Mormons & Islam

I made no comparison the article did , is it false ? I just though it was interesting .

Yes the article is bullsh*t, we can make the same comparisons of many things. They bank on idiots like you believing and re-posting this crap.

Where's your link or are you just plagiarizing someone else's crap.

Link is in the op
You're full of shit the title of the article is making a comparison and you are the author of this thread so yes you are making a compassion of the two religions. And I will add using against a party that you think who do hate Muslims
Common Threads between Islam and Mormonism
It's total bull shit for your intent and purpose you have been busted for your lying hackery.
Check out all the common threads between Islam and far right Christian evangelicalism.
All those in favor say I
All those in favor say Ney

Ney won but the party passed the I anyway.

Just another Democratic Party Shit Stain.
Many far right Christian extremists want to start a holy crusade, just like their brothers in soul, the Islamofascists.
It has always seemed possible that Smith read about Mohammed and thought he'd do a similar thing. Both are examples of unlearned men coming along with unsubstantiated testimony and asking others to believe. The strange thing is that both succeeded. Why are people so gullible?
Check out all the common threads between Islam and far right Christian evangelicalism.

And here comes jake first post defending this by making other accusations what a fucking shocker.

It was Barney Fwank who taught the left how to get out of a situation they can't win. That's what they always do, or they yell and stomp there feet to get cover.

Lefties appeared to be good at diversion once, Now they're exposed.
Check out all the common threads between Islam and far right Christian evangelicalism.

And here comes jake first post defending this by making other accusations what a fucking shocker.

It was Barney Fwank who taught the left how to get out of a situation they can't win. That's what they always do, or they yell and stomp there feet to get cover.

Lefties appeared to be good at diversion once, Now they're exposed.

Jake would be good at it but I bust his ass ever times he attempts it.
The far righties like bigreb get slapped down all the time: just the way it is. :lol:

You extremist Christians would love to try the nonsense the Islamofascists go for, but you all know what would happen.
All bigots need to sit down, from the Islamofascists to the American far right.
Make biirfer bigrebs continue to look stupid, which is not hard, because you are as stupid as they come. :lol:

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