God, The Future, And This COVID-19 Killer Virus.


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
"I want to protect myself and protect others, and also because I want to
make it be a symbol for people to see that that's the kind of thing you
should be doing," Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert and
a member of the White House's coronavirus task force, told CNN's Jim
Sciutto on "Newsroom."
Fauci says he wears a mask to be a symbol of what 'you should be doing'

Dr. Anthony Fauci says wearing a mask is symbolic.

Fauci was the one that told Americans that we ought to NEVER again
shake hands with each other. He made it clear that he really meant NEVER
again should we shake hands. So obviously hugging is out too. People in
our church hug each other. Families hug each other. What kind of world will
we have if we allow the "experts" to tell us to stop shaking hands and stop
hugging each other?

The "experts" . . .

A Ph.D. can be a very unwise individual that merely had the ability to
memorize material and parrot it back to their professors in college and
university. Having "Doctor" before your name is not a guarantee that
you are in fact an expert in your field.

The "experts" are not really experts. I read only articles that are posted by
mainstream news organizations --- so as to reduce the amount of nonsense
that is all over the Internet -- and it is clear and obvious that nobody knows
what this COVID-19 virus is going to do. All the articles I read from CNN,
NBC, ABC, MSNBC, Fox News, etc are saturated with words like "but" and
"if" and "maybe" and "possibly" and other words and phrases that indicate
uncertainty with regard to what we ought to do, or not to do, with regard to
this COVID-19 killer virus.

One thing is absolutely certain: If the governments of the world, especially the
American government and the governments of Western nations, do not soon
re-open their economies, the world is going to have a sustained Global Economic
Depression that is going to end up being far worse, in terms of ruin, destruction,
and Death, than this COVID -19 killer virus.

A nation cannot have tens of millions of people with no jobs living on government
checks when there in no more jobs and money being generated via a booming
economy -- and survive as a nation. There will come a time when "Uncle Sugar"
can NO LONGER send you a check.

You have no job and no money and the government {Uncle Sugar} can no longer
send you a check. So what do you do then?

I mentioned this before. The American Government recently sent me and my
family a check for $2400.00 -- to stimulate the economy. They sent millions of
those checks out. Tens of millions of other families got checks for $3400.00.
{$500.00 for each child if they had 2 children}

Such as that cannot be sustained.

If this COVID-19 virus does what the "experts" say it is going to do -- which is
come back big time in the coming months, and possibly "stay around" for the
next two {2} years . . . or longer --- then we here on Planet Earth are going to
have to make some truly very "difficult choices."

I am an optimistic soul and I believe that the future of Christendom and the
human race is going to be bright and cheerful and full of "faith, hope, and love",
long-term. But with regard to the "short-term" there can be some very very
"bumpy roads" ahead.

I don't know what the best answers are. I don't think anybody else knows either.

Maybe this below is the best answer?

"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray,
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven,
and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.__2 Chronicles 7:14

Looks to me like we're to the point where we need the God of the Bible to "heal
our land."

What say you?

A Ph.D. can be a very unwise individual that merely had the ability to
memorize material and parrot it back to their professors in college

They often come from intellectually impoverished families and have self esteem problems that can only be assuaged by external symbols such as advanced degrees and conferred authority.
A Ph.D. can be a very unwise individual that merely had the ability to
memorize material and parrot it back to their professors in college

They often come from intellectually impoverished families and
have self esteem problems that can only be assuaged by
external symbols such as advanced degrees and conferred authority.

"Intellectually impoverished families" and "self-esteem problems"
Thanks for the comment.


Bible Verse For Today: {Regarding the Death of God's people}

"The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout
are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous
are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk
uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in
death."___Isaiah 57:1-2

"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful
servants."__Psalm 116:15


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