Mueller Investigate Trump ? How About Trump Investigate Mueller


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
1) June 2002 – Mueller gave a keynote address at the American Muslim Council, a radical Muslim org, soon afterword defined as a Muslim Brotherhood front group, by the US Justice Dept. AMC officials had long supported Hamas and Hizbollah, before Mueller spoke at their meeting.

2) Started an FBI Muslim sensitivity training program (denounced by active and former FBI agents).

3) According to David Lavey (FBI counterterrorism veteran & counterterrorism chief of Interpol), Mueller is so worried about offending Muslim groups, that he refuses to publicly use the terms “Islamic” and “terrorism” in the same sentence. He says Mueller’s sensitivity proram is to pacify Muslim pressure groups like CAIR and AMC (both Muslim Brotherhood front groups).

4) Hired questionable Muslim Arabic translators, despite their ties to military and intelligence agencies in Syria, Pakistan, and Egypt.

5) FBI translation unit had laptop gone missing (with classified intelligence about al Qaeda investigations.

6) Assured Americans that the 9-11 hijackers acted alone, without help from the Muslim community. 9-11 Commission report showed that to be FALSE.

7) Shelved an opportunity to prevent 9-11. Bypassed the “Phoenix Memo”, a proposal by an FBI agent in Arizona to check out middle eastern students in flight schools. Mueller stopped it due to bureau guidelines against racial profiling.

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