More Mexicans are leaving the USA......will tomato prices rise

So you are saying that non American citizens can be used as slaves.

I don't even believe foreigners are HUMAN, never mind deserving of Rights.
Well they are human and deserve to be shipped home pronto, allowing USA farm slave owners to abuse them is equally wrong

I agree you cant abuse them, but then they bring it on themselves by coming here breaking the law......sad all the way around
All we have to do Is enforce the laws we already have. Hiring an employee and not paying taxes is a crime, no work, no Mexicans
I am not a leftist, and you are a far righty, so your perspective is badly skewed.

I pay less than that, and I can pay $5 a head, if necessary.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will not work in the fields, Ray, for minimum wage.

my perspective is badly skewed? You mean your a righty that takes leftist positions all the time and I'm the one that's skewed?

So who said minimum wage? If any employer can't get workers for minimum wage, they have to increase their offer or do without. An employer that does without goes out of business. So farmers will have to pay much more than minimum wage to get the work done, and yes, we will pay for it when we buy their products. I have no problem with that.
You are wrong, of course, about my position, because you are so far right. Finally, you, however, get the idea that farmers will have to pay more for labor.

They don't want to, of course, and the economics of supply and demand will trump (heh) Trump.

Makes no sense whatsoever. If a farmer can't get people to do the work, the farmer goes out of business. It doesn't matter if they want to pay or not, they have no choice.
Can I sue an illegal alien in a civil court? No, they untouchable . I was a juror in court of law that deported a illegal alien because he hurt another illegal alien, how ironic was that? We needed interpreters and still WE anglos understood. Why can't illegal aliens?
Define moral

Is killing children moral?

If I have to define it for you, you're too stupid to understand it.

Killing children is not, by itself, an immoral act
So your Mother would have acted morally if she killed you, is this your point?

So your Mother would have acted morally if she killed you, is this your point?

The act of killing a child is not immoral on its face. The means, however may be.

Abortion is almost alway immoral, as it is generally carried out against an innocent party to nullify the consequences of a conscious and deliberate choice by the woman.

On the other hand, the 10-12 year old boy my father filled full of lead in Vietnam in 1967 got exactly what he deserved for throwing a grenade at the military convoy my father was riding in.
More Mexicans are crossing the border — to leave the US. Here’s one family’s story.

Seriously, are you scared of paying an American minimum wage to pick crops?

Who do you know that would crawl around a field all day to pick crops, even for minimum wage? Not too many Americans would bother with that kind of work.

Right now, Trump has pissed off Mexico so bad, that one legislator wants to boycott American corn, and instead buy it from Brazil. I think you can imagine what that would do to American farmers.
Mexico ready to retaliate by hurting American corn farmers

Mexico is the 2nd largest purchaser of American products. In 2015 they purchased 257.3 BILLION dollars worth of American products. Cars, appliances, farming products, etc. etc. etc. There are hundreds of thousands of Americans that own time shares and Condo's in Mexico, especially in the tourist districts. Guadalajara has a huge population of Americans that live there full time. In fact, many of our doctors in the states graduated from medical schools in Guadalajara. Walmart's, Home Depot's, Pizza Hut's, McDonald's and many other American corporations are down there. Everywhere you see American cars, they buy Westinghouse, G.E and other American made appliances. Today in Mexico there is actually a middle & upper class, that has absolutely no desire to cross a desert to work for peanuts.

40% of Illegals in this country own homes. Imagine what would happen if we chased them all out. Your property values would hit dirt again, the construction industry would go into a tail spin. They keep the economy going by purchasing cars, T.V.'s, they go to restaurants, movie theaters, buy clothes. They buy everything you do which keeps the economy growing. Illegals contribute over 4 trillion dollars per year to the American economy.
Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

Illegals aren't eligible for WELFARE nor can they VOTE. No illegal would be stupid enough to apply for Welfare or try to cast a vote. Either one is the ultimate "here I am come and get me moment."

Trump only attacks countries he doesn't have investments in. He won't go after the biggest rip off all, CHINA because he owns Hotels there. He didn't include Saudi Arabia in his ban, because he registered 8 new companies there when he jumped in this race.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump registered eight companies in Saudi Arabia during campaign: report


I don't know why we can't get Avocado's from Mexico. You can get a bushel of them for $4.00 dollars in Mexico, and we pay $3.00 for 1 here.
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I have seen the outrage over pretending illegal immigrants are "victims," and it's getting old. Nobody scapegoats illegals, they are artificial victims of their own making, all they have to do is immigrate legally, that is it. They chose otherwise. Like a thief in the night stealing chickens, they don't need or deserve sympathy.
Mexico had it made for over 20+ years shafting us, but if they wish to boycott corn then they better be prepared for what awaits them....the free ride is over
I have seen the outrage over pretending illegal immigrants are "victims," and it's getting old. Nobody scapegoats illegals, they are artificial victims of their own making, all they have to do is immigrate legally, that is it. They chose otherwise. Like a thief in the night stealing chickens, they don't need or deserve sympathy.

It's the Federal Government that's the issue. We need immigration reform NOW. I knew one lady, a Professor from Columbia and it took her 15 YEARS to become a U.S. citizen. It's ridiculous.

And with the 4th Reich of the Republican party in charge now--I doubt it's ever going to happen. We have illegals in this country that have lived here for decades. They are a major contributor to this country, at 4 TRILLION dollars a year to our economy. Immigration reform would insure that they pay their fair share in FICA and Federal taxes.

SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE are in serious trouble.

Today we have an aging population. Back in the 50's average kid size per family was 4. Over the last several decades family kid size has dropped to 2 or less. We have to bring in younger workers to support these programs or they're certain to collapse. Right now one working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money. This is why we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling. Baby boomers are retiring into Social Security/Medicare at 10K per day and this will continue for the next 10 years adding an additional 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

But you'll never get a Reich winger to understand the benefits of immigration,and why we need immigration reform. I really don't understand this. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country. Not one of them has ever strapped on a suicide bomb. They're predominately Catholic--and they're not welcome in this country? Unbelievable STUPIDITY!

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I would gleefully pay a little more for lettuce in the short run than shortchange our country in the long run. You people realize WHO use to do these jobs, to begin with?We have our own poor people to take care of, not pander to Mexico or neoslave owners NOW that pander to/enslave Mexicans.
I also know LEGAL immigrants, from European counties , they fled death and still they followed the rules. .Illegal alien Mexicans and their exploiters can follow the rules and get off their high horse and stop playing games here, all I am saying. Rich businessmen are hurting poor Americans of all stripes and American culture for short term profit, and it isn't worth it in the long run, (the same way they don't care about global warming, strip mining or deforestation), so don't try to make this a humanist thing, because that is a delusion.
Mexico had it made for over 20+ years shafting us, but if they wish to boycott corn then they better be prepared for what awaits them....the free ride is over

Mexico is the SECOND LARGEST purchaser of American products in the WORLD. Now if you don't think they can hurt us you've got your head stuck up in a very DARK PLACE. In 2015 they purchased 257.3 BILLION dollars in American products.

Yes we have trade deficits with many countries. And it's because we are a larger country and require more products than Mexico or smaller countries do. It's not that they're ripping us off dumbass. The only time we'll get a trade surplus is when we're dealing with larger populated countries like China. But they manipulate their currency to make certain that doesn't happen.

You'll note that Trump has not gone after China and it's because he is held hostage by them, as the Trump empire owns hotels there.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect

Add to that--that illegals, predominately Hispanics contribute 4 TRILLION a year to this economy by being here, circulating money into this economy and it's us that owe them money, not the other way around.

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You don't know JACK SHIT about Mexico. There is nothing socialistic about them. Everyone works or they don't eat. There is no Welfare, they just instituted a small social security fund program, that few contribute into. The majority pay no income tax, their Federal income taxes to support Mexico, comes from Pemex gas stations.

Furthermore, most of our oil comes from Mexico.


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