Mr. President - We The People

Jokes on you because your president doesn't give a damn about anyone.

The guy trying to get his job definitely gives even less of a damn.

obama doesn't even take care of his family members. I wonder if his aunt is still living in the getto?

How are his immediate family members? you know wife, children, and in-laws? What about that 'conservative mantra' of 'self reliance'? What about the 'conservative mantra' of pulling one's self up by their bootstraps'? That's out the window now? :)
The guy trying to get his job definitely gives even less of a damn.

obama doesn't even take care of his family members. I wonder if his aunt is still living in the getto?

How are his immediate family members? you know wife, children, and in-laws? What about that 'conservative mantra' of 'self reliance'? What about the 'conservative mantra' of pulling one's self up by their bootstraps'? That's out the window now? :)

His aunt for one that lived in the projects?
We the People of the United States elected President Barack Obama by a two to one margin and intend to do it again

Obama 69,456,897

McCain 59,934,814

How exactly do you get two to one out of that result?

It just shows if you're dumb enough to vote for obama you can't even add. He was voted in by 69,456,897 high school drop-outs. It's like with the health care bill, he makes them take a screwing and like it.

Seems, if you're a right winger, you talk up the Constitution, but don't really understand it! We don't elect presidents by popular vote. The 2008 election WAS won by OVER a 2-1 margin according to the votes that count, the EC. You ever wonder why we didn't get a President Gore? Go ask a fifth grader. :lmao:
We the People support the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

We the People will crush any illegal activity against the laws of this country.

That's all. You may go, bigrebnc.
Obama still enjoys a huge lead in projected electoral votes and leads in most swing states

The problem with your Messiah is that he is unpopular with his own base, unpopular personally and has no clear message for his path forward

Expect Obama to win with 325 or more electoral votes

Sad but true, in my opinion. With 47 percent not paying federal income tax and those same 47 percent now going to be on the free Obamacare train who among them are going to vote to take any chance of losing their freebies? I don't think I would. So it appears that by putting more and more people into federal government dependency an almost unsurmountable advantage has been created. No matter which side of the aisle one sits that can't seem like good news.

Not paying federal tax? It's make it sound like they don't want to pay it and that they are free loaders. And it's not that high either.

The people not paying federal income tax are in that position because they don't make enough money to pay it. And it's not because they aren't breaking their back each and every day for a measly paycheck. It's because the cats at the top pay them the absolute least they can for their labor. And pay themselves the absolute most they can for doing nothing.

More than 50 million Americans are on Medicaid, the federal-state program aimed principally at the poor, a survey of state data by USA TODAY shows. That's up at least 17% since the recession began in December 2007.

More than 40 million people get food stamps, an increase of nearly 50% during the economic downturn, according to government data through May. The program has grown steadily for three years.

And more than 4.4 million Americans are on welfare, a jump of about 18 percent since late 2007.

Unemployment insurance caseloads peaked at nearly 12 million in January, the highest number on record
Obama's problem in this election is that he is not running against an unpopular incumbent. He's running on his own record... and he's got nothing.

Obama still enjoys a huge lead in projected electoral votes and leads in most swing states

The problem with your Messiah is that he is unpopular with his own base, unpopular personally and has no clear message for his path forward

Expect Obama to win with 325 or more electoral votes

Sad but true, in my opinion. With 47 percent not paying federal income tax and those same 47 percent now going to be on the free Obamacare train who among them are going to vote to take any chance of losing their freebies? I don't think I would. So it appears that by putting more and more people into federal government dependency an almost unsurmountable advantage has been created. No matter which side of the aisle one sits that can't seem like good news.

Wait, I thought that this was an "Obama Tax" that will affect the lower income Americans? How is this an 'Obamacare train' when it's MANDATORY??? How is this going to affect the republican/'conservatives' who are allegedly employed? Even the most BASIC Walmart full time job has a health care plan, where are these republicans working, on a fucking farm? :lol:
How is something 'government dependency' when you are now MANDATED to pay for it? Ha?
Obama still enjoys a huge lead in projected electoral votes and leads in most swing states

The problem with your Messiah is that he is unpopular with his own base, unpopular personally and has no clear message for his path forward

Expect Obama to win with 325 or more electoral votes

Sad but true, in my opinion. With 47 percent not paying federal income tax and those same 47 percent now going to be on the free Obamacare train who among them are going to vote to take any chance of losing their freebies? I don't think I would. So it appears that by putting more and more people into federal government dependency an almost unsurmountable advantage has been created. No matter which side of the aisle one sits that can't seem like good news.

Not paying federal tax? It's make it sound like they don't want to pay it and that they are free loaders. And it's not that high either.

The people not paying federal income tax are in that position because they don't make enough money to pay it. And it's not because they aren't breaking their back each and every day for a measly paycheck. It's because the cats at the top pay them the absolute least they can for their labor. And pay themselves the absolute most they can for doing nothing.
I wonder if they count people who receive refunds as "not paying taxes"? As far as I know, most people who work, get federal taxes taken out of their paychecks.
Sad but true, in my opinion. With 47 percent not paying federal income tax and those same 47 percent now going to be on the free Obamacare train who among them are going to vote to take any chance of losing their freebies? I don't think I would. So it appears that by putting more and more people into federal government dependency an almost unsurmountable advantage has been created. No matter which side of the aisle one sits that can't seem like good news.

Not paying federal tax? It's make it sound like they don't want to pay it and that they are free loaders. And it's not that high either.

The people not paying federal income tax are in that position because they don't make enough money to pay it. And it's not because they aren't breaking their back each and every day for a measly paycheck. It's because the cats at the top pay them the absolute least they can for their labor. And pay themselves the absolute most they can for doing nothing.

More than 50 million Americans are on Medicaid, the federal-state program aimed principally at the poor, a survey of state data by USA TODAY shows. That's up at least 17% since the recession began in December 2007.

More than 40 million people get food stamps, an increase of nearly 50% during the economic downturn, according to government data through May. The program has grown steadily for three years.

And more than 4.4 million Americans are on welfare, a jump of about 18 percent since late 2007.

Unemployment insurance caseloads peaked at nearly 12 million in January, the highest number on record


What's your point here?

The private sector's been hiring at a good clip..but for all the hiring they are's not enough. Add in, salaries are in the toilet. It's an employer's game..and they can get all sorts of things out of calling a 10 hour work day..and 8 hour work day. Or making someone a "manager" so they don't have to pay overtime.

All this adds to big bonuses for executives..while the rest of the country gets screwed.

So what do you suggest we do to pick up the slack, eh?

States are firing public employees in large numbers..because of their own tax cuts..and congress isn't doing anything about it.

So what was done in previous recessions, namely public sector hiring, isn't being done now.

So all the tax cuts and lazy regulation enforcement of the last administration got us to this point. Instead of thanking the country for all of that..and hiring like crazy..our "patriotic" company heads went overseas to hire for pennies on the dollar. So they could pay themselves more.

So again..what now?

How do you get the economy moving?

Tax cuts and de-regulation?

Sad but true, in my opinion. With 47 percent not paying federal income tax and those same 47 percent now going to be on the free Obamacare train who among them are going to vote to take any chance of losing their freebies? I don't think I would. So it appears that by putting more and more people into federal government dependency an almost unsurmountable advantage has been created. No matter which side of the aisle one sits that can't seem like good news.

Not paying federal tax? It's make it sound like they don't want to pay it and that they are free loaders. And it's not that high either.

The people not paying federal income tax are in that position because they don't make enough money to pay it. And it's not because they aren't breaking their back each and every day for a measly paycheck. It's because the cats at the top pay them the absolute least they can for their labor. And pay themselves the absolute most they can for doing nothing.
I wonder if they count people who receive refunds as "not paying taxes"? As far as I know, most people who work, get federal taxes taken out of their paychecks.

Conservative math is really strange.
Aha, propaganda!

Sucks because the video is true.

That's what propagandists always say. :eusa_liar:
Well here's the modern republican MO:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” (Hannity/Limbaugh/and the rest of the assholes who follow them)

“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over” (Hannity/Limbaugh/and the rest of the assholes who follow them)

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."
Sad but true, in my opinion. With 47 percent not paying federal income tax and those same 47 percent now going to be on the free Obamacare train who among them are going to vote to take any chance of losing their freebies? I don't think I would. So it appears that by putting more and more people into federal government dependency an almost unsurmountable advantage has been created. No matter which side of the aisle one sits that can't seem like good news.

I'm confused. Could you tell me where the "free" part comes in?

Do you deny the exsistance of Medicaid? What is the cost to the person?

You may go to the following site and see what the cost of Obamacare will be to YOU. I did the calculation and the point of getting government help is about 62500 for a couple and 45000 for single. So those who are not paying taxes NOW will either receive free or at least a big subsidy from the government. I hope I was able to help with your confusion.

What does the Supreme Court's health-care ruling mean for me? - The Washington Post
Did the previous Administration reduce, expand, or eliminate Medicaid?
I call it bullshit.

How can you justify that claim? Have we not lived through the obama error? Or did you sleep through it?

Justify what claim?

I posted one huge contradiction in the've failed to address. That's just one..there are others.

Like showing Martin Luther King while railing against "Statism". King was all about organizing people in a collective campaign to get the government to establish civil rights for black people in this country. That included having government order private establishments to serve black people.

Want more?

Or you going to address either of these?

Excellent points!!!!
obama is the great Re-distributor of wealth but his own.

The greatest redistribution of wealth in our history came about because of Reagans policies

What ever Reagan did worked......
Yeah.....he was quite the.......

How can you justify that claim? Have we not lived through the obama error? Or did you sleep through it?

Justify what claim?

I posted one huge contradiction in the've failed to address. That's just one..there are others.

Like showing Martin Luther King while railing against "Statism". King was all about organizing people in a collective campaign to get the government to establish civil rights for black people in this country. That included having government order private establishments to serve black people.

Want more?

Or you going to address either of these?

Excellent points!!!!

I do try..

The greatest redistribution of wealth in our history came about because of Reagans policies

What ever Reagan did worked what obama is doing is not working.

No it didn't. There were financial calamities during Reagan's 2 terms that required bailouts. Additionally he put up one of the biggest tax increases in American history and it was weighted to hit the less fortunate in this country.

And that wasn't even enough. George HW Bush had to raise taxes as well.

Yep, I made a LOT of money off of the RTC and FDIC fallout from the S&L scandal. :)
Justify what claim?

I posted one huge contradiction in the've failed to address. That's just one..there are others.

Like showing Martin Luther King while railing against "Statism". King was all about organizing people in a collective campaign to get the government to establish civil rights for black people in this country. That included having government order private establishments to serve black people.

Want more?

Or you going to address either of these?

Excellent points!!!!

I do try..

So a god damn turn coat pats you on the back and it makes you feel good?
bad fail on your part.
How can you justify that claim? Have we not lived through the obama error? Or did you sleep through it?

Justify what claim?

I posted one huge contradiction in the've failed to address. That's just one..there are others.

Like showing Martin Luther King while railing against "Statism". King was all about organizing people in a collective campaign to get the government to establish civil rights for black people in this country. That included having government order private establishments to serve black people.

Want more?

Or you going to address either of these?

Excellent points!!!!

no it wasn't

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