MSM bias... naw.....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
When Trump tried to use the MSM to go out from under the Birther moment, with reporters standing on chairs yelling at him because he would not answer their questions "why", yeah, that is when MSM turned against Trump.
When Trump tried to use the MSM to go out from under the Birther moment, with reporters standing on chairs yelling at him because he would not answer their questions "why", yeah, that is when MSM turned against Trump.

But there never should have been a "turn" ! Aren't journalists suppose to be objective? Report the news? Not make the news?
That's what commentators do. Rush, Hannity, Maddow, they all as commentators have a bias. But reporters, i.e. Lauer,Muir, Pelley, etc.. these are suppose
to be news readers not news makers. The same for the reporters in the field. But this is why most Americans don't trust the MSM.
They have seen the bias in the headlines, the 30 second sound bites. This is not journalism as I was taught in college. The 5 "Ws"... who,what,when, where, why, and not colored by my opinion as a journalist. Yet we just recently saw this study where Clinton got 96% of money donated by the press!
Journalists shower Hillary Clinton with campaign cash

When asked ‘What news or TV commentary do you trust the most?’
Other news outlets fared even worse:
  • Undecided (18.6%);
  • Fox News (27%)
  • CNN(15.4%)
  • CBS (7.7%);
  • ABC (6.9%);
  • MSNBC (6.6%);
  • NBC (6.5%);
  • PBS (6.1%);
  • C-SPAN (2.9%);
  • Comedy Central (2.3%).
Russian Hackers? 45% Call News Media 'Primary Threat That Might Try to Change Election Results'
So of these 1,000 likely voters over 25% thought Fox was more trust worth.
Hmmm... wonder why?

The same reason Dr Mindbender makes people do what he says. Or Trump can get away with being a Perv.

Fox spends their entire day attacking other outlets under the guise that they are Fair and Balanced. If they didnt talk about other media sources they'd have no shows, no one to critique

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