More proof liberals are racist


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2010
South carolina
Just read an article in lifenews. More black babies are aborted than born in New York. They say for every 1000 black babies born, 1200 are aborted. Congradulations liberals you are killing off future voters, but you could care less.
Liberals support things that kill blacks. That's a fact.

They support abortion...which as you showed...kills countless black children. They support trashing on cops and demoralizing them....which leads to soaring murder rates in the inner city. They're silent on the "Ghetto Loophole", the largest black market for firearms in America.

Liberals support Planned Parenthood....which was FOUNDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXTERMINATING THE BLACK RACE BY FOUNDING LIBERAL MARGARET SINGER | The Negro Project many liberals....loved the work of left wing hero George Bernard Shaw. He, too, believed in exterminating the substandard class of humans and he advocated playing classical music while using a "humane gas" to kill off non whites because it would make death comfortable. Guess who heralded his work and found inspiration in it? Yeah...Hitler.

Libs.....stop hiding your satanic history.
Liberals also support government housing.

You know.....herd the blacks and hispanics up ("voluntarily") into homes...OVER THERE....not here in our wonderful hipster hub of coffee shops and hand me down clothing stores.
Just read an article in lifenews. More black babies are aborted than born in New York. They say for every 1000 black babies born, 1200 are aborted. Congradulations liberals you are killing off future voters, but you could care less.

The Left wing heroin, Margaret Sanger wanted to use the Negri Project to exterminate The black population in America.
Just read an article in lifenews. More black babies are aborted than born in New York. They say for every 1000 black babies born, 1200 are aborted. Congradulations liberals you are killing off future voters, but you could care less.

:haha: :piss2: :haha:
I have posted many times that the negro race is busy 'self-exterminating'.
The political party the negroes always 'block-votes' for is busy enabling the self-extermination.
But let's be honest about this folks......just for once.
Obama was a gift to the DNC which will never be replicated. Everyone with a fucking brain knows there will never be another negro President if the US lasts another thousand years.
There will be a transgender one armed midget who speaks in 'tongues' first.
The DNC saw what the negroes did or rather didn't do in the Mid Terms. The negroes stayed home and sat in the fucking shade. This handed the REPs a landslide victory. That victory is already having the start of a decade long impact on the political landscape in the country from City Mayors to State Governors. All because the negroes stayed home.
The back-room boys understood they couldn't be guaranteed that going once again to the negro voting well would yield the negro block-vote.
What to do? Have Obama open the floodgates for millions of illegal Latinas. The plan is to get as many of the illegals paperwork so they can vote for the DEM candidates in their precincts.
The DNC/DEMs don't need the negro vote anymore. So what's the point pretending any longer to give a shit about them right?
If the DNC/DEMs could open an abortion clinic on every inner city shithole street corner they would.
Just read an article in lifenews. More black babies are aborted than born in New York. They say for every 1000 black babies born, 1200 are aborted. Congradulations liberals you are killing off future voters, but you could care less.

Well, gee... if it's in Lifenews, it must be true.
Liberals support things that kill blacks. That's a fact.

They support abortion...which as you showed...kills countless black children. They support trashing on cops and demoralizing them....which leads to soaring murder rates in the inner city. They're silent on the "Ghetto Loophole", the largest black market for firearms in America.

Liberals support Planned Parenthood....which was FOUNDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXTERMINATING THE BLACK RACE BY FOUNDING LIBERAL MARGARET SINGER | The Negro Project many liberals....loved the work of left wing hero George Bernard Shaw. He, too, believed in exterminating the substandard class of humans and he advocated playing classical music while using a "humane gas" to kill off non whites because it would make death comfortable. Guess who heralded his work and found inspiration in it? Yeah...Hitler.

Libs.....stop hiding your satanic history.

Shaw is still a hero to Communists like Barack Obama and Bernie "Mao Tse" Sanders.
Just read an article in lifenews. More black babies are aborted than born in New York. They say for every 1000 black babies born, 1200 are aborted. Congradulations liberals you are killing off future voters, but you could care less.

They only need enough to vote them power...too many and they become afraid they will want to live in the same neighborhoods as the rich democrats.......
The figures are correct for New York City....

Over all, in the USA, black women have more babies vs abortions each year, just not in New York City....

I'm not certain if it is the lack of birth control education or not? It seems to be more money related, since New York City is one of the most expensive cities to live in the USA and world....

And abortion rates being higher among blacks than any other race can have many factors involved:

-In general, black women are poorer than white women and other races

-societal pressures, such as being labeled and demonized as ''welfare queens'' when a black woman who is poor, has another baby.

-black men, not marrying their women at the rate they once did.


I do not understand why more black women in New York City are not using some form of birth control? Subconsciously, do they truly want to have a baby, with the father sticking around, but then when becoming pregnant, find out the world is not how they dreamed it would be? I just don't know? An abortion is much more expensive than birth control....?

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