Moscow empire´s jihad is OUT OF GAS ! Lukašenka´s call to declare a truce in Ukraine will be discussed by the leaders of Moscow empire and Belarus


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Moscow empire´s jihad is OUT OF GAS ! Lukašenka´s call to declare a truce in Ukraine will be discussed by the leaders of Moscow empire and Belarus next week – Peskov
Their spring offensive is running out of steam and ukrainian one is coming. That's why they call for truce. Same old imperialist tired bullshit. It might have worked against Al-Qaeda in Syria, hope it won't work in Ukraine. There is the only one solution :

It's spring mud season....movement anywhere is impossible. The ground is soup. All the snow melt and rains make it impossible for tanks, howitzers, and APCs to move effectively except by road.
related :

The howitzers they have are past due for service. Russia has been using the stew out of them. The barrels are about to explode with a shell in them they are so worn out....the modern howitzers are no longer accurate because of overuse. They all need new barrels and parts.
10K rounds per month will wear a gun out....and they have been going for well over a year to 9 months.
So the old tanks fire the similar round as their modern howitzers....that's why they are being brought into serve as artillery and not as a tank.
It's spring mud season....movement anywhere is impossible. The ground is soup. All the snow melt and rains make it impossible for tanks, howitzers, and APCs to move effectively except by road.

yes, Moscow know it and they know that they can´t hold our spring - summer attack on them

The howitzers they have are past due for service. Russia has been using the stew out of them. The barrels are about to explode with a shell in them they are so worn out....the modern howitzers are no longer accurate because of overuse. They all need new barrels and parts.
10K rounds per month will wear a gun out....and they have been going for well over a year to 9 months.
So the old tanks fire the similar round as their modern howitzers....that's why they are being brought into serve as artillery and not as a tank.
about Belarus and Moscow empire :

Honor the Minsk Accords, tell Mr. Putin you're sorry for murdering Russian civilians in Donbass
The howitzers they have are past due for service. Russia has been using the stew out of them. The barrels are about to explode with a shell in them they are so worn out....the modern howitzers are no longer accurate because of overuse. They all need new barrels and parts.
10K rounds per month will wear a gun out....and they have been going for well over a year to 9 months.
Russia has a very deep artillery park, I think the ammunition supply is what holds them back.

The Ukrainians know how the Russians fight. They know the infantry and tanks will attempt to gain ground after the artillery strikes.

The AFU counter battery radar locates the RF artillery right away. They know the RF artillery will move, but they also know by the location of the artillery approximately where the assault will come from. They send up the drones and spot the infantry and the staging areas, the ammunition storage and command and control locations, and they hit back with their own artillery. They are pretty good at this.
So the old tanks fire the similar round as their modern howitzers....that's why they are being brought into serve as artillery and not as a tank.
I'm waiting to see T-55's dug in on the beach in Crimea...

Using tanks for indirect fire uses them up even faster than it uses up artillery. They aren't built for that kind of continuous fire.
Minsk Accords


Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
Russia has a very deep artillery park, I think the ammunition supply is what holds them back.

The Ukrainians know how the Russians fight. They know the infantry and tanks will attempt to gain ground after the artillery strikes.

The AFU counter battery radar locates the RF artillery right away. They know the RF artillery will move, but they also know by the location of the artillery approximately where the assault will come from. They send up the drones and spot the infantry and the staging areas, the ammunition storage and command and control locations, and they hit back with their own artillery. They are pretty good at this.

I'm waiting to see T-55's dug in on the beach in Crimea...

Using tanks for indirect fire uses them up even faster than it uses up artillery. They aren't built for that kind of continuous fire.
Yeah....but this fight between the two is going to last for a loooonnnng time. Instead of wearing out new howitzers wear out the old stuff. Especially when Wagner is unconcerned with precision artillery and more interested in carpeting an area in artillery and hoping you hit something.

So I'm thinking the old stuff is for Wagner. The howitzers needing repairs might require more time than normal considering the sanctions and current facilities capable are really maxed out trying to build tanks and other equipment. So...they send out the old stuff reserving the good stuff for a secondary front for their expansion plans.

Besides, the new stuff is not getting replaced or built anytime soon.
Yeah....but this fight between the two is going to last for a loooonnnng time. Instead of wearing out new howitzers wear out the old stuff. Especially when Wagner is unconcerned with precision artillery and more interested in carpeting an area in artillery and hoping you hit something.

So I'm thinking the old stuff is for Wagner. The howitzers needing repairs might require more time than normal considering the sanctions and current facilities capable are really maxed out trying to build tanks and other equipment. So...they send out the old stuff reserving the good stuff for a secondary front for their expansion plans.

Besides, the new stuff is not getting replaced or built anytime soon.
I'm just sayin' they have a lot of artillery pieces. Artillery isn't on the front line, it doesn't have the attrition rate of the armored assault formations. No ATGM's, no mined approaches, etc.

Russia has thousands of towed and self-propelled howitzers that could be sent to Ukraine. And a large park of MLRS launchers to go along with the guns. The arty is about the only part of the Russian army that is still pretty much intact.

But they need ammunition, and they can't fire what they don't have.

They aren't out, but if they increase the amount they consume today, it reduces the amount they can sustain going forward. And I expect they are also conserving for the anticipated AFU offensive- they can't expend everything on Bakhmut and leave themselves with nothing for later...
Russia has thousands of towed and self-propelled howitzers that could be sent to Ukraine.
from what i know , they dont have enough instructors , am I correct ?
Moscow - Georgian expert speaks :
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from what i know , they dont have enough instructors , am I correct ?
From what I know, that's the case. The active duty training cadres had pretty much all been sent to Ukraine by April 2022.

The USSR used to keep the trainers and officers for their reserve forces on active duty status, so that if there was a need for mobilization the infrastructure was in place. Putin ended all that in the 2000's to save costs.

The fall mobilization was chaotic- one reason because the trainers were mobilized with the troops, and didn't know what they were supposed to do when they got to the bases.

Spring conscription begins today. You mentioned the target was 146,000. That's a low number by historical standards, typically we see 210,000 to 240,000.

The MoD is running the recruiting program for contract soldiers in parallel with the conscription and says they want to sign up another 400,000. I imagine there will be a lot of pressure on this spring's conscripts to sign the contract...
From what I know, that's the case. The active duty training cadres had pretty much all been sent to Ukraine by April 2022.

The USSR used to keep the trainers and officers for their reserve forces on active duty status, so that if there was a need for mobilization the infrastructure was in place. Putin ended all that in the 2000's to save costs.

The fall mobilization was chaotic- one reason because the trainers were mobilized with the troops, and didn't know what they were supposed to do when they got to the bases.

Spring conscription begins today. You mentioned the target was 146,000. That's a low number by historical standards, typically we see 210,000 to 240,000.

The MoD is running the recruiting program for contract soldiers in parallel with the conscription and says they want to sign up another 400,000. I imagine there will be a lot of pressure on this spring's conscripts to sign the contract...
the same goes to the tanks , the videos from last tanks battles indicate that Moscow tank- crews can drive only the straight lines , and this is it. a Moscow tank is literally a coffin for a trained and an untrained crew ...

the same goes to the tanks , the videos from last tanks battles indicate that Moscow tank- crews can drive only the straight lines , and this is it. a Moscow tank is literally a coffin for a trained and an untrained crew ...
They appear to know one formation- "parade". The only adaptation they have done is increase the spacing between them. On contact, instead of taking a defensive formation, they sit in place and lose 3 or 4 tanks, then they turn around and retreat.

And try the same thing a couple days later, with the same results...
The only adaptation they have done is increase the spacing between them.
THIS IS SO RIGHT , AGREE 199% ON IT . BY THE WAY , WHAT do you think about GAME which LUKA PLAYS WITH HIS " a truce" ? LOOKS like he is sided with putin´s oligarchs / real imperialists , who are against putinists ( paid politicians, officials ) . do you agree ? I saw many angry posts from the hardcore putinists ....

They appear to know one formation- "parade". The only adaptation they have done is increase the spacing between them. On contact, instead of taking a defensive formation, they sit in place and lose 3 or 4 tanks, then they turn around and retreat.

And try the same thing a couple days later, with the same results...


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