Mr. Trump, Tear Down This Wall!


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2015
"Something there is that doesn't love a wall,"
Robert Frost "Mending Wall"


Symbol of aggression: Palestinians climb over a section of Israel's separation wall near Qalandia checkpoint between Ramallah to enter Jerusalem for Friday prayer in the al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam's third-holiest site, during the holy month of Ramadan last month


The world is building walls to keep out refugees and immigrants; many times more than were in existence when the Berlin Wall was built. But they are more a symbol of security than a true deterrent to unwelcome visitors, according to the Daily Mail.

With the current softening of Trump's stance on illegal immigration, has he begun to cotton on to the truth? That most illegal immigrants came here on a work or visitor's visa and did not renew it or leave? That a wall will not stop the clever and well funded cartels delivering illegal drugs to our avid buyers?
Would a wall stop some? The ones who can't think of any other way than to walk, sure.
But are those folks really the heart of the problem with our economy and crime?

Read more: How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders
What needs to be said is "Mr Netanyahu...tear down this wall"

Bibi will not tear down that wall in a million years
You know...if muslims would stop trying to murder Jews, then there would be no need for the have missed the problem that caused the wall to be built...why don't you start a post on that instead...?
Now.. I have seen some stupid threads...

I'm not surprised something this stupid was posted by the OP.

Typical leftist hack with no brains but more emotion than it knows what to do with.
You know...if muslims would stop trying to murder Jews, then there would be no need for the have missed the problem that caused the wall to be built...why don't you start a post on that instead...?

Myopia much?
"Something there is that doesn't love a wall,"...

The world is building walls to keep out refugees and immigrants; many times more than were in existence when the Berlin Wall was built. But they are more a symbol of security than a true deterrent to unwelcome visitors, according to the Daily Mail.

With the current softening of Trump's stance on illegal immigration, has he begun to cotton on to the truth? That most illegal immigrants came here on a work or visitor's visa and did not renew it or leave? That a wall will not stop the clever and well funded cartels delivering illegal drugs to our avid buyers?
Would a wall stop some? The ones who can't think of any other way than to walk, sure.
But are those folks really the heart of the problem with our economy and crime?

Read more: How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders
The point of a wall is not that it alone will prevent 100% of illegal immigration, smuggling, etc.

The point of such a thing is that it is a Force Multiplier, i..e. it makes the people paid to keep the border more effective by making the smugglers spend more time to overcome the obstacle by going through or around it. A good wall can make 100 border patrolmen as effective as a thousand. That is money well spent.

To truly be effective, they would have to build a forward wall to prevent ladders from getting over it to climb the more substantial interior wall. The inner wall should be at least 40' high as ladders at the hardware store are often 26' or so,and it is heavy as hell, even the aluminum ones. To get that over a 20' cyclone fence and then across an open 30' road area to climb a 40' wall is nearly impossible for a handful of civilians. To defeat that we are talking about tunnels or circumnavigating it and that again adds more time to the smugglers and gives the patrol a huge force multiplier.
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"Something there is that doesn't love a wall,"...

The world is building walls to keep out refugees and immigrants; many times more than were in existence when the Berlin Wall was built. But they are more a symbol of security than a true deterrent to unwelcome visitors, according to the Daily Mail.

With the current softening of Trump's stance on illegal immigration, has he begun to cotton on to the truth? That most illegal immigrants came here on a work or visitor's visa and did not renew it or leave? That a wall will not stop the clever and well funded cartels delivering illegal drugs to our avid buyers?
Would a wall stop some? The ones who can't think of any other way than to walk, sure.
But are those folks really the heart of the problem with our economy and crime?

Read more: How 65 countries have erected security walls on their borders
The point of a wall is not that it alone will prevent 100% of illegal immigration, smuggling, etc.

The point of such a thing is that it is a Force Multiplier, i..e. it makes the people paid to keep the border more effective by making the smugglers spend more time to overcome the obstacle by going through or around it. A good wall can make 100 border patrolmen as effective as a thousand. That is money well spent.

To truly be effective, they would have to build a forward wall to prevent ladders from getting over it to climb the more substantial interior wall. The inner wall should be at least 40' high as 26' or so,and it is heavy as hell, even the aluminum ones. To get that over a 20' cyclone fence and then across an open 30' rod area to climb a 40' wall is nearly impossible for a handful of civilians. To defeat that we are talking about tunnels or circumnavigating it and that again adds more time to the smugglers and gives the patrol a huge force multiplier.

Hey why don't we just dig a moat and fill it with alligators? It's cheaper and takes less maintenance. Then you can fix cameras on it and sell it on Pay TV, with Rump on the side calling play-by-play: "That one's a loser! Look at this guy-- low energy! Here's a disgusting pig! Here comes a rapist!"

Imagine the ratings. :rock:

You could sell a lot of Viagra with that show, I'm tellin' ya. Capitalism rocks.
What reality am I disregarding? The facts in my post? The facts in the linked article? What am I missing?
If you want to refute this, you've got some 'splaining to do, you and your friend rc.

Here's the reality dipshit, leftists build walls TO KEEP PEOPLE IN.

There rational world builds walls to keep people out.

Go piss and moan to China for building the biggest fucking wall known in the universe because they kept the poor oppressed mongolians from coming in and getting "their fair share" and write me a post card from your prison cell in Peking.

I'll send a box of Ramen Noodles.
What needs to be said is "Mr Netanyahu...tear down this wall"

Bibi will not tear down that wall in a million years
The big difference is that Gorbatjov had already started to dismantle the Berlin Wall. Reagan was just a f'ing opportunist who wanted to take credit for what Gorbatjov had already decided. No American president is going to say, "Mr Netanyahu...tear down this wall" because he will be left with egg on his face if he (or she) says that.
Hey why don't we just dig a moat and fill it with alligators? It's cheaper and takes less maintenance.
You dont know what the hell you are talking about, but hell, all you Dems ever do any more is fling shit at the wall and see what sticks.

And yes, I did that on purpose, loser.

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