes pains to point out that the full scope of Flynn’s cooperation really can’t be known yet because the investigations about which he provided information are still ongoing.

So, even though it is a possibility that the collusion investigation itself might be winding down, there are still more investigations out there. It’s a neat way of reminding Trump that Mueller has a broad charge to pursue any other matters that come out of the collusion investigation.

Everyone already knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition, where he asked them to refrain from “escalating the situation in response to sanctions” that had been imposed against Russia. The subtext of that request, of course, was that the Trump administration would go easy on Russia and lift or minimize the sanctions.

Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed
In other words, a nothing burger.
'Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed Mob Style'

'Leaking' & 'Intimidation':
Not actually 'evidence'...but it sounds like the crap he has been doing all along to try to make something appear / happen - sounds like another desperate ploy....

The sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn doesn't look good for Trump.

The Office of the Special Counsel dropped the sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn, President Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, on Tuesday night.

It’s only 13 pages, and 6 of those are heavily redacted, but it seems to send a message to Trump: Michael Flynn talked. And he talked a lot.

First, the memo goes out of its way to praise the “significance and usefulness” of Flynn’s assistance. This includes assistance in another criminal investigation that’s separate from the special counsel probe, the subject of which is unfortunately redacted.

That redaction is tantalizing because it makes clear that Flynn has helped with more than just the investigation into collusion — and that a criminal investigation may well be circling ever-nearer to Trump and his inner circle.

Mueller also takes pains to point out that the full scope of Flynn’s cooperation really can’t be known yet because the investigations about which he provided information are still ongoing.

So, even though it is a possibility that the collusion investigation itself might be winding down, there are still more investigations out there. It’s a neat way of reminding Trump that Mueller has a broad charge to pursue any other matters that come out of the collusion investigation.

Everyone already knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition, where he asked them to refrain from “escalating the situation in response to sanctions” that had been imposed against Russia. The subtext of that request, of course, was that the Trump administration would go easy on Russia and lift or minimize the sanctions.

Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed
In other words, a nothing burger.
Just a felon and foreign agent that was appointed head of national security, informing on people higher up the food chain. Now, who could that be?

The sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn doesn't look good for Trump.

The Office of the Special Counsel dropped the sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn, President Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, on Tuesday night.

It’s only 13 pages, and 6 of those are heavily redacted, but it seems to send a message to Trump: Michael Flynn talked. And he talked a lot.

First, the memo goes out of its way to praise the “significance and usefulness” of Flynn’s assistance. This includes assistance in another criminal investigation that’s separate from the special counsel probe, the subject of which is unfortunately redacted.

That redaction is tantalizing because it makes clear that Flynn has helped with more than just the investigation into collusion — and that a criminal investigation may well be circling ever-nearer to Trump and his inner circle.

Mueller also takes pains to point out that the full scope of Flynn’s cooperation really can’t be known yet because the investigations about which he provided information are still ongoing.

So, even though it is a possibility that the collusion investigation itself might be winding down, there are still more investigations out there. It’s a neat way of reminding Trump that Mueller has a broad charge to pursue any other matters that come out of the collusion investigation.

Everyone already knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition, where he asked them to refrain from “escalating the situation in response to sanctions” that had been imposed against Russia. The subtext of that request, of course, was that the Trump administration would go easy on Russia and lift or minimize the sanctions.

Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed

The sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn doesn't look good for Trump.

The Office of the Special Counsel dropped the sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn, President Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, on Tuesday night.

It’s only 13 pages, and 6 of those are heavily redacted, but it seems to send a message to Trump: Michael Flynn talked. And he talked a lot.

First, the memo goes out of its way to praise the “significance and usefulness” of Flynn’s assistance. This includes assistance in another criminal investigation that’s separate from the special counsel probe, the subject of which is unfortunately redacted.

That redaction is tantalizing because it makes clear that Flynn has helped with more than just the investigation into collusion — and that a criminal investigation may well be circling ever-nearer to Trump and his inner circle.

Mueller also takes pains to point out that the full scope of Flynn’s cooperation really can’t be known yet because the investigations about which he provided information are still ongoing.

So, even though it is a possibility that the collusion investigation itself might be winding down, there are still more investigations out there. It’s a neat way of reminding Trump that Mueller has a broad charge to pursue any other matters that come out of the collusion investigation.

Everyone already knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition, where he asked them to refrain from “escalating the situation in response to sanctions” that had been imposed against Russia. The subtext of that request, of course, was that the Trump administration would go easy on Russia and lift or minimize the sanctions.

Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed
Interesting...thinking that tiny trump would still be a so-called president in 2050.....not loving that Constitution at all, are you?

The sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn doesn't look good for Trump.

The Office of the Special Counsel dropped the sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn, President Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, on Tuesday night.

It’s only 13 pages, and 6 of those are heavily redacted, but it seems to send a message to Trump: Michael Flynn talked. And he talked a lot.

First, the memo goes out of its way to praise the “significance and usefulness” of Flynn’s assistance. This includes assistance in another criminal investigation that’s separate from the special counsel probe, the subject of which is unfortunately redacted.

That redaction is tantalizing because it makes clear that Flynn has helped with more than just the investigation into collusion — and that a criminal investigation may well be circling ever-nearer to Trump and his inner circle.

Mueller also takes pains to point out that the full scope of Flynn’s cooperation really can’t be known yet because the investigations about which he provided information are still ongoing.

So, even though it is a possibility that the collusion investigation itself might be winding down, there are still more investigations out there. It’s a neat way of reminding Trump that Mueller has a broad charge to pursue any other matters that come out of the collusion investigation.

Everyone already knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition, where he asked them to refrain from “escalating the situation in response to sanctions” that had been imposed against Russia. The subtext of that request, of course, was that the Trump administration would go easy on Russia and lift or minimize the sanctions.

Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed
Interesting...thinking that tiny trump would still be a so-called president in 2050.....not loving that Constitution at all, are you?
I’ll inform John Quincy Adams he violated the Constitution.

The sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn doesn't look good for Trump.

The Office of the Special Counsel dropped the sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn, President Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, on Tuesday night.

It’s only 13 pages, and 6 of those are heavily redacted, but it seems to send a message to Trump: Michael Flynn talked. And he talked a lot.

First, the memo goes out of its way to praise the “significance and usefulness” of Flynn’s assistance. This includes assistance in another criminal investigation that’s separate from the special counsel probe, the subject of which is unfortunately redacted.

That redaction is tantalizing because it makes clear that Flynn has helped with more than just the investigation into collusion — and that a criminal investigation may well be circling ever-nearer to Trump and his inner circle.

Mueller also takes pains to point out that the full scope of Flynn’s cooperation really can’t be known yet because the investigations about which he provided information are still ongoing.

So, even though it is a possibility that the collusion investigation itself might be winding down, there are still more investigations out there. It’s a neat way of reminding Trump that Mueller has a broad charge to pursue any other matters that come out of the collusion investigation.

Everyone already knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition, where he asked them to refrain from “escalating the situation in response to sanctions” that had been imposed against Russia. The subtext of that request, of course, was that the Trump administration would go easy on Russia and lift or minimize the sanctions.

Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed

Its perfectly OK for Trump cult members to "interpret" Flynn's escape from prison time as a win for their cause; after all, they're not very bright and the eventual shit storm that will soon hit the Trump crime family will be that much more of a kick in their collective ass.

As Trump once stated, "I love the poorly educated {and they love me back.]"
The leaks are that the redacted portions are about Mueller opening up a brand new investigation as to Turkey's abuse of lobbyists avoiding FARA the Foreign Agent Registration Act which is what Flynn violated. This is necessarily reaching into Tony Podesta's work with the lobbying firm The Podesta Group.

It keeps Mueller busy but has nothing to do with Trump.

No mention anywhere of Russia.

The sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn doesn't look good for Trump.

The Office of the Special Counsel dropped the sentencing memorandum for Michael Flynn, President Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, on Tuesday night.

It’s only 13 pages, and 6 of those are heavily redacted, but it seems to send a message to Trump: Michael Flynn talked. And he talked a lot.

First, the memo goes out of its way to praise the “significance and usefulness” of Flynn’s assistance. This includes assistance in another criminal investigation that’s separate from the special counsel probe, the subject of which is unfortunately redacted.

That redaction is tantalizing because it makes clear that Flynn has helped with more than just the investigation into collusion — and that a criminal investigation may well be circling ever-nearer to Trump and his inner circle.

Mueller also takes pains to point out that the full scope of Flynn’s cooperation really can’t be known yet because the investigations about which he provided information are still ongoing.

So, even though it is a possibility that the collusion investigation itself might be winding down, there are still more investigations out there. It’s a neat way of reminding Trump that Mueller has a broad charge to pursue any other matters that come out of the collusion investigation.

Everyone already knew that Flynn had lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador during the transition, where he asked them to refrain from “escalating the situation in response to sanctions” that had been imposed against Russia. The subtext of that request, of course, was that the Trump administration would go easy on Russia and lift or minimize the sanctions.

Mueller lets Trump know his former adviser Mike Flynn totally squealed

Its perfectly OK for Trump cult members to "interpret" Flynn's escape from prison time as a win for their cause; after all, they're not very bright and the eventual shit storm that will soon hit the Trump crime family will be that much more of a kick in their collective ass.

As Trump once stated, "I love the poorly educated {and they love me back.]"
Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now.
Flynn had become a little too famous for leading a Lock Her Up Chant at the RNC Convention in 2016

before that his tenacious committment to the US Army turned the tide in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Trump never counted on the deep state coming for Flynn first

Obama told Trump not to hire Flynn

Flynn's disorganization drove Bannon crazy. "this is a shitshow" Bannon bellowed!
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The leaks are that the redacted portions are about Mueller opening up a brand new investigation as to Turkey's abuse of lobbyists avoiding FARA the Foreign Agent Registration Act which is what Flynn violated.
Interesting. Where do you see this?
Mueller, who surely knows better than naiive and gullible voters, will be the nation's savior.


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