Most Comprehensive List of 2020-2022 Election Fraud

Liar, I've not dodged anything regarding election fraud, which is what this thread is about.
Can you read ? I was talking about the reparations post you posted in another thread. You support the repearations bills or don't you ? Yeah, I know what the thread is about, Mr Dodge.
Understood. You're admitting you don't even have _one_ crazy story that can stand up to scrutiny.

That's not how it works, little fascist. It's not up to us to disprove every one of your lunatic conspiracy fables. It's up to you to prove them. Since you won't, everyone has correctly concluded that you're lying proudly for the GloryOfTheParty.

The Lord of Lies appreciates your devoted service.
The OP HAS proven them .And I also proved tons of 2020 election fraud posted 2 years ago. No its up to you to disprove them - but you can't.

And how do YOU know what is proven or not ? Have you read every one of the links posted in the OP ? Or what I posted ? (links below). Look out! there could be a quiz.

See Post 591

See Post 592

See Post 594

See Post 595

See Post 596

See Post 589

See Post 590
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The OP HAS proven them .And I also proved tons of 2020 election fraud posted 2 years ago. No its up to you to disprove them - but you can't.

And how do YOU know what is proven or not ? Have you read every one of the links posted in the OP ? Or what I posted ? (links below). Look out! there could be a quiz.

See Post 591

See Post 592

See Post 594

See Post 595

See Post 596

See Post 589

See Post 590

I got as far as this...

Live online election results from Associated Press (AP) appear to show some sort of glitch, with Trump seeming to lose 6,000 votes in a span of two minutes.

But there's no link. Just you saying it. Hysterically, to you, that's what you call proof. :lmao:
And why are they not taken off the rolls? So somebody can pretend they are here and voted ?

Have you ever moved from one state to a different one?

If so, did you go to the Elections office and let them know you were moving and cancel your voter registration?
I got as far as this...

Live online election results from Associated Press (AP) appear to show some sort of glitch, with Trump seeming to lose 6,000 votes in a span of two minutes.

But there's no link. Just you saying it. Hysterically, to you, that's what you call proof. :lmao:
Yeah, you got that far. Enjoy those cherries Mr fruit picker. Now you just have 99% more to go, to have some ide of what the hell you're talking about. Pheeeew! (high-picthed whistle)
Have you ever moved from one state to a different one?

If so, did you go to the Elections office and let them know you were moving and cancel your voter registration?
Yup. And I didn't have to go there - just called them on the phone, and sent an email
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The very definition of Gish Gallop.

And that is not an exaggeration. It is a perfect example.
The Gish gallop /ˈɡɪʃ ˈɡæləp/ is a rhetorical technique in which a person in a debate attempts to overwhelm their opponent by providing an excessive number of arguments with no regard for the accuracy or strength of those arguments.

Problem with your post, is 1) it offers nothing to critique the accuracy or strength of th arguments. Nor 2) does it offer any evidence of even ever having read the arguments.
Look out - there could be a QUIZ.
What happens is that people are not taken off the rolls when they move. I was once on the rolls in 3 states at the same time when I was in the Marine Corps. That does not mean I voted in all 3.
Maybe not you, but what about other's who might see it as a crack in the glass ?
What thread?

Post # 193
Yeah, you got that far. Enjoy those cherries Mr fruit picker. Now you just have 99% more to go, to have some ide of what the hell you're talking about. Pheeeew! (high-picthed whistle)


By "cherries," you mean starting from the top of your list. You can't even get out of the gate, gramps.

A US presidential election decides the control of the legal system, control of the IRS, control of the Justice department, control of the military, millions of jobs, trillions of dollars, control of the planet.

Do you think maybe They might bribe a few government and corporate bureaucrats in pursuit of all this power?

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The real question is: Are you really happy with your current POTUS 46? All the polls indicate the vast majority of those questioned indicate they would have swung the other way if they had known the "Russia-gate" was actually a made-up fantasy paid for by FBI, CIA, DOJ, and the Democratic party. So much for credible news reporting. BTW, all the major news broadcasters are in a heap of sh*t now that they can be held accountable for what they report (Thank you, Fox).
Never doubt the iniquity of the Democrat voter.
A US presidential election decides the control of the legal system, control of the IRS, control of the Justice department, control of the military, millions of jobs, trillions of dollars, control of the planet.

Do you think maybe They might bribe a few government and corporate bureaucrats in pursuit of all this power?

Never doubt the iniquity of the Democrat voter.
It turns out that those voters are being coached by leftwits that get funding from the government. They are standing up "non-profit" organizations that get funded through socialist/faucist/big-government grants (tax payer money). Then, all the progressive candidates need to do is sit there and echo the groundwork that has been laid down by these a**h&l&s. This is how it is being done. Look into it, and I'm sure you will be shocked at how many of the non-sensical organizations in your area are being funded by non-profit/government grants. Get involved with your local republican organization and take it back.
Can you read ? I was talking about the reparations post you posted in another thread. You support the repearations bills or don't you ? Yeah, I know what the thread is about, Mr Dodge.
Don't waste your good efforts on that piece of work. We all know it's some sort of in-human plant in this group. nothing it says adds up.
It turns out that those voters are being coached by leftwits that get funding from the government. They are standing up "non-profit" organizations that get funded through socialist/faucist/big-government grants (tax payer money). Then, all the progressive candidates need to do is sit there and echo the groundwork that has been laid down by these a**h&l&s. This is how it is being done. Look into it, and I'm sure you will be shocked at how many of the non-sensical organizations in your area are being funded by non-profit/government grants. Get involved with your local republican organization and take it back.
That's got to be how it's getting done, because if anyone is truly still in their right mind, they in no way shape or form would be caught being a Democrat voter or Democrat.

So the Democrat party has to cheat and buy voter's with any means possible when they get into power. That's why so many Americans agree that Biden in no way (knowing what they knew and know about him), got elected fairly in 2020. The nation is scrambling under extreme pressure, inflation and more trying to nail his alledged corruption to the wall for what has happened in this country.

Let's hope somehow that God spares our COUNTRY, and saves us from this mess.

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