More Nazism. No book burning, but removal from schools.


Or Democracy ... Take your pick ... :thup:

Todays Democrats are Not Democrats.Nor liberals.
J.F.K. was a Liberal Democrat.His brother Teddy was
almost the opposite.A total ballbusting corrupt
coward.Jack Kennedy was a brave WWII hero.
Teddy got some cushy desk job.
J.F.K. stood up for The Family and Kitchen table values.
There are noticably No More J.F.K. Liberal Democrats.
No more Senator Bill Bradley's or Senator Sam Nunn's.
Especially no more Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
The shrew Democrat Hillery stole his seat.She
carpetbagged her way.

Attempts by conservative activists to regulate how schools discuss race, sexuality and gender have contributed to an ongoing effort to remove books seen as controversial from school curricula and libraries.

The most recent high-profile example was Art Spiegelman’s award-winning “Maus,” a graphic novel that depicts the horrors of the Holocaust, being removed from a Tennessee eighth-grade language arts curriculum. The McMinn County School Board voted 10-0 to remove Spiegelman’s book on Jan. 10, but the story began to circulate Wednesday after a report from the Tennessee Holler. According to the minutes from the meeting, the use of curse words and “nakedness” were the impetus for the change.

Really???? THis is going WAYYYY overboard. Two of the books were written by black ladies! Might as well have a big bonfire to "save the children" from reading such awful books, but what the hell...let them watch two lesbos or two guys get it on. *huge eye roll*

The Tennessee decision followed news of a Missouri school board voting 4-3 to ban “The Bluest Eye,” a novel by the Nobel laureate Toni Morrison, which depicts the struggles of a young Black girl dealing with racism. Due to its passages referencing incest and child rape, the book is a regular on the American Library Association’s annual lists of most challenged books.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The best thing for book sales.

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8th graders have a lot of other stuff they need to be studying than that stuff. Why is it just soooo important to make kids depressed and pissed off at stuff they don't need to be dealing with in schools at 14? What are they going to do about it? Make lots of posters and snivel, just to make Mommy proud of their little Social Justice Warriors accomplishing absolutely nothing?
They need more time for active shooter drills.
I’m Jewish, and half my family (the half that hadn’t immigrated away from Europe) were murdered by Hitler.

Depending on how graphic this novel is, it may indeed be inappropriate for middle-schoolers. Better for 10th or 11th graders.
I read it in 8th grade at the recommendation of my english teacher. There is NOTHING even remotely "graphic" that a 12 year old needs to be "protected" from.

In fact I think it should be required reading.
I read it in 8th grade at the recommendation of my english teacher. There is NOTHING even remotely "graphic" that a 12 year old needs to be "protected" from.

In fact I think it should be required reading.
What you consider to be or not be appropriate for a 12-year-old is a matter of opinion. I believe the horrors of the Holocaust should be taught only when students have reached a level of maturity to process the degree of evil involved.
There's a Reason that our Founders made for a
First Amendment { a virtual afterthought to these
Drat Democrats and their benefactor MSM }
It is simple,yet dynamic.A first of it's kind in the World.
" Thus,if the First Amendment means anything in this
field,it must allow protests even against the moral
code that the standard of the day sets for the community.In other words,literature should not be
suppressed merely because it offends the moral code
of the censor. " -
William O. Douglas
Furthermore ...
Ask the Black Community when they
saw fit to Ban books and writings by those like James
Baldwin or Malcomb X .I see where it is being mentioned that
Malcomb X's autobiography was Banned.In the year 1984 due to
the growing numbers of Black Panthers.
I guess that explains the movie as well.
- Malcomb X - { 1992 }.
Where Real History buffs will learn how an American
President Was Banned.Both Literally,Intellectually and by
Twitter twits.Plus all forms of Social Media as well.
Guess what President that might have been.One Very
popular Potus.One Very White Popular Potus.

The teaching of history has to be done in a beneficial way, and not in a one-sided way. Everytime a leftist attempts to use history to exact an agenda in their favor, then it becomes a danger to the union. We having the intelligence to recognize such a thing is imperative to the strengthening of the union, and not the opposite.

No ... That would be a Democratically Elected Representative Republic ... Get your facts straight ... :thup:

" Democratically elected " is now a proven Loaded term.
These Democrat elected Democrat leaders want to make
legislation via corrupting how our Republic is to govern.
Making way for Packing the Supreme court.Deciding
D.C. be given statehood.And Puerto Rico.
Just wisking away things like the Filibuster.
Or who controls and manages our Elections.
It's each State legislature.PERIOD.
What is the Rule of Law.A Potus takes an Oath to
Preserve,Protect and Defend the Constitution.
Biden has already broken those numerous times.
He is Criminally negligent in ignoring are open
southern borders and accompanying ICE Policy's
that Trump enforced and made strong.
The teaching of history has to be done in a beneficial way, and not in a one-sided way. Everytime a leftist attempts to use history to exact an agenda in their favor, then it becomes a danger to the union. We having the intelligence to recognize such a thing is imperative to the strengthening of the union, and not the opposite.
However that may or may not be, it does not stop the
corrupt in our Midst.These supposed good History
tellers.Like Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham.
Who are lovingly sung the praise of by Infernal
Haters of Americana like MSNBC { especially } and
So you can look into a person's body, and give everyone the analysis of their sickness outcomes, otherwise as to whether they will live or die eh ? Not just prayer and faith works for you, because you have attributes that allow you to know what everyone else don't know eh ?? Remember you don't have blind faith, you just know without a doubt eh ??

I know many a survivor that would love to challenge your bull crap, otherwise when their highly educated doctor's had all but given up on them yet they survived. Call it what you want, but having nothing to believe in tells me all I need to know about you.
Yes, it tells you I am a secure person.
By this verbiage you try to hide your inability to answer a direct question? Okay, you are free now, kid.
What are you trippin' on? You silly-ass twit of toe-jam-smellin' baboon. You call yourself talking smack to me? You mealy-mouthed simpleton. :auiqs.jpg: I'll slap the taste out of your mama's mouth. You answer my questions.

Now drop and give me twenty!
I was a teacher and have a Master's Degree in Education. Taught high School, elementary, and have Lectured in colleges.
There are exceptions - and jusr because you have a Master’s in Education means nothing, other than you were indoctrinated with leftist thinking.

Generally speaking, those who major in education bring up the rear in terms of intelligence. And where I live, these mediocre people reach close to $100,000 by their late 30s - and with summers off. Pretty good for people whose IQ falls within the average range.
Todays Democrats are Not Democrats.Nor liberals.
J.F.K. was a Liberal Democrat.His brother Teddy was
almost the opposite.A total ballbusting corrupt
coward.Jack Kennedy was a brave WWII hero.
Teddy got some cushy desk job.
J.F.K. stood up for The Family and Kitchen table values.
There are noticably No More J.F.K. Liberal Democrats.
No more Senator Bill Bradley's or Senator Sam Nunn's.
Especially no more Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
The shrew Democrat Hillery stole his seat.She
carpetbagged her way.
"Teddy" was a sociopath who killed a woman. The epitome of a democrook political whore.
What are you trippin' on? You silly-ass twit of toe-jam-smellin' baboon. You call yourself talking smack to me? You mealy-mouthed simpleton. :auiqs.jpg:
A mealy mouthed simpleton draws a response like this ? He must be more than a mealy mouthed simpleton, otherwise he wouldn't have made you so angry as to engage in such an ironic way.
8th graders have a lot of other stuff they need to be studying than that stuff. Why is it just soooo important to make kids depressed and pissed off at stuff they don't need to be dealing with in schools at 14? What are they going to do about it? Make lots of posters and snivel, just to make Mommy proud of their little Social Justice Warriors accomplishing absolutely nothing?
You’re absolutely right; they have more important things to learn; CRT, “ Politically incorrect “ to refer to parents as Mother or Fathet, being told that your “ whiteness “ makes you privileged and a bigot, etc. etc.
What you consider to be or not be appropriate for a 12-year-old is a matter of opinion. I believe the horrors of the Holocaust should be taught only when students have reached a level of maturity to process the degree of evil involved.
I suppose you have a point. Not all people are equally capable of understanding things, especially the young.

Look how many sniveling bed wetter leftists view 1984 as an instructions manual.

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