Moscow releases a list of 5 962 “foreign mercenaries” they claim to have killed in Ukraine, 1/3 of them are Poles, In reality-


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
In reality, less than 10 Polish volunteer soldiers have lost their lives in Ukraine.
Only 🇷🇺🇸🇦Muscovites, COMMIES, Nazis and MAGA believe the Muscovite government.

Moscow releases a list of 5 962 “foreign mercenaries” they claim to have killed in Ukraine. They claim that 1/3 of them are Poles.

  • Fake News
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Assuming that those figures released by Russia's Ministry of Defence is roughly accurate, the presence of 3,000 Polish troops in Ukraine is alarming. It could be a secret Polish ploy to take back the lost Polish territory transferred to Ukraine by Stalin, which the Poles consider historically their own.

Putin believes that Polish officials dream of returning “those lands that they consider historically their own, and which were taken from them by Joseph Stalin, and transferred to Ukraine. They certainly want them back. So if official Polish units enter there, they are unlikely to leave,” he claimed.

In an extensive interview with Russian journalist Dmitry Kiselyov, which is set to be aired by Rossiya 1 TV and RIA Novosti on Wednesday, Putin said “If Polish troops enter the territory of Ukraine to, as they say, secure the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, for example, or in some other places to free up Ukrainian rear military units to participate in hostilities on the frontline, then I think that Polish troops will never leave,” Putin said, according to snippets of the interview.


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