Mountie charged with voyeurism, sexual assault


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Happened from 2011-2018. I guess someone finally got around to stopping the creep. If not for the recent pressure on politicians and police agencies here, this wouldn't have happened for another 10 years, if at all. Hey, TPS is always hiring...

Ottawa police have charged a suspended RCMP officer from British Columbia with 34 counts of voyeurism and three counts of sexual assault, crimes alleged to have taken place over a seven-year span in this city.

Andrew Seangio, 35, of Richmond, B.C., was charged Wednesday. Police said Seangio was living in Ottawa when the alleged incidents took place between 2011 and 2018.

In a news release Thursday, Ottawa police said the alleged victims are six adult women who were all known to Seangio.
Rapists Caught Mounting People?
Royal Closeted Molestation Providers?
Riding Cuckoldry Master Professionals?
Happened from 2011-2018. I guess someone finally got around to stopping the creep. If not for the recent pressure on politicians and police agencies here, this wouldn't have happened for another 10 years, if at all. Hey, TPS is always hiring...

Ottawa police have charged a suspended RCMP officer from British Columbia with 34 counts of voyeurism and three counts of sexual assault, crimes alleged to have taken place over a seven-year span in this city.

Andrew Seangio, 35, of Richmond, B.C., was charged Wednesday. Police said Seangio was living in Ottawa when the alleged incidents took place between 2011 and 2018.

In a news release Thursday, Ottawa police said the alleged victims are six adult women who were all known to Seangio.
What was his gig? Upskirt camera perv, window peeping tom, bathroom voyeur, what?
Happened from 2011-2018. I guess someone finally got around to stopping the creep. If not for the recent pressure on politicians and police agencies here, this wouldn't have happened for another 10 years, if at all. Hey, TPS is always hiring...

Ottawa police have charged a suspended RCMP officer from British Columbia with 34 counts of voyeurism and three counts of sexual assault, crimes alleged to have taken place over a seven-year span in this city.

Andrew Seangio, 35, of Richmond, B.C., was charged Wednesday. Police said Seangio was living in Ottawa when the alleged incidents took place between 2011 and 2018.

In a news release Thursday, Ottawa police said the alleged victims are six adult women who were all known to Seangio.
What was his gig? Upskirt camera perv, window peeping tom, bathroom voyeur, what?

Who knows? Canadian police always find a way to get their rocks off, whether it's going after our young or going after our women.
Who knows? Canadian police always find a way to get their rocks off, whether it's going after our young or going after our women.
You ought to change your handle from Shockedcanadian to ShockingCandadian. Always thought well of that country to the North until I started reading your posts. You make it sound a lot like here, except it is a lot fricking colder. On the good side, I guess the ski season is longer and closer to more people.
Happened from 2011-2018. I guess someone finally got around to stopping the creep. If not for the recent pressure on politicians and police agencies here, this wouldn't have happened for another 10 years, if at all. Hey, TPS is always hiring...

Ottawa police have charged a suspended RCMP officer from British Columbia with 34 counts of voyeurism and three counts of sexual assault, crimes alleged to have taken place over a seven-year span in this city.

Andrew Seangio, 35, of Richmond, B.C., was charged Wednesday. Police said Seangio was living in Ottawa when the alleged incidents took place between 2011 and 2018.

In a news release Thursday, Ottawa police said the alleged victims are six adult women who were all known to Seangio.
Why do you think they call them Mounties?
You ought to change your handle from Shockedcanadian to ShockingCandadian. Always thought well of that country to the North until I started reading your posts. You make it sound a lot like here, except it is a lot fricking colder. On the good side, I guess the ski season is longer and closer to more people.

The creepy covert Canadians have decimated our civil liberties, economy and reputation for years, it's just that few talked about it. The pandemic exposed this somewhat, coupled with our second loss in twenty years of the security council seat at the U.N. We had never lost a vote, now we lost two such votes in a row and so it wasn't just the little guy who feels Canadas failures, our politicians are now being told "all those countries who told you to your face they would vote for you, but then in secret ballot didn't, tells you how we are REALLY viewed."

The Powers That Be are realizing, "our global reputation is waning", no amount of bribery or happy talk is changing these facts. So, they are now reporting on it because without change, our National Security and international interests are in deep trouble. Already in steep decline, it's about self preservation and the pressure on government officials to address this is going to heat up.

When you have unaccountable agencies doing as they please against citizens, milking the system, primarily, the Toronto Police Services, OPP and RCMP, everyone pays a price. I've said it before, and it's not hyperbole, we have emulated the East German system and only politicians, those within the police apparatus with their hands and the hands of their family members in the cookie jar praise us as being "the best country in the world". I made this prediction long ago, since we lack leadership to reform our cities and creepy apparatuses, the global decline will continue.

Canadians are aware more than ever just how far we are behind the rest of the West. No amount of platitudes by politicians will change the fact that Canadian citizens make $14k LESS in PPP than U.S.A and we have the second highest expat rate on earth, our best talent leaving. We hear all the nice talk, but we also engage with one another. The unhappiness in this country is palpable, even as the used cars salesmen try to tell us different.

If I had never been a victim of their activities, I never would have researched it. One trait I possess is curiousity and the ability to seek out, find details and collate it through multiple sources. You can bet I'm not alone, and maybe I'm one of the sacrificial lambs, but at least I cared about my country enough to confront the abusers. Those agencies destroying it certainly don't.
The creepy covert Canadians have decimated our civil liberties, economy and reputation for years, it's just that few talked about it. The pandemic exposed this somewhat, coupled with our second loss in twenty years of the security council seat at the U.N. We had never lost a vote, now we lost two such votes in a row and so it wasn't just the little guy who feels Canadas failures, our politicians are now being told "all those countries who told you to your face they would vote for you, but then in secret ballot didn't, tells you how we are REALLY viewed."

The Powers That Be are realizing, "our global reputation is waning", no amount of bribery or happy talk is changing these facts. So, they are now reporting on it because without change, our National Security and international interests are in deep trouble. Already in steep decline, it's about self preservation and the pressure on government officials to address this is going to heat up.

When you have unaccountable agencies doing as they please against citizens, milking the system, primarily, the Toronto Police Services, OPP and RCMP, everyone pays a price. I've said it before, and it's not hyperbole, we have emulated the East German system and only politicians, those within the police apparatus with their hands and the hands of their family members in the cookie jar praise us as being "the best country in the world". I made this prediction long ago, since we lack leadership to reform our cities and creepy apparatuses, the global decline will continue.

Canadians are aware more than ever just how far we are behind the rest of the West. No amount of platitudes by politicians will change the fact that Canadian citizens make $14k LESS in PPP than U.S.A and we have the second highest expat rate on earth, our best talent leaving. We hear all the nice talk, but we also engage with one another. The unhappiness in this country is palpable, even as the used cars salesmen try to tell us different.

If I had never been a victim of their activities, I never would have researched it. One trait I possess is curiousity and the ability to seek out, find details and collate it through multiple sources. You can bet I'm not alone, and maybe I'm one of the sacrificial lambs, but at least I cared about my country enough to confront the abusers. Those agencies destroying it certainly don't.
Sounds very much like the problems we face here and the people who take advantage from within and outside our country. I have not knowingly been a victim, but recognize what has happened and what continues to happen at an accelerating rate. You and I are not spring chickens. I hope things turn around, but know if it does not, it is unlikely we will be here for the end game, whatever that may be.
Sounds very much like the problems we face here and the people who take advantage from within and outside our country. I have not knowingly been a victim, but recognize what has happened and what continues to happen at an accelerating rate. You and I are not spring chickens. I hope things turn around, but know if it does not, it is unlikely we will be here for the end game, whatever that may be.

I intend to be around to watch the demise. In reality, I've done and will continue to do my part to expose it. The ball started some time ago so I've been able to watch the steep decline already and the obvious abusers making mint. Canadians are angry enough now that they want change, and like the former Soviet Union, the police apparatus refuses to change, preferring to be creepy and unaccountable.

Most of our best will just leave however, and watch the downfall from afar, I've heard many more than in the past post online about their own move elsewhere. Unfortunately, not all of us have that option. I should have taken that opportunity years ago when I had it.
I intend to be around to watch the demise. In reality, I've done and will continue to do my part to expose it. The ball started some time ago so I've been able to watch the steep decline already and the obvious abusers making mint. Canadians are angry enough now that they want change, and like the former Soviet Union, the police apparatus refuses to change, preferring to be creepy and unaccountable.

Most of our best will just leave however, and watch the downfall from afar, I've heard many more than in the past post online about their own move elsewhere. Unfortunately, not all of us have that option. I should have taken that opportunity years ago when I had it.

Well let's be clear, the nation will still exist, I don't mean obliterated. I mean this nation will continue the steep decline it's been on for 30 years and if the good Lord allows me to live long enough, I will be around to see a nation that has fallen greatly. A shadow of it's former self with little influence, innovation or economic might. A dollar maybe worth 25-30 cents of the U.S dollar.

I will know who some of the culprits were that ensured this outcome.
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