Mueller And His Team Ratchet The Noose Tighter and Tighter

There have been no results, that I know of, from that investigation that have been made public. I see you are still relying on a leak every other day to keep you up to date, and no leak means nothing is happening. Again, this isn't a republican run investigation whose only purpose is to help your party in the next election. This is about Russia's proven interference in our elections, and anyone who might have joined them in their efforts.
You're kidding me right? If this were for the country he would be looking at the Clintons as well right? This was a DNC complaint from the beginning.

If he finds evidence of Clinton being involved in helping the Russians interfere in our elections, he should investigate that. That's his job.
I doubt a room full of democrat lawyers is looking in that direction at all.

Then you have a duty to send them all the evidence you have.
Yeah? Are you the one sending the Trump Russia info to them? No wonder it's going nowhere fast.

I'm sure they are way past any Trump/Russia info that I might have had.
Then....mueller will move on to Trump's grade school teachers, hoping to find that Russia influenced the grades he recieved so that they would have leverage on him when he became President.....

You could just as well have posted:"just ignore my post, I'm really silly and lame"
From reading the news story linked in the OP, seems to me Mueller is merely doing what he's been charged with doing: determining whether there was any unlawful activity that took place between the Trump campaign team (members) and Russian state actors/surrogates.
I like watching libs like Bulldog try to boost the credibility of fools like Bertram when they post these Russia collusion fantasies and act like they actually believe there's something there. "Any day now".....LMAO!
Mueller's got so much nothing that Donald is shitting his pants daily and members of Congress and the Senate took steps during the summer recess to prevent Trump from firing him.

When your lawyer feels the need to hire a lawyer for himself, it's not because the prosecution has nothing.
Put up or shut up, show us the Russian connection right now?
You should send any information you have on that to Mueller. I'm sure he would like to know what you can prove.
Where's the beef? You seem to know show us?

I guess we all will just have to wait. I don't know, and Mueller isn't telling. Interesting that he has such a long list of Trump's family and associates that he will be interviewing. Why do you think he wants to talk to all those people?
Because the moment he closes this investigation he goes back to being a nobody.

Mueller was never a nobody.
He's part of the deep state... incredibly political. Dip shit

That's cute. You're reduced to talking about the so called "DEEP STATE". Will you be bringing up the Bilderbergs, chemtrails, and Bigfoot next?
Where's the beef? You seem to know show us?

I guess we all will just have to wait. I don't know, and Mueller isn't telling. Interesting that he has such a long list of Trump's family and associates that he will be interviewing. Why do you think he wants to talk to all those people?
Because the moment he closes this investigation he goes back to being a nobody.

Mueller was never a nobody.
Yeah I'm pretty popular in my professional circles too.


He ran the FBI, wtf did you do Mike?
I don't run around thinking FBI directors are famous. Nobody cared who he was before outside D.C. Once he's done here his name once again doesn't make the news and he slides back into just some guy at the FBI.
I guess we all will just have to wait. I don't know, and Mueller isn't telling. Interesting that he has such a long list of Trump's family and associates that he will be interviewing. Why do you think he wants to talk to all those people?
Because the moment he closes this investigation he goes back to being a nobody.

Mueller was never a nobody.
Yeah I'm pretty popular in my professional circles too.


He ran the FBI, wtf did you do Mike?
I don't run around thinking FBI directors are famous. Nobody cared who he was before outside D.C. Once he's done here his name once again doesn't make the news and he slides back into just some guy at the FBI.

I'm sure he will be heartbroken to hear you won't be keeping up with his career.
Where's the beef? You seem to know show us?

I guess we all will just have to wait. I don't know, and Mueller isn't telling. Interesting that he has such a long list of Trump's family and associates that he will be interviewing. Why do you think he wants to talk to all those people?
Because the moment he closes this investigation he goes back to being a nobody.

Mueller was never a nobody.
He's part of the deep state... incredibly political. Dip shit

That's cute. You're reduced to talking about the so called "DEEP STATE". Will you be bringing up the Bilderbergs, chemtrails, and Bigfoot next?
No, just that you can never trust the federal government… Career politicians and the deep state make up the federal government
It's like this one.....

The Loony tunes Left can't seem to give up! oh boy LOL:biggrin:

I like watching libs like Bulldog try to boost the credibility of fools like Bertram when they post these Russia collusion fantasies and act like they actually believe there's something there. "Any day now".....LMAO!

Who said any day now? The investigation will finish when it is finished.
I guess we all will just have to wait. I don't know, and Mueller isn't telling. Interesting that he has such a long list of Trump's family and associates that he will be interviewing. Why do you think he wants to talk to all those people?
Because the moment he closes this investigation he goes back to being a nobody.

Mueller was never a nobody.
He's part of the deep state... incredibly political. Dip shit

That's cute. You're reduced to talking about the so called "DEEP STATE". Will you be bringing up the Bilderbergs, chemtrails, and Bigfoot next?
No, just that you can never trust the federal government… Career politicians and the deep state make up the federal government

Got it. Nice tinfoil hat you got there.
Because the moment he closes this investigation he goes back to being a nobody.

Mueller was never a nobody.
He's part of the deep state... incredibly political. Dip shit

That's cute. You're reduced to talking about the so called "DEEP STATE". Will you be bringing up the Bilderbergs, chemtrails, and Bigfoot next?
No, just that you can never trust the federal government… Career politicians and the deep state make up the federal government

Got it. Nice tinfoil hat you got there.
Only a fool thinks that the federal government has the best interests for the country in mind...
fuck the village/collective
Mueller was never a nobody.
He's part of the deep state... incredibly political. Dip shit

That's cute. You're reduced to talking about the so called "DEEP STATE". Will you be bringing up the Bilderbergs, chemtrails, and Bigfoot next?
No, just that you can never trust the federal government… Career politicians and the deep state make up the federal government

Got it. Nice tinfoil hat you got there.
Only a fool thinks that the federal government has the best interests for the country in mind...
fuck the village/collective

He's part of the deep state... incredibly political. Dip shit

That's cute. You're reduced to talking about the so called "DEEP STATE". Will you be bringing up the Bilderbergs, chemtrails, and Bigfoot next?
No, just that you can never trust the federal government… Career politicians and the deep state make up the federal government

Got it. Nice tinfoil hat you got there.
Only a fool thinks that the federal government has the best interests for the country in mind...
fuck the village/collective

The federal government should not be seen nor heard…

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