More Thuggery From obama Regime


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
A lot of us have been wondering why the Benghazi survivors haven't testified before Congress.

Congressman Wolf now says..

Congressman Frank Wolf: I Hear That Benghazi Survivors Aren't Testifying Because They Were All Asked to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements Promising to Keep Quiet

This is what goon lawyers do after a disaster -- they seek out the victims and try to pressure them into agreements that limit the liability of their employer.

Wolf doesn't have proof of this. But he says "trusted sources" tell him this. Let's find out the truth of it.

"According to trusted sources that have contacted my office, many if not all of the survivors of the Benghazi attacks along with others at the Department of Defense, the CIA have been asked or directed to sign additional non-disclosure agreements about their involvement in the Benghazi attacks. Some of these new NDAs, as they call them, I have been told were signed as recently as this summer."

Wolf continued: "It is worth nothing that the Marine Corps Times yesterday reported that the Marine colonel whose task force was responsible for special operations in northern and western Africa at the time of the attack is still on active duty despite claims that he retired. And therefore could not be forced to testify before Congress.

"If these reports are accurate, this would be a stunning revelation to any member of Congress, any member of Congress that finds this out and also more importantly to the American people. It also raises serious concerns about the priority of the administration's efforts to silence those with knowledge of the Benghazi attack in response.
Here's that Marine Corps Times article noting that Colonel Bristol is apparently on an Administration-arranged half-retired/half-not plan.

Defense Department officials have told members of Congress that Bristol cannot be forced to testify because he retired after stepping down during a March change of command ceremony, according to several media reports. The Pentagon reinforced that point of view to Marine Corps Times on Tuesday.

That isn’t the case, however. While Bristol is preparing for retirement, he is on active duty through the end of July, said Maj. Shawn Haney, a Marine spokeswoman, on Wednesday. He will be placed on the inactive list on Aug. 1, she said. That contradicts statements that Pentagon officials have issued to both Congress and the media.

The entire dimocrap party is a criminal enterprise.

Just that simple
It's all to protect obama. Protect Der Fuehrer at all costs is the leftist motto. For the love of God I couldn't tell you why. Must be because he's BLACK.
This Administration operates like the Mafia..

I'd rather take my chances with the Mafia.

At least the Mafia had a sense of honor.

This is what I mean when I say that dimocraps lie like ducks quack, dogs bark, babies cry and bears shit in the woods.

It's their first instinct. First thing out of their mouth, the first thing that enters their minds is -- "How can I lie my way out of this?"

When, in this case, the truth would do just as well.

"Hey guys. We fucked up. Sorry about that." Would have been just fine.

Mistakes happen. Especially Military mistakes. In fact, using the word 'mistake' and 'military' at the same time is redundant.

And the Country would have accepted it -- A Mistake.

But that ain't what happened.

WHILE the mistake was going on, the filth in the dimocrap party was thinking of a way to have some plausible deniability. To do that, they would have to NOT activate Hostage Rescue, Special Feces, the Marines have a Unit that specializes in Embassy Protection and sieges, too. Gotta keep them on the down-low so we can deny that it was actually a real, honest to goodness attack. It was just some upset teenagers at the Mohammed Tape.


They could have flown a couple of F-15s from Sigonella or a some FA-18s from further up Italy at Mach I and a 1,000 feet...

They could have at least acted like they gave a shit. But the truth is -- They didn't. They didn't then and they don't now.

dimocraps are scumbags.

Maybe they couldn't have saved those good Men. But they could have tried.

But that wouldn't have fit 'the narrative™' would it?

And NOTHING is more important than 'the narrative™'
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A lot of us have been wondering why the Benghazi survivors haven't testified before Congress.

Congressman Wolf now says..

Congressman Frank Wolf: I Hear That Benghazi Survivors Aren't Testifying Because They Were All Asked to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements Promising to Keep Quiet

This is what goon lawyers do after a disaster -- they seek out the victims and try to pressure them into agreements that limit the liability of their employer.

Wolf doesn't have proof of this. But he says "trusted sources" tell him this. Let's find out the truth of it.

He also says "many, if not all". Why stand in front of Congress with a 'maybe' when there's the admitted possibility of there being some who haven't signed NDAs? Why haven't they been sought out and asked to testify? It seems kind of underhanded not to do your homework and then throw out a half-baked conspiracy theory.

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