MSM bias and stupidity! Waiting for Trump to explain "wiretapping"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
But NOT ONE including Fox dispute "46 million uninsured Americans" FALSE CLAIM!

Even watching Fox keep harping on parsing what Trump said about Obama wire tapping asking where is the proof,etc. YET even Fox never ever disputes the issue of how many Americans REALLY WANT and NEED health insurance!!!
NOT one reporter has ever asked... Where did this number come from???


Where does anyone in the news ask the above question AFTER doing the research?
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Most of mainstream American media is a joke. They are unwilling or too stupid to find out the facts. It is almost entirely propaganda and has been for decades.

Sadly...too many Americans still believe what the MSM tells them.
It's hilarious since if Trump even tried to explain it, they'd just cut his feed and go to commercial.

Telephone tapping (also wire tapping or wiretapping in American English) is the monitoring of telephone and Internet conversations by a third party, often by covert mean
Telephone tapping - Wikipedia

And YET YOU believe the Gigantic LIE of Obama as does the MSM even Fox regarding 20 million people will be without health insurance! As if that is a bad thing since most of the 20 million never wanted to be FORCED to buy something they didn't need!
Watching these totally ignorant MSM reporters in the press conference and one stupid broad made a comment if Trump believed a microwave could be tapped!
ONE joke by Kellyanne Conway and the idiot press takes everything as TRUE!
Dummies ! Where were they when this stupid phrase "46 million uninsured Americans" was made by Obama?
Totally a LIE and yet NOT one of them seem to contest it BUT boy let a JOKE about a microwave... oh that is serious!

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