

Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
mother jones. this author can't even agree within his own story.
always the preemtive sleazy sales job trying to stay ahead of the curve.

stale diehards like mother, the village voice, the phoenix new times, don't even stand out anymore in the original liberal/democrat clown circus.

Benghazi Hearings Now a Trip Down Memory Lane Mother Jones

i can see now why i thought this rag was cool when i was in college, and how stupid and irrelevant they seem now...
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So why do you think Trey Gowdy won't release the transcripts of the hearings? What exactly is he trying to hide?
The one with Blumenthal was a deposition- not a hearing, if that is what you are referring to. And his more recent emails he turned over will be released within 5 days. It would have already have been done, but that was left up to Cummings.
So why do you think Trey Gowdy won't release the transcripts of the hearings? What exactly is he trying to hide?
national security ? but i don't think gowdy is doing the hiding.

Part of the hearing would involve National Security. Security Practices that are sensitive in nature, as well as some names, places, practices and events would be sensitive. I don't agree with what happened, but I can understand that some parts are sensitive in nature, but in one sense.....point of opinion - waiting till now to have good security practices will not get the lives that are lost....back.

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