msnbc: Kids don't belong to their parents.

Nope, I heard what she said. I do agree we're walking away with two different interpretations of it, but having lived in the same kinds of diverse urban communities she has, I understand what she's saying and what she means. She's not advocating communism or wokism or whatever-ism.

You all are pissing in your britches because there are different ways to look at the relationships between family, community, and state, and hers is quite obviously different than yours. Fine - you don't have to agree, but it's blatantly bat-shit wrong to say that what she's saying is communist, as was suggested in the OP. Has zero to do with socialism, communism, Maoism, or Statism. Her viewpoint would actually be considered conservative in many parts of the world, including in many countries with capitalist economies.

You're free to believe whatever you want, as I am not going to change your mind and not interested in trying.

You are interpreting while others are directly citing what she said.
Your spin is a failure
Holy Cow.
That is the complete opposite of reality.
"Urban areas accept the role of public institutions... like police" - holy hell!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!
What freaking alternate universe do you live in??
Yeah... it was small towns that defunded police - not the cities!!...... whahahahaha

Who is this clueless moron people?

Nobody defunded the police. The police are still funded. Even when Camden, NJ defunded its police, that didn't end policing in Camden; it was reorganized under a different umbrella.

It's rural communities that don't have policing; urban communities have plenty of it, even as people rightly criticize police culture.

Catastrophic staffing shortage’ hits California’s rural police first, and hardest​

Democrats... focused on children... again

It's conservatives who sexualize children, not Democrats. We're not the ones advocating marrying 12 year-olds and that 11-year-olds have to carry the bastard child of their rapist to term. That's some sick fucked up shit right there, and that's conservatives who own that.

Listen to this commie shit with this one. So matter of fact in her arrogant voice. What the useful idiots are in a nutshell to the power elites pulling this one's strings.

It would be a cold day in hell when I turn my kids over to "woke" community leader.
She absolutely IS SAYIING that

You are a liar who is attempting to twist what she said.
No, it's not. This is barely a 30 second clip and you alt-right lemmings have managed to read a whole litany of things into her statement that simply weren't there.
She is advocating for helping families out as a community. Not just leaving parents to shoulder all the responsibility. Outreach programs, after school programs, and things
to help parents (both of whom may have to work) to help raise their children.

Folks... just sayin.. this multivitamin person is either a complete moron, or just trolling everyone to distract from reality.
He took over this thread.
The best thing to do is ignore trolls.
Yes. C'mon, you're part of the way there. Now come all the way. The sentences that come AFTER this statement in a 30 second clip used as a hatchet job....hint...the word "investments" should clue you in..or maybe not. :)

Here we have another excellent example of a leftist lying to itself.
Here we have another excellent example of a leftist lying to itself.
Uh-huh. Well, you run with that. It's a 30 second clip. Please point out where she says parents aren't responsible for or have any say in not rearing their child.

I'll wait. I've been pretty lax about not responding to the usual alt-right suspects.
You can be the first. :)
More examples of politicians saying your kid does not belong to you and that the government knows what is best.

Senate Bill Would Block Children Under 16 from Social Media

You're banning Drag Queen Story Hour, but you want your kids on social media?????? You ban them from drinking and driving underage, but they can buy a gun and use a product proven to cause mental health problems and lead to suicide.

There is no sanity or logic to your reasoning.
You're banning Drag Queen Story Hour, but you want your kids on social media?????? You ban them from drinking and driving underage, but they can buy a gun and use a product proven to cause mental health problems and lead to suicide.

There is no sanity or logic to your reasoning. have no idea what you are rambling about.
It's conservatives who sexualize children, not Democrats. We're not the ones advocating marrying 12 year-olds and that 11-year-olds have to carry the bastard child of their rapist to term. That's some sick fucked up shit right there, and that's conservatives who own that.

Give me a break.

I'm so sick of you leftists loons

I'm on record criticizing that daffy allowing 12 year olds to marry.

Now let me see you criticize anyone who says a parent doesn't have every right to know what's going on in their child's lives. Every aspect.

Let me see you criticize the grooming, sexualization of children, allowing mental drag queens access to them...etc etc

Until you do? Sit the fck down and STFU
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Give me a break.

I'm so sick of you leftists loons

I'm on record criticizing that daffy allowing 12 year olds to marry.

That's not just a one-off though. As I posted earlier, conservative legislators in several states have advocated against making child marriage illegal. So there's clearly a pedo pattern here among conservatards.

Now let me see you criticize anyone who says a parent doesn't have every right to know what's going on in their child's lives. Every aspect.

Let me see you criticize the grooming, sexualization of children, allowing mental drag queens access to them...etc etc

I just did, but unlike you and other conservatives, I'm not going to sexualize something that isn't sexual. Just because someone dresses up in drag doesn't make it sexual. Conservatives are so obsessed with other people's private parts that they see sexual desire where there isn't any.

Until you do? Sit the fck down and STFU

That's not just a one-off though. As I posted earlier, conservative legislators in several states have advocated against making child marriage illegal. So there's clearly a pedo pattern here among conservatards.

I just did, but unlike you and other conservatives, I'm not going to sexualize something that isn't sexual. Just because someone dresses up in drag doesn't make it sexual. Conservatives are so obsessed with other people's private parts that they see sexual desire where there isn't any.

No you keep going on about child marriage and ignoring the plank in your eye

Just stop
The fact you don't makes me wonder

You should probably avoid children

Oh wow, the conservatard's go to when he can't make his point: call someone a fag or a pedo.

It's y'all who are obsessed with genitalia and sex, not us. I think we've learned by now that any time a conservatard suggests someone's a creep, they're just projecting as a cover for their own creepy thoughts and tendencies.

Stay classy, creep. And take your own advice about avoiding children.
Oh wow, the conservatard's go to when he can't make his point: call someone a fag or a pedo.

It's y'all who are obsessed with genitalia and sex, not us. I think we've learned by now that any time a conservatard suggests someone's a creep, they're just projecting as a cover for their own creepy thoughts and tendencies.

Stay classy, creep. And take your own advice about avoiding children.

I never called you a pedo

You're foundering when confronted

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