MSNBC host claims Republicans is greater threat to US than foreign terrorists

all over shadowed by a dem party that lets now millions of illegals saturated with covid into the country to infect the rest of us.
Sorry, Trump's big beautiful wall, Mexico was supposed to pay for, didn't stop them.
Just another, in a long list, of Trump failures.
I would say that we are a far greater threat to ourselves than foreign terrorists so he has it half right.

Republicans pretty much rolled over and let the Democrats steal the 2020 election so why are the Libtards bitching about the Republicans? Most Republicans are RINOs that will compromise Conservative values so the Libtard assholes have no real threat to their mission of turning the US into a Socialist shithole.

Republicans pretty much rolled over and let the Democrats steal the 2020 election so why are the Libtards bitching about the Republicans? Most Republicans are RINOs that will compromise Conservative values so the Libtard assholes have no real threat to their mission of turning the US into a Socialist shithole.
Conservative "values"?
I would love to read about them, from actual conservatives, not self proclaimed ones that claim to be, at election time or when a democrat is in office.

Republicans HAVE turned the US into a socialist shit hole............................All of it corporate.
So you wish for their deaths and if you noticed Trump and other Republicans have been vaccinated, so I guess you just lied!
Yep, I heard.
The Covid-19 vaccine has become so polarizing that some people in Missouri are getting inoculated in secret for fear of backlash from their friends and family who oppose vaccinations.

"They've had some experience that's sort of changed their mind from the viewpoint of those in their family, those in their friendship circles or their work circles. And they came to their own decision that they wanted to get a vaccine," said Dr. Priscilla Frase, a hospitalist and chief medical information officer at Ozarks Healthcare in West Plains, Missouri.
In a hospital produced video, Frase said one pharmacist at her hospital told her "they've had several people come in to get vaccinated who have tried to sort of disguise their appearance and even went so far as to say, 'please, please, please don't let anybody know that I got this vaccine.'"
all over shadowed by a dem party that lets now millions of illegals saturated with covid into the country to infect the rest of us.
You got anything to back that assertion up? Because so, far, it's turned out to be a lot of talking points.
The people infecting the "rest" of you are the people who won't get vaccinated....
Yep, I heard.
The Covid-19 vaccine has become so polarizing that some people in Missouri are getting inoculated in secret for fear of backlash from their friends and family who oppose vaccinations.

"They've had some experience that's sort of changed their mind from the viewpoint of those in their family, those in their friendship circles or their work circles. And they came to their own decision that they wanted to get a vaccine," said Dr. Priscilla Frase, a hospitalist and chief medical information officer at Ozarks Healthcare in West Plains, Missouri.
In a hospital produced video, Frase said one pharmacist at her hospital told her "they've had several people come in to get vaccinated who have tried to sort of disguise their appearance and even went so far as to say, 'please, please, please don't let anybody know that I got this vaccine.'"
And yet they are getting vaccinated…
You can't criticize anyone on the extreme right for fear of being called a RINO or worse. I have no fear of saying anyone who gets violent at a protest ought to be arrested. You can't make that statement.
Actually I have and you can look up my opinion on the January 6th insurrection, so I guess I caught you in a damn lie.

I wanted Trump impeached over the insurrection but hey you have the memory of a gnat!
Actually I have and you can look up my opinion on the January 6th insurrection, so I guess I caught you in a damn lie.

I wanted Trump impeached over the insurrection but hey you have the memory of a gnat!
I don't keep track of you people and the bullshit you say.
Sorry, Trump's big beautiful wall, Mexico was supposed to pay for, didn't stop them.
Just another, in a long list, of Trump failures.
It sure stops them. Now they line up like cattle at a feed trough at the wall and Biden lets them in. Bush 1, Clinton, Obama all built hundreds of miles of border fencing.
I don't keep track of you people and the bullshit you say.
So now I wrote bullshit and I am one of those you people…

Funny how radical assholes like yourself write “ you people “ when caught lying as usual.

Well I have been outspoken about Trump many times over his dealings with Mexico, his words that caused the January 6th insurrection and even stated in many threads about his personal life that he is and always will be a Charlatan, so I guess that is all bullshit in your eyes because when someone does not agree with you, well then that person become “ you people “…
Conservative "values"?
I would love to read about them, from actual conservatives, not self proclaimed ones that claim to be, at election time or when a democrat is in office.

Republicans HAVE turned the US into a socialist shit hole............................All of it corporate.

But yet "Corporate Interest" are the one that backed The Worthless Negro, Crooked Hillary and Joe Dufus in their Presidential runs with more campaign donations than they gave the Republicans.

The Democrats give them subsidies, bailouts and support globalization. That is why Big Tech, Wall Street and the Environmental Wacko companies love the Democrats so much.

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