Moving On To Plan B....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. This was plan A......

"Black Panthers Intimidate White Voters?

2. Plan B......
Pretend that all those who actually go to vote will DIE of the Wuhan death.

Instead.....everyone simply mails in a vote.
It relies on the US Post Office....what could go wrong?
It means huge delays.....check to see if person is registered, see if they voted already, verify timely submission of the vote, etc., etc......

3. Let's see how it's going so far.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...

Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

Jun 30, 2020 - For one reason or another, county election officials have thrown out about 20% of the ballots submitted. With nearly 150,000 people, Paterson ...

4. Now.....which party champions this Mail-In fiasco???
The Democrat Party.

Hey.....if you can't trust the Democrat Party, who can you trust???????
There is another thread about what happens if neither candidate gets to 270 EC votes in November.
Its more than a mess.
1. Either 2/3 of the Senate (mostly democrats) votes for a new president pro tempore (but no one knows when thats supposed to happen)
2. Or the House votes for a new speaker on Jan 3rd and that speaker becomes president until the election is sorted out by the courts.
3. But what happens if like Bush-Gore, the fight goes into January and the new Senate (mostly Republicans) is sworn in? Would the full Senate vote, or just 2/3 of the senate? I don't think the Constitution has dates which triggers the various elections?!
There is another thread about what happens if neither candidate gets to 270 EC votes in November.
Its more than a mess.
1. Either 2/3 of the Senate (mostly democrats) votes for a new president pro tempore (but no one knows when thats supposed to happen)
2. Or the House votes for a new speaker on Jan 3rd and that speaker becomes president until the election is sorted out by the courts.
3. But what happens if like Bush-Gore, the fight goes into January and the new Senate (mostly Republicans) is sworn in? Would the full Senate vote, or just 2/3 of the senate? I don't think the Constitution has dates which triggers the various elections?!

You don't need the full membership to hold votes. Quorum is all you need.

Its in the blob's interest to not screw with the ballot counting by trying to slow down the post office. President Pelosi? LOL....
I have honestly lost track of how many schemes Dems have concocted now to defeat Trump. They vowed to impeach Trump before he was even sworn into office. Filed lawsuits in several states to contest the election before he was sworn in. Concocted the Russian collusion scheme, then the Ukraine scheme, the Trump tax return scheme, and on and on non stop for the past nearly 4 years.
Wouldn't it be easier for dems to come up with a message that resonates with voters instead of hatching these harebrained ideas to hack the vote?....

I believe that might be part of Plan 2a......riots, arson, anarcho-communists loose in the streets, the message is 'you vil learn to vote Democrat.....or ziz wil come to your street.'

We'll see in November if folks got the message.
There is another thread about what happens if neither candidate gets to 270 EC votes in November.
Its more than a mess.
1. Either 2/3 of the Senate (mostly democrats) votes for a new president pro tempore (but no one knows when thats supposed to happen)
2. Or the House votes for a new speaker on Jan 3rd and that speaker becomes president until the election is sorted out by the courts.
3. But what happens if like Bush-Gore, the fight goes into January and the new Senate (mostly Republicans) is sworn in? Would the full Senate vote, or just 2/3 of the senate? I don't think the Constitution has dates which triggers the various elections?!

Any prediction as to what will happen?
Since the Dems want mail in, then be prepared to wait until the mail in ballots are all verified. This isn't a Republican issue. It is a Democrat issue that they are shoving down our throats. Be prepared to wait while their votes are verified...
Since the Dems want mail in, then be prepared to wait until the mail in ballots are all verified. This isn't a Republican issue. It is a Democrat issue that they are shoving down our throats. Be prepared to wait while their votes are verified...

The Dem mail in ballot scheme CAN WORK and steal the election from Trump. Dems want to get as many people as possible to vote BEFORE there's a single presidential debate. When Biden crashes and burns, when his unpopular policies become known it won't matter because it will be too late for millions who voted by mail early to change their vote to Trump.
I have honestly lost track of how many schemes Dems have concocted now to defeat Trump. They vowed to impeach Trump before he was even sworn into office. Filed lawsuits in several states to contest the election before he was sworn in. Concocted the Russian collusion scheme, then the Ukraine scheme, the Trump tax return scheme, and on and on non stop for the past nearly 4 years.

Here's some reminders.....

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, one after another lead balloons.

1. This was plan A......

"Black Panthers Intimidate White Voters?
View attachment 372233

2. Plan B......
Pretend that all those who actually go to vote will DIE of the Wuhan death.

Instead.....everyone simply mails in a vote.
It relies on the US Post Office....what could go wrong?
It means huge delays.....check to see if person is registered, see if they voted already, verify timely submission of the vote, etc., etc......

3. Let's see how it's going so far.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...

Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

Jun 30, 2020 - For one reason or another, county election officials have thrown out about 20% of the ballots submitted. With nearly 150,000 people, Paterson ...

4. Now.....which party champions this Mail-In fiasco???
The Democrat Party.

Hey.....if you can't trust the Democrat Party, who can you trust???????
GOP Plan A:

The president revealed his real concern about mail-in voting: He’s worried Republicans will lose more elections

Donald Trump admitted on Monday that making it easier to vote in America would hurt the Republican party.

The president made the comments as he dismissed a Democratic-led push for reforms such as vote-by-mail, same-day registration and early voting as states seek to safely run elections amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Democrats had proposed the measures as part of the coronavirus stimulus. They ultimately were not included in the $2.2tn final package, which included only $400m to states to help them run elections.

“The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” Trump said during an appearance on Fox & Friends. “They had things in there about election days and what you do and all sorts of clawbacks. They had things that were just totally crazy and had nothing to do with workers that lost their jobs and companies that we have to save.”

Democrats often accuse Republicans of deliberately making it hard to vote in order to keep minorities, immigrants, young people and other groups from the polls. And Republicans often say they oppose voting reforms because of concerns of voter fraud – which is extremely rare – or concerns over having the federal government run elections. But Trump’s remarks reveal how at least some Republicans have long understood voting barriers to be a necessary part of their political self-preservation.
Since the Dems want mail in, then be prepared to wait until the mail in ballots are all verified. This isn't a Republican issue. It is a Democrat issue that they are shoving down our throats. Be prepared to wait while their votes are verified...

I hope you're not missing the point:

“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

― Joseph Stalin
1. This was plan A......

"Black Panthers Intimidate White Voters?
View attachment 372233

2. Plan B......
Pretend that all those who actually go to vote will DIE of the Wuhan death.

Instead.....everyone simply mails in a vote.
It relies on the US Post Office....what could go wrong?
It means huge delays.....check to see if person is registered, see if they voted already, verify timely submission of the vote, etc., etc......

3. Let's see how it's going so far.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...

Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

Jun 30, 2020 - For one reason or another, county election officials have thrown out about 20% of the ballots submitted. With nearly 150,000 people, Paterson ...

4. Now.....which party champions this Mail-In fiasco???
The Democrat Party.

Hey.....if you can't trust the Democrat Party, who can you trust???????
Thank you, PC, for yet ANOTHER fantastic post. Very nicely done.
1. This was plan A......

"Black Panthers Intimidate White Voters?
View attachment 372233

2. Plan B......
Pretend that all those who actually go to vote will DIE of the Wuhan death.

Instead.....everyone simply mails in a vote.
It relies on the US Post Office....what could go wrong?
It means huge delays.....check to see if person is registered, see if they voted already, verify timely submission of the vote, etc., etc......

3. Let's see how it's going so far.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...

Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

Jun 30, 2020 - For one reason or another, county election officials have thrown out about 20% of the ballots submitted. With nearly 150,000 people, Paterson ...

4. Now.....which party champions this Mail-In fiasco???
The Democrat Party.

Hey.....if you can't trust the Democrat Party, who can you trust???????
Thank you, PC, for yet ANOTHER fantastic post. Very nicely done.

Yuz is a peach, bluzie.
1. This was plan A......

"Black Panthers Intimidate White Voters?
View attachment 372233

2. Plan B......
Pretend that all those who actually go to vote will DIE of the Wuhan death.

Instead.....everyone simply mails in a vote.
It relies on the US Post Office....what could go wrong?
It means huge delays.....check to see if person is registered, see if they voted already, verify timely submission of the vote, etc., etc......

3. Let's see how it's going so far.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...

Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

Jun 30, 2020 - For one reason or another, county election officials have thrown out about 20% of the ballots submitted. With nearly 150,000 people, Paterson ...

4. Now.....which party champions this Mail-In fiasco???
The Democrat Party.

Hey.....if you can't trust the Democrat Party, who can you trust???????
Thank you, PC, for yet ANOTHER fantastic post. Very nicely done.

Yuz is a peach, bluzie.
Thanks, PC. You're one of my favorite posters on this site. Your posts are always intelligent and insightful, and a joy to read.
1. This was plan A......

"Black Panthers Intimidate White Voters?
View attachment 372233

2. Plan B......
Pretend that all those who actually go to vote will DIE of the Wuhan death.

Instead.....everyone simply mails in a vote.
It relies on the US Post Office....what could go wrong?
It means huge delays.....check to see if person is registered, see if they voted already, verify timely submission of the vote, etc., etc......

3. Let's see how it's going so far.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...

Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

Jun 30, 2020 - For one reason or another, county election officials have thrown out about 20% of the ballots submitted. With nearly 150,000 people, Paterson ...

4. Now.....which party champions this Mail-In fiasco???
The Democrat Party.

Hey.....if you can't trust the Democrat Party, who can you trust???????
Thank you, PC, for yet ANOTHER fantastic post. Very nicely done.

Yuz is a peach, bluzie.
Thanks, PC. You're one of my favorite posters on this site. Your posts are always intelligent and insightful, and a joy to read.


Thanks very much!!!
1. This was plan A......

"Black Panthers Intimidate White Voters?
View attachment 372233

2. Plan B......
Pretend that all those who actually go to vote will DIE of the Wuhan death.

Instead.....everyone simply mails in a vote.
It relies on the US Post Office....what could go wrong?
It means huge delays.....check to see if person is registered, see if they voted already, verify timely submission of the vote, etc., etc......

3. Let's see how it's going so far.

Over 80,000 mail-in ballots disqualified in NYC primary mess
New York District Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail Ballots › 2020/07/16 › new-york-mail-in-ball...

Jul 16, 2020 - New York Could Throw Out 1 in 5 Mail-in Ballots in One District, ... 20 percent of mail-in ballots will be thrown out for a variety of reasons.

Tens of thousands of mail ballots have been tossed out in this ... › politics › 2020/07/16

Jul 16, 2020 - Why ballots get thrown out. King County election workers sort vote-by-mail ballots for Washington state's presidential primary on March 10.

Fact check: Paterson election plagued with election fraud ... › fact-check › paterson-election-fraud

Jul 2, 2020 - Phil Murphy ordered be completed exclusively by mail-in voting due to ... Jersey election officials threw out nearly 20 percent of mail-in ballots.

Swaths of Absentee Ballots Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC › all-boroughs › politics › 2020/07/15

Jul 14, 2020 - Absentee ballots for the June primary are preliminary invalidated at ... Over 20 Percent of Absentee Ballots Are Being Invalidated in Some Parts of NYC ... they had no control, should not stop those votes from being counted.” ...

Mail Voting Gone Wrong—Again - WSJ › Opinion › Review & Outlook

Jun 30, 2020 - For one reason or another, county election officials have thrown out about 20% of the ballots submitted. With nearly 150,000 people, Paterson ...

4. Now.....which party champions this Mail-In fiasco???
The Democrat Party.

Hey.....if you can't trust the Democrat Party, who can you trust???????
Thank you, PC, for yet ANOTHER fantastic post. Very nicely done.

Yuz is a peach, bluzie.
Thanks, PC. You're one of my favorite posters on this site. Your posts are always intelligent and insightful, and a joy to read.


Thanks very much!!!
You're QUITE welcome.
There is another thread about what happens if neither candidate gets to 270 EC votes in November.
Its more than a mess.
1. Either 2/3 of the Senate (mostly democrats) votes for a new president pro tempore (but no one knows when thats supposed to happen)
2. Or the House votes for a new speaker on Jan 3rd and that speaker becomes president until the election is sorted out by the courts.
3. But what happens if like Bush-Gore, the fight goes into January and the new Senate (mostly Republicans) is sworn in? Would the full Senate vote, or just 2/3 of the senate? I don't think the Constitution has dates which triggers the various elections?!

Any prediction as to what will happen?
If "Bull Conner" Biden keeps trying to keep the blue plantations on the plantation, he might just lose enough votes to make a Trump wave. He sticks his head out of the basement just long enough to make a new gaffe or two. Case in point:

I can't wait until Joe gets out into full campaign mode, especially in the debates.

So my prediction and fervent hope is that Trump wins easily.
Otherwise there will be one Constitutional Crisis after another as the mail-in ballot mess sorts out.
If Roberts needs to make the crucial vote, again, who do you think he would vote for???????
Check and see which political party the United Postal Workers Union has been supporting for many years...and then ask "What can go Wrong?"

We all know.

The Democratic Party wants the United Postal Workers Union to pick the next President.


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