MSNBC vs Fox on Wisconsin election coverage fairness

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Been flipping back n forth between both channels. Thus far the bias and favoritism is huge and its huge on one channel only.

MSNBC is carrying wall to wall coverage and ONLY has liberal guests. On top of that they have a huge liberal audience clapping and cheering every 2 or 3 minutes.

Fox News has normal programing with intermittent 60 second spots about what's going on in Wisconsin. All with 0 guests or salivating audience members.

I don't wanna hear anymore nonsense about Fox News. And if you doubt me turn on the circus that is MSNBC and compare it to normal human being behavior by a real news organization.
Been flipping back n forth between both channels. Thus far the bias and favoritism is huge and its huge on one channel only.

MSNBC is carrying wall to wall coverage and ONLY has liberal guests. On top of that they have a huge liberal audience clapping and cheering every 2 or 3 minutes.

Fox News has normal programing with intermittent 60 second spots about what's going on in Wisconsin. All with 0 guests or salivating audience members.

I don't wanna hear anymore nonsense about Fox News. And if you doubt me turn on the circus that is MSNBC and compare it to normal human being behavior by a real news organization.

In fairness, nobody actually watches MSNBC.
I guess I just know both stations are full of shit so I don't watch either. Sometimes I see fox news on while at the gym and I'm a bit amazed how retarded sounding all the hosts are, it sounds like a game show.

I'm sure MSN ain't any better. I'm happy I have not had cable tv for the last 15 or so years of my life.
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Right now the MSNBC host is demanding that investigations begin into election fraud.


The set up begins....
I guess I just know both stations are full of shit so I don't watch either. Sometimes I see fox news on while at the gym and I'm a bit amazed how retarded sounding all the hosts are, it sounds like a game show.

I'm sure MSN ain't any better. I'm happy I have not had cable tv for the last 15 or so years of my life.

CNN is my choice, though I watch others on occasion; MSNBC online doesn't feature this as a top story.
Been flipping back n forth between both channels. Thus far the bias and favoritism is huge and its huge on one channel only.

MSNBC is carrying wall to wall coverage and ONLY has liberal guests. On top of that they have a huge liberal audience clapping and cheering every 2 or 3 minutes.

Fox News has normal programing with intermittent 60 second spots about what's going on in Wisconsin. All with 0 guests or salivating audience members.

I don't wanna hear anymore nonsense about Fox News. And if you doubt me turn on the circus that is MSNBC and compare it to normal human being behavior by a real news organization.

No surprise there the only surprise will be if Walker wins how long it will take for everyone at MSNBC to start calling for a recount.
Well, we ALL know that FOX is always fair and balanced. They would never express favor for any candidate in any race. They just lay out the facts and let the informed viewer decide. Hell, if you watch FOX, you'd never know which candidate the fair and balanced channel wants to win.
Hannity will start the party at 9:00

I'm sure you're right and I'm also sure he will have liberal guests!

Odd neither of you see the bias in what you're saying... No news channel should have a "party" over one side winning an election, its blatantly un professional imo.

Hannity is political commentary, not news. So no issue at all. It's like Howard Stern having a party.
But we've already seen the morning after spin: Walker outspent the Dems so the solution is campaign finance reform. Bet on it.
FOXnews online has a big headline about Bill Clinton & Obama 'being out of step', perfect news for those who like their news "SIMPLE", as an atheist, very right wing, Republican female I had the misfortune to know, once said.
Been flipping back n forth between both channels. Thus far the bias and favoritism is huge and its huge on one channel only.

MSNBC is carrying wall to wall coverage and ONLY has liberal guests. On top of that they have a huge liberal audience clapping and cheering every 2 or 3 minutes.

Fox News has normal programing with intermittent 60 second spots about what's going on in Wisconsin. All with 0 guests or salivating audience members.

I don't wanna hear anymore nonsense about Fox News. And if you doubt me turn on the circus that is MSNBC and compare it to normal human being behavior by a real news organization.

No surprise there the only surprise will be if Walker wins how long it will take for everyone at MSNBC to start calling for a recount.

The host is already demanding an investigation. It's such a fucking joke. More lopsided than the Poseidon after the wreck.
BSNBC Biased?? Say it ain't so... They are probably the most biased on the actual news coverage and definitely the most biased when it comes to commentary or their talk shows... It's pretty well known Fox is biased on its commentary or talk shows, but pretty damn good when it comes to the news broadcasts and getting guests from both sides on the news...
Gramps.........when will your advanced years bestow you with wisdom? FOX is not a "real news organization". Neither is MSNBC. But then.........they don't claim to be.

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