More Nazism. No book burning, but removal from schools.

You pseudointellectual twit. What don't you understand about the inherently contradictory, self-negating piffle of relativism? What don't you understand about the reality that no institution of education exists in an ideological vacuum? What don't you understand about the imperatives of natural and constitutional law, and, thus, the imperative of universal school choice?

You're a mindless conformist asking all the wrong questions.
By this verbiage you try to hide your inability to answer a direct question? Okay, you are free now, kid.
Good point about the responsibility issue. If the parents want to raise their children to believe in the certain contents found in book's, then let them be responsible for it, not the government.... The government shouldn't be tricked or dragged into the sponsoring or advocating on behalf of group's that make up a minority section of society, otherwise when the majority counters, and agrees on what constitutes freedom and decency in society. Same goes for abortion's etc.

Government shouldn't be using it's power to enforce or influence anything upon society other than those things in which constitutes decency and a moral standard that is agreed upon by the majority. The only place to find the decency and moral codes is in the book of life, and that book to us is the Holy Bible in this United States of America.
There's a Reason that our Founders made for a
First Amendment { a virtual afterthought to these
Drat Democrats and their benefactor MSM }
It is simple,yet dynamic.A first of it's kind in the World.
" Thus,if the First Amendment means anything in this
field,it must allow protests even against the moral
code that the standard of the day sets for the community.In other words,literature should not be
suppressed merely because it offends the moral code
of the censor. " -
William O. Douglas
Furthermore ...
Ask the Black Community when they
saw fit to Ban books and writings by those like James
Baldwin or Malcomb X .I see where it is being mentioned that
Malcomb X's autobiography was Banned.In the year 1984 due to
the growing numbers of Black Panthers.
I guess that explains the movie as well.
- Malcomb X - { 1992 }.
Where Real History buffs will learn how an American
President Was Banned.Both Literally,Intellectually and by
Twitter twits.Plus all forms of Social Media as well.
Guess what President that might have been.One Very
popular Potus.One Very White Popular Potus.

Agree, but you left out what effect it has on you as a person, and what are you researching the historical person for ? Is it for his or her bad side or for their good side ? Again it depends on the researcher. It all leads back to one's upbringing, character, and intent as to what they draw out of the research.

No, I didn't forget anything ... That's why I asked both questions.

There is no event in History that someone knows of, and that is a secret.
The History is there for all to see ... The individual just has to want to know the truth in all its ugliness.

There is no historical figure that ever simply did as society requires or desires.
It's when they stepped above that bar that they became a legend.

And none of them got there without getting their hands dirty or pissing someone off ... :thup:
Except for maybe a famous ice skater or something.

Parents, and parents. All public school districts in the U.S. are independent and run locally, at least in theory. People love the 'free' federal money, and have been brainwashed into believing they have to turn over control to the Feds and/or state governments to take it. They don't, and the Fed can't discriminate against those who refuse to turn over control to them.
This is a lie.
Yes, it is good not to need blind faith.
So you can look into a person's body, and give everyone the analysis of their sickness outcomes, otherwise as to whether they will live or die eh ? Not just prayer and faith works for you, because you have attributes that allow you to know what everyone else don't know eh ?? Remember you don't have blind faith, you just know without a doubt eh ??

I know many a survivor that would love to challenge your bull crap, otherwise when their highly educated doctor's had all but given up on them yet they survived. Call it what you want, but having nothing to believe in tells me all I need to know about you.
Rubbish. They aren't censoring the book, they're just determining it's unsuitable for their classrooms. And they're right. Do you think forcing people to buy certain books is 'anti-censorship' or something, and a choice not to read or buy a book is 'censorship'?
Another lie.

It’s Republican elected officials and rightwing organizations practicing that Nazism.

Here’s an example from Florida, where a rightwing organization called “County Citizens Defending Freedom” is demanding that certain books be ‘removed for review.’

“The group’s members pushed the School Board to get rid of its former mask mandate, questioned why the district includes anus and bladder in its reproductive health curriculum, and have requested to inspect county election equipment and to audit its programs, The Ledger has reported.”

Such is the tyranny of the authoritarian right.
What kids learn from street gutter trash and from pool halls and porn sites doesn't have to be validated by establishments like public schools and public institutions like government.

If you live in a town full of idiots and degenerates, then you're just screwed; tough shit. It's not the Fed's job to do anything about it, and besides they can't do anything about that if they wanted to, since most of the education bureaucrats are degenerate idiots themselves.
Oh, come on. What school validates with this book? A couple of words and some pics?

So, you want to give some idiots a right to decide what is taught in schools to prevent other idiots from doing so? A questionable tactic. Actually, it more reminds of mob rule.

No, I didn't forget anything ... That's why I asked both questions.

There is no event in History that someone knows of, and that is a secret.
The History is there for all to see ... The individual just has to want to know the truth in all its ugliness.

There is no historical figure that ever simply did as society requires or desires.
It's when they stepped above that bar that they became a legend.

And none of them got there without getting their hands dirty or pissing someone off ... :thup:
Except for maybe a famous ice skater or something.

Let not your evil deeds be known, otherwise it is for the sinner to repent, and to try their best to move away from, (i.e.not to encourage or teach others the same).. To teach the little one's to sin is an abomination, and it would be better that a person strap a talent about the neck, and to sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean. It's just that bad.
There's a Reason that our Founders made for a
First Amendment { a virtual afterthought to these
Drat Democrats and their benefactor MSM }
It is simple,yet dynamic.A first of it's kind in the World.
" Thus,if the First Amendment means anything in this
field,it must allow protests even against the moral
code that the standard of the day sets for the community.In other words,literature should not be
suppressed merely because it offends the moral code
of the censor. " -
William O. Douglas
Furthermore ...
Ask the Black Community when they
saw fit to Ban books and writings by those like James
Baldwin or Malcomb X .I see where it is being mentioned that
Malcomb X's autobiography was Banned.In the year 1984 due to
the growing numbers of Black Panthers.
I guess that explains the movie as well.
- Malcomb X - { 1992 }.
Where Real History buffs will learn how an American
President Was Banned.Both Literally,Intellectually and by
Twitter twits.Plus all forms of Social Media as well.
Guess what President that might have been.One Very
popular Potus.One Very White Popular Potus.

Furthermore ...
" The function of the press is to explore and
investigate events,inform the people what is
going on,and to expose the harmful as well as
the good influence at work.There is no higher function
performed under our constitutional regime ....
A reporter is no better than his source of information."
-- {
William O. Douglas } 1898- 1980 Supreme Court Justice
Yeah try taking that to the bank.You'll be treated as if
Joe Rogan.If lucky.
Because most parents do not get involved in schools and their children's education, except to complain.
You are obviously uneducated, so it's obvious that your own parents did not get involved and you are just projecting, here.

My own parents were involved in my schooling as was I with my two sons.
Let not your evil deeds be known, otherwise it is for the sinner to repent, and to try their best to move away from, (i.e.not to encourage or teach others the same).. To teach the little one's to sin is an abomination, and it would be better that a person strap a talent about the neck, and to sink themselves to the bottom of the ocean. It's just that bad.

Whatever Jesus ... You going to walk on water for us too?

As far as I understand the idea is that all people are sinners, and all sins are equal in the eyes of God.
So essentially you are no different than anyone you attempt to cast judgement on.

Judgement is generally what makes God Divine and People assholes ... :thup:


Or Democracy ... Take your pick ... :thup:

Actually, democracy doesn't work this way. Under 'democratic' rule, you choose representatives for some term who are able to take decisions on some matters and enforce these decisions.
I read Maus and bought the books in High School.

One of the most cherished set of books I ever owned.

Nature burned them on me when our place was destroyed in a wildfire, but I'm going to find the set again just because I was reminded of it.

Art Speigleman is most likely a liberal loon, but the story of how his mother and father survived the holocaust was something that helped define my lifestyle, it sharpened my distrust of authority and hardened my hatred of all things racist and left wing. It's no surprise that bed wetting liberals would want to ban the books, and using the asinine excuse of "nudity" is utterly ridiculous. There are no graphic drawings of genitals or anything that would approach something erotic. The only thing close to "erotic" would be a few frames in which he discussed his inability to marry a jewish woman with his french wife (who converted).

The books were very intimate about his relationship with his parents, and although it was probably not his intention it made his father Vladek Speigleman something of a heroic figure in my mind.

Someone who would rob a young mind of the chance to read these books should be tossed into a fucking oven themselves, without the mercy of a Zyklon-B "shower".

A helicopter would suffice as well.

Oh, come on. What school validates with this book? A couple of words and some pics?

So, you want to give some idiots a right to decide what is taught in schools to prevent other idiots from doing so? A questionable tactic. Actually, it more reminds of mob rule.
Yet the teaching of slavery in schools, and about those who engaged in it is causing grave effects upon the mind's of our youth today, otherwise who are then going forth to battle in the streets over something that no one is guilty of today.

Tell me how this is a good thing ?

Of course if we can ensure that history is being taught in a balanced way, otherwise showing the bad, and then showing the great progress from it, then that is and should be the goal, but here we have these leftist engaging in one sided teaching for the purpose of stirring up emotional strife in order to separate and then dominate the new environment.
Actually, democracy doesn't work this way. Under 'democratic' rule, you choose representatives for some term who are able to take decisions on some matters and enforce these decisions.

No ... That would be a Democratically Elected Representative Republic ... Get your facts straight ... :thup:


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