More FBI FOIA Violations...NOT Helping Their Cause...ummm, Calling the US AG...LOL!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The FBI simply REFUSED to release their e-mails with CNN covering the day before and day of their 'armored gestapo' raid of Roger Stone's home...when CNN claimed to just 'get lucky' and be the only network / news agency with a full film crew on-hand to record it...

Now the FBI is refusing to legally with a FOIA request 'seeking more information about secretive communications in late 2016 between a top Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer and the bureau's then-general counsel'.

FBI failed to provide details on contact with Clinton campaign lawyer: Judicial Watch

Oh, Wray, Wray, completely disappoint me... I thought you were going to prove to be a true American who served the country 1st, not another ' in-bred' 'G-man' only trying to protect the crooked treasonous FBI, like Mueller & Comey...

You're not even intelligent enough to know NOT to break the law when the spotlight is on the FBI, thanks to Comey and his exposed bunch of traitors...

You're just making more of a mess the US AG & US IG will have to take care of....
FBI DIRECTOR Robert Mueller was called in front of a Secret FISA Court to explain why the FBI engaged in FISA Court Abuses 75 times....

No one was ever held never stopped. His protege continued the culture / practice. It was exposed in part thanks to SPECIAL COUNSEL Mueller & FBI Director COMEY.

US AG Barr has a chance to do what Mueller and Comey did not - hold criminals accountable, stop it, and never allow it to happen again.

Wray is just demonstrating that the leaders in the FBI who rise up to take over are all ' in-bred', raised in the same culture, and that what the FBI desperately needs is a Director / leadership from the outside who have not been brought up in that corrupt culture and thus have no loyalty that drives them to want to protect it.

It needs no be cleansed.
From the article-

In May of 2016, around the same time then-FBI Director James Comey was drafting a statement exonerating Clinton, the FBI’s Midyear team wrote a memo seeking DOJ permission to review highly-classified information 'necessary to complete the investigation,' according to the unclassified [DOJ Inspector General] report,...

...However, the memo was never sent to DOJ and the Midyear investigation was closed shortly thereafter," the chairmen added. "The classified annex [of the DOJ IG report] includes additional detail about the information in question, its potential relevance to the Midyear investigation and the FBI’s justification for failing to review it."

Leftists want classified info / info that can't legally be released when THEY want it released but use the excuse that such info can NOT be released when they don't want it to be released.

(So what 'classified info' in the e-mails from the FBI to CNN about the Roger Stone 'take down' can not 'legally' be released? :p )

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