mr. Trump used a swear, i'm telling mommy !!


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
the rest of the field doesn't understand that's ok for us.

Trump is Trump all the way. foul mouther hillary gets a pass.

the words he says aren't that bad Hell ?, pussy ? really.

he doesn't couch his remarks, that's the refreshing part, he not hypocritical, he won't suddenly affect an accent to pander to the crowd he's in front of.

the other candidates on both sides know the die is cast... now, i predict after S.C. the other candidates will start being nice to the next President Trump, Marco for vice.

The HildaBeast

Top 16 foul-mouthed politicians

some candidates on both sides want good actors that wait till they get backstage or home to uncork, that bullshit. i remember hillary screaming at her lawyer, you fucking jew bastard !!.

when it comes to bernie, hillary had no comment about that.

2010: Known for his blunt talk, Vice President Joe Biden was heard telling Obama "this is a big f------ deal" during the March 23, 2010, signing of the health care reform bill. While he was whispering into the president's ear, the profanity was picked up by nearby microphones.

what biden should have said was "this is a big fucking loser" then he would have been right.

they're just words folks..
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Then why all the years of discipline actions to deter using swear words when being raised?
And the Bible has something to say about curse words..They are from the Devil..
Many regions and communities in the South could point to wash as an example of why good language is desirable.

Why sink to the lowest common denominator?

My point is that millions upon millions in the South will strongly consider Trump's language when deciding for whom to vote. They will not care what others think of that. In fact, I bet they won't even note those like wash disapprove. They would care less if they did know or simply consider that reinforcement they are right.
It will be used by Liberals and the Liberal media as yet another means by which to attack Trump while at the same time defending Beyoncé's NFL half-time performance.
The left are having a fit because he repeated a word that someone in the audience said.
It was not him who did.
The media also tried to say that he used the F word too but he did not. He left it blank.

Yet the media has no problem with the swear words our VP uses all of the time.
As I recall, the Bible says you oughtn't "curse" or "swear." Cursing is wishing evil on someone, and swearing is taking an oath based on the value of another person (more or less).

The Bible says nothing about common vulgarities which vary from culture to culture and time to time.

"Pussy" is not only a euphemism for vagina, but it also denotes someone who lacks strength or courage. Everyone who hears it, in context, knows exactly what is meant, and sorry to say, there is no other word in the American vernacular that captures that particular meaning as well as "pussy."

For a super-crude example of changing attitudes about vulgarities, to "get the shaft" is a prison-based expression referring to homosexual-anal rape. Today, you hear little old Irish grandmothers using that expression.

The word, "hell" is simply crude and is in no way immoral. To call someone an "ass" (i.e., a donkey) is also vulgar, but one could argue that there is no other word that expresses that particular insult as well as "ass." Would it be better to call the person a "supercilious fool"? I don't think so.

I have read some criticisms (always by Lefties) of Trump using the Yiddish words, "putz" and "schmuck," which are references to sexual organs. But how many people (outside New York) know that, or care? Americans who hear that slur know exactly what is meant.

If you don't like Donald Trump, then for God's sake, make a cogent argument why you don't like him, and don't pretend that he is "evil" because he uses certain common expressions that are best avoided in public. So what?

Don't walk through life with a broomstick up your ass.

Uh oh. I think I did it myself.
the rest of the field doesn't understand that's ok for us.

Trump is Trump all the way. foul mouther hillary gets a pass.

the words he says aren't that bad Hell ?, pussy ? really.

he doesn't couch his remarks, that's the refreshing part, he not hypocritical, he won't suddenly affect an accent to pander to the crowd he's in front of.

the other candidates on both sides know the die is cast... now, i predict after S.C. the other candidates will start being nice to the next President Trump, Marco for vice.

The HildaBeast

Top 16 foul-mouthed politicians

some candidates on both sides want good actors that wait till they get backstage or home to uncork, that bullshit. i remember hillary screaming at her lawyer, you fucking jew bastard !!.

when it comes to bernie, hillary had no comment about that.

2010: Known for his blunt talk, Vice President Joe Biden was heard telling Obama "this is a big f------ deal" during the March 23, 2010, signing of the health care reform bill. While he was whispering into the president's ear, the profanity was picked up by nearby microphones.

what biden should have said was "this is a big fucking loser" then he would have been right.

they're just words folks..

Actually, we DO understand that's okay for you. THAT would be the problem we have with it.

I suspect that most of the candidates swear and use vulgar language in private. But that's the point: IT'S IN PRIVATE. They are grown-ups who understand that that sort of crass, trashy behavior is not appropriate in public, and certainly not when one is running for or acting in the capacity of the Presidency.

I want someone who can tell the truth, face and answer the hard questions, and fight for what he believes in (I'm not convinced Trump believes in anything but Trump). But I also want someone who can do so in a serious, adult, dignified fashion. The President is the chief diplomat of the United States, and there is nothing diplomatic about flipping between acting like a tantrum-throwing child and a foul-mouthed, belligerent drunk.

I would not hire an employee who talked and behaved like that in a job interview, and I will not vote for someone who talks and behaves like that in a campaign.
The left are having a fit because he repeated a word that someone in the audience said. It was not him who did. The media also tried to say that he used the F word too but he did not. He left it blank. Yet the media has no problem with the swear words our VP uses all of the time.
:lol: It's not the left, you silly. A focus group of SC conservatives interviewed by Halperin on MSNBC were very bothered by the language. And, surprise, HT has not been president in 63 years.
From the beginning of the campaign, when he and other have chosen to insult, chosen to go to the gutter, chosen to go to the mud
It will be used by Liberals and the Liberal media as yet another means by which to attack Trump while at the same time defending Beyoncé's NFL half-time performance.
LOL!!! Get back to us when Beyonce runs for president.
Are you too young to remember a man named Harry Truman?
Which Superbowl did he do the halftime show? Comparing Trump to Truman is laughable. The Donald couldn't carry Harry's jockstrap.
Politicians swear. Get the fuck over it. Or don't. Doesn't matter either way.
America will have to make the decision....Is Donald Trump presidential?

I think Mr Trump will be sadly disappointed
he'll be swearing at himself if he gets elected and all those promises start to surface...

#%!*#!% ,,, %#@ &%@ % #@^%*&%# !!!!!!!
It will be used by Liberals and the Liberal media as yet another means by which to attack Trump while at the same time defending Beyoncé's NFL half-time performance.

smart Americans hold the President of the United States to higher standards than a half-time act.

as they should. :thup:
The evangelicals do not care what those say who support Trump's swearing.

The evangelicals could care less.
The evangelicals do not care what those say who support Trump's swearing.

The evangelicals could care less.

I can see them ignoring some of his choice of words

But his obviously phony love of the Bible, recent support of abortion and tramp of a wife?

What are they thinking?

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