More on obama being putin's pet....the Russian spy ring, the real one, that obama swept under the rug....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Obama had his head so far up putin's rear end he saw the back of his teeth....

Vice President Joe Biden, National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, and the “diplomatic players” agreed with the president. Biden and Donilon strongly argued in favor of sweeping the illegal spy ring under the rug. Without a hint of irony, Biden said, “Our national security interest balance tips heavily to not creating a flap.” Obama’s top officials apparently believed that bowing to Russia was in the best interests of U.S. national security and that punishing Russian spies would “blow up the relationship.”
On June 27, 2010, ten of the Russian spies were quietly rounded up and deported. They returned to Russia in exchange for four Russian prisoners accused of spying for the West. It was a lopsided trade to say the least, particularly because the U.S. was unable to secure the release of a single American prisoner.

Meanwhile, the Russian illegals, including the notorious femme fatale Anna Chapman, returned to Russia and Putin gave them a hero’s welcome. Then, in October, the spies were awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland—Russia’s highest award—by President Medvedev.

Putin’s welcome home party for the agents was a direct slap in the face to the United States. Obama was desperately trying to downplay the threat they had posed, yet the Russian president gave them a very public national award ceremony.

Putin even issued a thinly veiled threat to the FBI and CIA’s informant (and any potential co-informants). “It was the result of treason,” Putin said of whoever was responsible. “It always ends badly for traitors: as a rule, their end comes from drink or drugs, lying in a ditch. And for what?”

Putin’s statement was essentially a promise of retaliation against the informant(s). In fact, as more Russian officials began to die under mysterious circumstances, the word “Putincide” became the unofficial term for such deaths among U.S. intelligence circles.

In sum, the Russian reset was clearly a joke to Putin, and for obvious reasons. To him, Obama’s weakness was on full display, and Hillary (and Bill) Clinton’s own vulnerabilities would one day be exploited.

Obama had his head so far up putin's rear end he saw the back of his teeth....

Vice President Joe Biden, National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, and the “diplomatic players” agreed with the president. Biden and Donilon strongly argued in favor of sweeping the illegal spy ring under the rug. Without a hint of irony, Biden said, “Our national security interest balance tips heavily to not creating a flap.” Obama’s top officials apparently believed that bowing to Russia was in the best interests of U.S. national security and that punishing Russian spies would “blow up the relationship.”
On June 27, 2010, ten of the Russian spies were quietly rounded up and deported. They returned to Russia in exchange for four Russian prisoners accused of spying for the West. It was a lopsided trade to say the least, particularly because the U.S. was unable to secure the release of a single American prisoner.

Meanwhile, the Russian illegals, including the notorious femme fatale Anna Chapman, returned to Russia and Putin gave them a hero’s welcome. Then, in October, the spies were awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland—Russia’s highest award—by President Medvedev.

Putin’s welcome home party for the agents was a direct slap in the face to the United States. Obama was desperately trying to downplay the threat they had posed, yet the Russian president gave them a very public national award ceremony.

Putin even issued a thinly veiled threat to the FBI and CIA’s informant (and any potential co-informants). “It was the result of treason,” Putin said of whoever was responsible. “It always ends badly for traitors: as a rule, their end comes from drink or drugs, lying in a ditch. And for what?”

Putin’s statement was essentially a promise of retaliation against the informant(s). In fact, as more Russian officials began to die under mysterious circumstances, the word “Putincide” became the unofficial term for such deaths among U.S. intelligence circles.

In sum, the Russian reset was clearly a joke to Putin, and for obvious reasons. To him, Obama’s weakness was on full display, and Hillary (and Bill) Clinton’s own vulnerabilities would one day be exploited.

Remember Maria Butina. A Russian spy who insinuated herself into conservative circles such as the NRA. Clearly the NRA was working with the Russians by your standard.

We know that Obama was naive and got taken to the cleaners by Putin. Trump had no issues with helping Putin help Trump. That is why campaign information was turned over to a Russian businessman with ties to Russian Intelligence. Why Trump's campaign was willing to meet with a Russian to get dirt on Clinton.
What was so lopsided by the swap? The illegals program was pointless and amateurish. The four people we got in exchange actually were spies.

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