Zone1 Most Virtuous, Most Profound Prayer You Can Pray


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
"Life is nasty, brutish and short." - Thomas Hobbes

Each of us has more troubles and questions than we can handle, it seems. So most of us turn to prayer seeking help, guidance, answers.

As we have grown older, and generally wiser, we owe it to everyone else to leave the world a better place.

Toward that end, I pray daily that Nature's God, as He is called in our Declaration of Independence, will give me more work, and put problems before me that I can solve or help solve. Let me save a life, if possible, prevent an accident, clean up my neighborhood if it is only by picking up litter, road hazards, glass, or a dead animal and putting these things where they belong, calling the city to correct a shock hazard, needed repairs anywhere, or change their idiotic policies such as celebrating "PRIDE MONTH," which is an affront to America's foundations and family values.

My prayers are to serve others as powerfully and usefully as possible, and doing so is a blessed source of joy.
The Torah calls good deeds "Mitzvahs," and says we should do as many as we can, every day. I have learned this much later than I should have or wanted to.

The literal translation of "Mitzvah" is "commandment."
"Life is nasty, brutish and short." - Thomas Hobbes

Each of us has more troubles and questions than we can handle, it seems. So most of us turn to prayer seeking help, guidance, answers.

As we have grown older, and generally wiser, we owe it to everyone else to leave the world a better place.

Toward that end, I pray daily that Nature's God, as He is called in our Declaration of Independence, will give me more work, and put problems before me that I can solve or help solve. Let me save a life, if possible, prevent an accident, clean up my neighborhood if it is only by picking up litter, road hazards, glass, or a dead animal and putting these things where they belong, calling the city to correct a shock hazard, needed repairs anywhere, or change their idiotic policies such as celebrating "PRIDE MONTH," which is an affront to America's foundations and family values.

My prayers are to serve others as powerfully and usefully as possible, and doing so is a blessed source of joy.
The Torah calls good deeds "Mitzvahs," and says we should do as many as we can, every day. I have learned this much later than I should have or wanted to.

The literal translation of "Mitzvah" is "commandment."
The Lords Prayer to me always seemed so simple, but yet, beautiful and profound.

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).
- which is an affront to America's foundations and family values.

proof if ever there is a need ... the c-bible is written by the crucifiers, who on their knees the christians pray for evil over all else than themselves.
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one's foes will be members of one's own household” (Matthew 10:34-36).
That is your prayer?
that's awful

laughed anyhow...

I don't want anyone to be in pain... but bc of the wh usurper we are ALL there!

well, maybe not the filthy rich whocan afford $5 a gallon gas and $5 cartons of (12) eggs....
That is your prayer?
White 6 ,you obviously need some help. You act like a graduate of Columbia University School of Journalism.
They have learned to twist opposition's words into something perverse in order to suit their own, in this case, your
own, agenda.

I recited a verse from the Book of Matthew, which are the words of Jesus Christ. He was not praying. He was giving
advice. I was not praying. I cited His Words.

Now the meme I sent to the Columbia University School of Journalism Faculty just a few weeks ago.
It is applicable to you truly:

``Trump wants to kill all vegans.gif

"I wish there could be a million Mogadishus." - Former Columbia University Professor Nicholas DiGenova

For the unwashed, Mogadishu is a reference to the Blackhawk helicopter shot down there, killing some twenty
American soldiers, who were burned to cinders in the fiery crash and then dragged through the streets by celebrating
America-haters. One Somali emigrated to America where she now holds a seat in Congress after marrying her brother
to get him into America through foul chicanery.

You also bring to mind Brandolini's Law , viz., "The amount of energy required to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude greater than was required to produce it."
White 6 ,you obviously need some help. You act like a graduate of Columbia University School of Journalism.
They have learned to twist opposition's words into something perverse in order to suit their own, in this case, your
own, agenda.

I recited a verse from the Book of Matthew, which are the words of Jesus Christ. He was not praying. He was giving
advice. I was not praying. I cited His Words.

Now the meme I sent to the Columbia University School of Journalism Faculty just a few weeks ago.
It is applicable to you truly:

View attachment 791757

"I wish there could be a million Mogadishus." - Former Columbia University Professor Nicholas DiGenova

For the unwashed, Mogadishu is a reference to the Blackhawk helicopter shot down there, killing some twenty
American soldiers, who were burned to cinders in the fiery crash and then dragged through the streets by celebrating
America-haters. One Somali emigrated to America where she now holds a seat in Congress after marrying her brother
to get him into America through foul chicanery.

You also bring to mind Brandolini's Law , viz., "The amount of energy required to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude greater than was required to produce it."
I took no journalism in collage and I got one of my few "B"s in writing. Probably any skills I picked up were in the military, selling courses of action, sharp shooting others, or defending my own recommended courses of action on plans or Op orders.
I took no journalism in collage (sic) and I got one of my few "B"s in writing. Probably any skills I picked up were in the military, selling courses of action, sharp shooting others, or defending my own recommended courses of action on plans or Op orders.

"I took no journalism in collage (sic)...."

Brilliant. Really.

Please continue. We have SO MUCH to *learn* from you.....
"I took no journalism in collage (sic)...."

Brilliant. Really.

Please continue. We have SO MUCH to *learn* from you.....
Don't listen or read. I care not, only that the roofers on top of my home do a good job and not fall off my roof or otherwise get hurt on my property.
White 6 ,you obviously need some help. You act like a graduate of Columbia University School of Journalism.

Liberals in general come across as not highly educated. I can u/stand why.. 2 words: liberal colleges

Anyhow, another good prayer:

Blood of Jesus

(praying that over people... may be the best prayer?)
Liberals in general come across as not highly educated. I can u/stand why.. 2 words: liberal colleges

Anyhow, another good prayer:

Blood of Jesus

(praying that over people... may be the best prayer?)

Dennis Prager said, "Colleges make you stupid and angry."

The Late Milton Friedman said, "Public education is a socialist monopoly, a real one."
He was a Nobel Laureate.

My website excoriates public education with facts, graphs, and quotes:
So, WHO are you praying TO?

You said you pray THAT...
Not TO
"That," "to," you are splitting hairs. It is obvious to anyone who can think. I resent your rainbow and its perverted implications, by the way. They're sick and evil and you apparently support them.

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