MSM dupes and abuses the DC Bishop by making her a political opp


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Today's MSM narrative on

CNBC, MSNBC, & CNN was to use an unwitting DC Bishop The Rev Mariann Budde as a photo op political deflection and canceling agent against Trump standing up for religious freedom and protection of it's properties.

Her beef blasted all over fake news
was that she considered the presidents stop at the arch dioceses as political posteuring, forgeting it was a marker of a special occasion, a 100th year anniversary of the birth of Pope JPll. and MSM was not gonna correct her by pointing that out, instead they used her as a pawn the way she claimed the president was doing with his memorializing and honoring the Pope at his statue.

But this abuse of a unsuspecting Bishop gets worse. Her whole beef derived by believing the president should have brought up the Floyd situation that he already did in a few speeches, one being a very eloquent speech during his Nasa briefing that MSNBC and CNN purposely censored coverage of. So in a way they let this bishop believe Trump never had this serious conversation nor support for the people even though he helped with the rush on the conviction. They lied to her by what obviously is her source of news being the ones keeping info from her and thinking Trump was pitted against protesters, then not telling her the truth about the Presidents speech and distinction between rightful peaceful protesters and violent agitators, so she looked like an idiot on all the networks=used her as a political stunt.

She became what she thought the church was being used for=irony at it's finest.
Rev Mariann Budde you've been duped by your news source-congrats you are offically part of the TDS brought on by the media puppeteers.
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So that's how you're excusing gassing a church for a photo op?

Trump cultists clearly hate Christianity more than anyone thought.
I'M SORRY EXPLAIN YOURSELF, what does gasing a church mean, Michael Moore was in no proximity of that church holding a burrito.????
So that's how you're excusing gassing a church for a photo op?

Trump cultists clearly hate Christianity more than anyone thought.
Gassing a church?

When did he gas the church? The church was boarded up, there were no worshippers in the building. Why would he gas an empty building?

But what you can't explain is why anarchists tried to burn it to the ground.
So that's how you're excusing gassing a church for a photo op?

Trump cultists clearly hate Christianity more than anyone thought.
/----/ Is gassing a church like gassing a car?
Uh oh....more “outrage”. And more media atheists suddenly finding religion authoritative.

A female “bishop” is always laughable. And predictable.
Today's MSM narrative on

CNBC, MSNBC, & CNN was to use an unwitting DC Bishop The Rev Mariann Budde as a photo op political deflection and canceling agent against Trump standing up for religious freedom and protection of it's properties.

Her beef blasted all over fake news
was that she considered the presidents stop at the arch dioceses as political posteuring, forgeting it was a marker of a special occasion, a 100th year anniversary of the birth of Pope JPll. and MSM was not gonna correct her by pointing that out, instead they used her as a pawn the way she claimed the president was doing with his memorializing and honoring the Pope at his statue.

But this abuse of a unsuspecting Bishop gets worse. Her whole beef derived by believing the president should have brought up the Floyd situation that he already did in a few speeches, one being a very eloquent speech during his Nasa briefing that MSNBC and CNN purposely censored coverage of. So in a way they let this bishop believe Trump never had this serious conversation nor support for the people even though he helped with the rush on the conviction. They lied to her by what obviously is her source of news being the ones keeping info from her and thinking Trump was pitted against protesters, then not telling her the truth about the Presidents speech and distinction between rightful peaceful protesters and violent agitators, so she looked like an idiot on all the networks=used her as a political stunt.

She became what she thought the church was being used for=irony at it's finest.
Rev Mariann Budde you've been duped by your news source-congrats you are offically part of the TDS brought on by the media puppeteers.

Hey HaShev this “bishop” claims the Bible is the “most sacred text in Judeo-Christian tradition”.

What a numbskull.
The Bishop has bigger problems explaining the timing of broadcast choices of EWTN.
Ironically the bishop is one of the strongest pieces on a “ chess” board... By the news media using the bishop in such a blatant way one can see they are willing to do anything and sacrifice and I mean sacrifice anything to get the “ king” Donnie to either forfeit, walk away or paint him in such a bad light that he will loose his place as king...Why I even saw a political cartoon( propaganda that would make even goebels smile) of Donnie holding up a bible and Hitler doing the same thing... So they are comparing him to Hitler which is not only an insult to Donald but to all those whoever suffered at the hands of Hitler... When did the news media become so disgusting that they don’t even try to hide which side they are on... It is certainly not a level playing field and everything is tilted against Donald but Vegas is opening up soon and if they are giving odds against Donnie winning again I just might put some money on Donnie and if he wins again it might take a year or two before the grin will leave my face... The whole thing is so humorous if it wasn’t so rediculous how blatant and in the open they really are...
Uh oh....more “outrage”. And more media atheists suddenly finding religion authoritative.

A female “bishop” is always laughable. And predictable.
/——/ Female Bishop??? I thought it was a Catholic Church.
Uh oh....more “outrage”. And more media atheists suddenly finding religion authoritative.

A female “bishop” is always laughable. And predictable.
/——/ Female Bishop??? I thought it was a Catholic Church.

No she’s episcopal. The church with more questions than answers. The dying church that has lost 3/4 of its membership since it started the female bishop heresy in the 1970’s. The media’s favorite “church”.
One of their bishops, Bishop Spong, actually chastises his parishioners for their foolishness in believing in God.

Today's MSM narrative on

CNBC, MSNBC, & CNN was to use an unwitting DC Bishop The Rev Mariann Budde as a photo op political deflection and canceling agent against Trump standing up for religious freedom and protection of it's properties.

Her beef blasted all over fake news
was that she considered the presidents stop at the arch dioceses as political posteuring, forgeting it was a marker of a special occasion, a 100th year anniversary of the birth of Pope JPll. and MSM was not gonna correct her by pointing that out, instead they used her as a pawn the way she claimed the president was doing with his memorializing and honoring the Pope at his statue.

But this abuse of a unsuspecting Bishop gets worse. Her whole beef derived by believing the president should have brought up the Floyd situation that he already did in a few speeches, one being a very eloquent speech during his Nasa briefing that MSNBC and CNN purposely censored coverage of. So in a way they let this bishop believe Trump never had this serious conversation nor support for the people even though he helped with the rush on the conviction. They lied to her by what obviously is her source of news being the ones keeping info from her and thinking Trump was pitted against protesters, then not telling her the truth about the Presidents speech and distinction between rightful peaceful protesters and violent agitators, so she looked like an idiot on all the networks=used her as a political stunt.

She became what she thought the church was being used for=irony at it's finest.
Rev Mariann Budde you've been duped by your news source-congrats you are offically part of the TDS brought on by the media puppeteers.
Lol, you guys are attacking your own.

And the mind boggles at anyone considering a tRump speech "eloquent".

I mean, seriously?
Today's MSM narrative on

CNBC, MSNBC, & CNN was to use an unwitting DC Bishop The Rev Mariann Budde as a photo op political deflection and canceling agent against Trump standing up for religious freedom and protection of it's properties.

Her beef blasted all over fake news
was that she considered the presidents stop at the arch dioceses as political posteuring, forgeting it was a marker of a special occasion, a 100th year anniversary of the birth of Pope JPll. and MSM was not gonna correct her by pointing that out, instead they used her as a pawn the way she claimed the president was doing with his memorializing and honoring the Pope at his statue.

But this abuse of a unsuspecting Bishop gets worse. Her whole beef derived by believing the president should have brought up the Floyd situation that he already did in a few speeches, one being a very eloquent speech during his Nasa briefing that MSNBC and CNN purposely censored coverage of. So in a way they let this bishop believe Trump never had this serious conversation nor support for the people even though he helped with the rush on the conviction. They lied to her by what obviously is her source of news being the ones keeping info from her and thinking Trump was pitted against protesters, then not telling her the truth about the Presidents speech and distinction between rightful peaceful protesters and violent agitators, so she looked like an idiot on all the networks=used her as a political stunt.

She became what she thought the church was being used for=irony at it's finest.
Rev Mariann Budde you've been duped by your news source-congrats you are offically part of the TDS brought on by the media puppeteers.
Lol, you guys are attacking your own.

And the mind boggles at anyone considering a tRump speech "eloquent".

I mean, seriously?
/——-/ If a speech doesn’t reference Gaye marriage and abortion on demand, you won’t consider it eloquent.
Today's MSM narrative on

CNBC, MSNBC, & CNN was to use an unwitting DC Bishop The Rev Mariann Budde as a photo op political deflection and canceling agent against Trump standing up for religious freedom and protection of it's properties.

Her beef blasted all over fake news
was that she considered the presidents stop at the arch dioceses as political posteuring, forgeting it was a marker of a special occasion, a 100th year anniversary of the birth of Pope JPll. and MSM was not gonna correct her by pointing that out, instead they used her as a pawn the way she claimed the president was doing with his memorializing and honoring the Pope at his statue.

But this abuse of a unsuspecting Bishop gets worse. Her whole beef derived by believing the president should have brought up the Floyd situation that he already did in a few speeches, one being a very eloquent speech during his Nasa briefing that MSNBC and CNN purposely censored coverage of. So in a way they let this bishop believe Trump never had this serious conversation nor support for the people even though he helped with the rush on the conviction. They lied to her by what obviously is her source of news being the ones keeping info from her and thinking Trump was pitted against protesters, then not telling her the truth about the Presidents speech and distinction between rightful peaceful protesters and violent agitators, so she looked like an idiot on all the networks=used her as a political stunt.

She became what she thought the church was being used for=irony at it's finest.
Rev Mariann Budde you've been duped by your news source-congrats you are offically part of the TDS brought on by the media puppeteers.
Lol, you guys are attacking your own.

And the mind boggles at anyone considering a tRump speech "eloquent".

I mean, seriously?
So I'm guessing you did not hear the speech then, otherwise you just steped in it big time by protesting it.
Let me give you some common sense perspective;
When you protest something good that the people rally around and MSM and Politicians claim to sincerely ask of a leader and he delivers that, then they are exposed as are you, when they kvetch at the very thing they claim concern and ask for.
People notice this contradiction and it's destructive sabotaging behavior. Stop thinking everyone is too dumb to notice, it insults their intelligence and is quite racist when done to a group you pander to for a political lifeline.
Today's MSM narrative on

CNBC, MSNBC, & CNN was to use an unwitting DC Bishop The Rev Mariann Budde as a photo op political deflection and canceling agent against Trump standing up for religious freedom and protection of it's properties.

Her beef blasted all over fake news
was that she considered the presidents stop at the arch dioceses as political posteuring, forgeting it was a marker of a special occasion, a 100th year anniversary of the birth of Pope JPll. and MSM was not gonna correct her by pointing that out, instead they used her as a pawn the way she claimed the president was doing with his memorializing and honoring the Pope at his statue.

But this abuse of a unsuspecting Bishop gets worse. Her whole beef derived by believing the president should have brought up the Floyd situation that he already did in a few speeches, one being a very eloquent speech during his Nasa briefing that MSNBC and CNN purposely censored coverage of. So in a way they let this bishop believe Trump never had this serious conversation nor support for the people even though he helped with the rush on the conviction. They lied to her by what obviously is her source of news being the ones keeping info from her and thinking Trump was pitted against protesters, then not telling her the truth about the Presidents speech and distinction between rightful peaceful protesters and violent agitators, so she looked like an idiot on all the networks=used her as a political stunt.

She became what she thought the church was being used for=irony at it's finest.
Rev Mariann Budde you've been duped by your news source-congrats you are offically part of the TDS brought on by the media puppeteers.
Lol, you guys are attacking your own.

And the mind boggles at anyone considering a tRump speech "eloquent".

I mean, seriously?
/——-/ If a speech doesn’t reference Gaye marriage and abortion on demand, you won’t consider it eloquent.

It needs to at least contain a few compete sentences, fewer that 9 "beautiful"s and no "bigley"s at all.
Today's MSM narrative on

CNBC, MSNBC, & CNN was to use an unwitting DC Bishop The Rev Mariann Budde as a photo op political deflection and canceling agent against Trump standing up for religious freedom and protection of it's properties.

Her beef blasted all over fake news
was that she considered the presidents stop at the arch dioceses as political posteuring, forgeting it was a marker of a special occasion, a 100th year anniversary of the birth of Pope JPll. and MSM was not gonna correct her by pointing that out, instead they used her as a pawn the way she claimed the president was doing with his memorializing and honoring the Pope at his statue.

But this abuse of a unsuspecting Bishop gets worse. Her whole beef derived by believing the president should have brought up the Floyd situation that he already did in a few speeches, one being a very eloquent speech during his Nasa briefing that MSNBC and CNN purposely censored coverage of. So in a way they let this bishop believe Trump never had this serious conversation nor support for the people even though he helped with the rush on the conviction. They lied to her by what obviously is her source of news being the ones keeping info from her and thinking Trump was pitted against protesters, then not telling her the truth about the Presidents speech and distinction between rightful peaceful protesters and violent agitators, so she looked like an idiot on all the networks=used her as a political stunt.

She became what she thought the church was being used for=irony at it's finest.
Rev Mariann Budde you've been duped by your news source-congrats you are offically part of the TDS brought on by the media puppeteers.
Lol, you guys are attacking your own.

And the mind boggles at anyone considering a tRump speech "eloquent".

I mean, seriously?
So I'm guessing you did not hear the speech then, otherwise you just steped in it big time by protesting it.
Let me give you some common sense perspective;
When you protest something good that the people rally around and MSM and Politicians claim to sincerely ask of a leader and he delivers that, then they are exposed as are you, when they kvetch at the very thing they claim concern and ask for.
People notice this contradiction and it's destructive sabotaging behavior. Stop thinking everyone is too dumb to notice, it insults their intelligence and is quite racist when done to a group you pander to for a political lifeline.
Yes, I heard it. Two lines at the beginning expressing sympathy, half an hour inciting violence. It was full of sentence fragments, vague threats, and self congratulations.

Typical tRumpling garbage.

Of course you loved it.

Donald Trump misused the Christian bible as a flag of war for his own personal narcissism and the abolute will to win the next elections - without to take care about any price all US-American citizens will have to pay for.
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Ironically the bishop is one of the strongest pieces on a “ chess” board... By the news media using the bishop in such a blatant way one can see they are willing to do anything and sacrifice and I mean sacrifice anything to get the “ king” Donnie to either forfeit, walk away or paint him in such a bad light that he will loose his place as king...Why I even saw a political cartoon( propaganda that would make even goebels smile) of Donnie holding up a bible and Hitler doing the same thing... So they are comparing him to Hitler which is not only an insult to Donald but to all those whoever suffered at the hands of Hitler... When did the news media become so disgusting that they don’t even try to hide which side they are on... It is certainly not a level playing field and everything is tilted against Donald but Vegas is opening up soon and if they are giving odds against Donnie winning again I just might put some money on Donnie and if he wins again it might take a year or two before the grin will leave my face... The whole thing is so humorous if it wasn’t so rediculous how blatant and in the open they really are...
So they are comparing him to Hitler which is not only an insult to Donald but to all those whoever suffered at the hands of Hitler...
typically, the innocents (jews) repeat history appeasing tangential adversity then whine against retribution.

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