6 .--- 2 Research articles below discuss the relationship of aborted Fetal cell DNA in the MMR and Chicken pox vaccines and increases in autism:
FIRST --------"A recent study published in the September 2014 volume of the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology reveals asignificant correlation between autism disorder (AD) and MMR, Varicella (chickenpox) and Hepatitis-A vaccines.Dr. Deisher’s team discovered that the fetal DNA levels ranged anywhere from 142ng – 2000ng per dose, way beyond the so-called “safe” level”.
“There are a large number of publications about the presence of HERV (human endogenous retrovirus – the only re-activatable endogenous retrovirus) and its association with childhood leukemia & lymphoma,” noted Dr Deisher. “The MMR II and chickenpox vaccines and indeed ALL VACCINES that were propagated or manufactured using the fetal cell line WI-38 are contaminated with this retrovirus. And both parents and physicians have a right to know this!”
--- Here is the complete Dr. Deisher's study: http://www.ms.academicjournals.org/article/article1409245960_Deisher%20et%20al.pdf
In 2011 Helen Ratajczak,a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm published in the Journal of Immunotoxicology," Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes--A review." Researched articles from the 1943 to 2011 and found evidence that human DNA in vaccines may cause autism as spikes increased dramatically when aborted fetal DNA was added to vaccines. : "The MMR II vaccine is contaminated with human DNA from the cell line. This human DNA could be the cause of the spikes in incidence. An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue (Merck and Co., Inc., 2001; Breuer, 2003)." http://www.cbsnews.com/news/vaccines-and-autism-a-new-scientific-review/

7. Media is FAILING to do Investigative Reporting : US DOES HAVE Compensated COURT cases of Measles and other Vaccine INJURY:
-------A . "Conclusions. This clustering suggests that a CAUSAL relationship between MEASLES vaccine and ENCEPHALOPATHY as a complication of measles immunization."
Acute Encephalopathy Followed by Permanent Brain Injury or Death Associated With Further Attenuated Measles Vaccines: A Review of Claims Submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ( 1997)
***" Results. A total of 48 children, ages 10 to 49 months, met the inclusion criteria after receiving MEASLES vaccine, alone or incombination. Eight children DIED, and the remainder had mental regression and retardation, chronic seizures, motor and sensory deficits, and movement disorders. The onset of neurologic signs or symptoms occurred with a nonrandom, statistically significant distribution of cases on days 8 and 9. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/101/3/383.short
-------B. 83 US COMPENSATED Vaccine COURT CASES --A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury by Mary Holland JD
---Cases of children who had encephalopathy resulting in autism like behaviors:
The Government program has been quietly paying awards to vaccine-injured children with autism for two decades but continues to deny vaccine-autism link.
--------C. Yet.. only a few of the 83 cases = ie : Hanah Poling case went PUBLIC : on CBS link.
Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
--------E. Protein based )adjuvants like aborted fetal cells DNA, egg albumin and peanut oil residual proteins and aluminum are creating allergies & anaphylaxis as per COURT case on mistaken Shaken Baby Syndrome, http://vactruth.com/2010/07/15/non-disclosed-hyper-allergenic-vaccine-adjuvant/ . " Nobel prize winner, Charles Robert Richet, warned WHY PROTEINS should NEVER be INJECTED (as in vaccines): In the presentation speech as winner of the 1913 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work with anaphylaxis.

8.Additional Studies Showing UNsafe Vaccine Contamination and Reasons for Vaccine Ineffective outcomes: :

- ------A. The --FDA WEBSITE--- discusses latent viruses in vaccines that could cause CANCER under vaccine manufacturing conditions. "Investigating Viruses in Cells Used to Make Vaccines; and Evaluating the Potential Threat Posed by Transmission of Viruses to Humans"----"In some cases the cell lines that are used might be tumorigenic, that is, they form tumors when injected into rodents. Some of these tumor-forming cell lines may contain cancer-causing viruses that are not actively reproducing. Such viruses are hard to detect using standard methods. These latent, or "quiet," viruses pose a potential threat, since they might become active under vaccine manufacturing conditions. Therefore, to ensure the safety of vaccines, our laboratory is investigating ways to activate latent viruses in cell lines and to detect the activated viruses, as well as other unknown viruses, using new technologies. We will then adapt our findings to detect viruses in the same types of cell substrates that are used to produce vaccines. We are also trying to identify specific biological processes that reflect virus activity."
* http://www.fda.gov/biologicsbloodvaccines/scienceresearch/biologicsresearchareas/ucm127327.htm
-------B. MORE than 14 Pub Med etc, links/ EVIDENCE of the relationship of CANCER and VACCINES, and stealth VIRAL pathogens found in Vaccines : MORE than 14 links/ EVIDENCE of the relationship of CANCER and VACCINES, and stealth VIRAL pathogens found in Vaccines
-------C Failure of the WHOOPING COUGH / DTaP vaccine/ studies showing the strain has changed: That's why the vaccine is ineffective EVEN in FULLY in vaccinated populations.
Latest PUB MED Studies about the WHOOPING COUGH vaccine, Shaken Baby Syndrome and Why proteins should not be injected & MORE:

9. Why Some People are more at Risk of Vaccine Adverse Reactions than Others:
--------A. Genetics and vaccines adverse reactions. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2843136/
-------B. A Person's Genetic predisposition such as Mitochondrial polymorphisms or MTHFR) mutations are associated with risk of vaccine injury since those persons have faulty detoxification pathways and therefore are not able to rid the body of the harmful toxic adjuvants in vaccines like mercury ( Thimerasol ), aluminum, formaldehyde , Etc., and other environmental toxins as well as others are able to do; Therefore it is recommended to have genetic testing before vaccines are given. " Mitochondrial metabolism is the main site of the toxicological action of Al.( Since aluminum ( a known neurotoxin ) is present as an adjuvant in many vaccines it has potential to cause adverse side effects especially in those persons who have Mitochondrial polymorphisms.)" http://vaxtruth.org/2011/08/vaccines-mitochondrial/
--------C. "Genetic Basis for Adverse Events
Following Smallpox Vaccination" : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2746083/
------- D. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3145262/
--------E Dr. Jill James study summary on faulty methylation is in the 3rd section.. http://discovermagazine.com/2007/apr/autism-it2019s-not-just-in-the-head This article also discusses the Gut / Brain link connection with Spectrum conditions .
--------F. 2014 RESEARCH See pages 6-7 for MTHFR and adverse reaction susceptibility to vaccines: The ontology of genetic susceptibility factors (OGSF) and its application in modeling genetic susceptibility to vaccine adverse events Yu Lin1,2,3* and Yongqun He1,2,3* http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/2041-1480-5-19.pdf

10. ---- Synergistic Exposure to Multiple Toxins have a greater effect than Single toxin Exposure.
-------A. Comprehensive studies : http://www.flcv.com/hgsynerg.html
------B . How to use the NVIC calculator to determine the amount of metal toxins received by MULTIPLE vaccine injections : http://vaxtruth.org/2012/01/aluminum-toxicity-and-a-primer-on-the-vic/
------C . “Trace Amounts” documentary discusses the Potent synergy of toxic metals in vaccines. http://traceamounts.com/
------D. Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s papers can be studied to corroborate her assertions that (GMO) glyphosate and aluminum, among other environmental toxins, are synergistically causing autism: ( Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a professor and researcher at MIT.) http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/WAPF_Slides_2012/Offsite_Seneff_Handout.pdf
Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff, “Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases” Entropy
2013, 15(4), 1416-1463; doi:10.3390/e15041416 (Download)
Stephanie Seneff, Robert M.
Davidson, and Jingjing Liu, “Empirical Data Confirm Autism Symptoms Related to
Aluminum and Acetaminophen Exposure,” Entropy 2012, 14, 2227-2253;
doi:10.3390/e14112227 (Download)

11. Comparing COUNTRIES show Infant Mortality and Autism rates are Higher in those countries with Higher Vaccination rates:
http://www.fourteenstudies.org/nowwhat.html And in the same link the biased 14-19 studies used by Pro vaccine people to describe vaccines being safe---- are shown to be biased due to researchers conflict of interest and due to improper placebos.
------NOTE: There are no true placebos in vaccine studies that conclude with vaccines being safe.. Studies that deem vaccines safe are using either aluminum or other vaccines as placebos which invalidate the study.
"Aluminium-based adjuvants should not be used as placebos in clinical trials."
--------Robert S. Mendelsohn MD, Pediatrician, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Illinios, College of Medicine states:
"There has never been a single vaccine in this country that has ever been submitted to a controlled scientific study. They never took a group of 100 people who were candidates for a vaccine, gave 50 of them a vaccine and left the other 50 alone, and measured the outcome. And since that's never been done, that means if you want to be kind, you will call vaccines an unproven remedy.
----------Vaccine researchers Not ethical: The FUGATIVE, Poul Thorsen is the man whose research is used by the AAP, media, public health establishment and pharma spokespeople like Dr. Paul Offit, Bill Gates and CNN's Dr. Nancy Snyderman to –“claim to prove" ---that there is no connection between vaccines and autism. Most people don't realize he is wanted by American authorities - see The US Office of Inspector General Dept. of Human Services Department website below.
See this Govt. OIG website for details re: his indictments and Fraud with the CDC. https://l.facebook.com/l/hAQHuJaMjAQFYoHh9_zJYSiw4q492XLssw32LRUbuesAXCQ/https%3A%2F%2Foig.hhs.gov%2Ffraud%2Ffugitives%2Fprofiles.asp -----His case appears about 1/4 down in the link above:

12. Examination of the history of vaccination has shown that infectious diseases have dramatically waned before the advent of compulsory vaccinations occurred. Improved sanitation, hygiene and nutrition was most effective for eradicating epidemics.
History data also show that small pox was actually caused by the vaccination itself in many cases as discussed in this data referenced by 45 sources. .
Vaccination: A Mythical History ~ by Roman Bystrianyk and Suzanne Humphries MD
Have you ever been harmed by a vaccine Rod?
I personally have never had a vaccine. My grandchildren have allergies no one has ever had in our family history and my children both have the SV-40 that came with their vaccines. If I had known no one would have ever touched any of them.
The government puts little tiny microchips into vaccine, so they can monitor your whereabouts and all of you conversations throughout the rest of your life!
correlation does not equal causation. and for cases of adverse reaction to vaccines, which are very rare, there is a system set up to provide medical care and compensation.

The risk of the diseases being vaccinated against is worse than the risk of an adverse vaccine reaction.
That is akin to saying Tapeworms are gone and its okay because we are unsure that there is correlated to the organ damage in the body from them. It could be something totally different like maybe your momma smoked and you have bad genes.

it is actually not even remotely "akin" to it.
Yes it is. It may be smaller than your run of the mill parasites but viruses, bacterias and fungi's require a host to survive. The whackjobs shooting children up with crap have only a few clues as to what the long term damage will be to the delicate human that has not fully formed. They already know if someone is immune compromised the shots can kill or maim children and adults both. Medical Nazi's are playing roulette with other peoples lives. It would not be an issue if they were only putting this crap into themselves and but you all seem to believe you have rights to gamble with other peoples lives and force their children to take whatever the hell you put out. All for profit and a desire to control what is not yours and doesn't belong to you.

How much "profit" is in a one dose (or at most 3 dose) vaccine? Your entire concept is rendered nothing more than a whacky conspiracy theory. Why do you think the government has to cover vaccine issues themselves? The simple fact of the matter is most vaccines have horrible profit margins. If you were talking about a long term dose medicine you would have much more of a point.

Vaccines work for the vast majority of people and have saved millions of lives. You are just too dumb to think about what it used to be like prior to them.

Polio, Smallpox, Rubella, Mumps, all of them were either lethal or maimed people for life.
You and yours are free to shoot your selves up with all the crap you want but again you are not entitled to do it to others or use others tax payer dollars to kill and maim while you play God.

And you aren't allowed to ruin herd immunity for people who actually cannot get immunizations due to real medical issues, not some conspiracy laced crap about vaccinations. If you want to be vaccine free, home school your kids, and live in a shack in the middle of the woods. Just don't come crying when they catch something that could have been prevented.
That is akin to saying Tapeworms are gone and its okay because we are unsure that there is correlated to the organ damage in the body from them. It could be something totally different like maybe your momma smoked and you have bad genes.

it is actually not even remotely "akin" to it.
Yes it is. It may be smaller than your run of the mill parasites but viruses, bacterias and fungi's require a host to survive. The whackjobs shooting children up with crap have only a few clues as to what the long term damage will be to the delicate human that has not fully formed. They already know if someone is immune compromised the shots can kill or maim children and adults both. Medical Nazi's are playing roulette with other peoples lives. It would not be an issue if they were only putting this crap into themselves and but you all seem to believe you have rights to gamble with other peoples lives and force their children to take whatever the hell you put out. All for profit and a desire to control what is not yours and doesn't belong to you.

How much "profit" is in a one dose (or at most 3 dose) vaccine? Your entire concept is rendered nothing more than a whacky conspiracy theory. Why do you think the government has to cover vaccine issues themselves? The simple fact of the matter is most vaccines have horrible profit margins. If you were talking about a long term dose medicine you would have much more of a point.

Vaccines work for the vast majority of people and have saved millions of lives. You are just too dumb to think about what it used to be like prior to them.

Polio, Smallpox, Rubella, Mumps, all of them were either lethal or maimed people for life.
You and yours are free to shoot your selves up with all the crap you want but again you are not entitled to do it to others or use others tax payer dollars to kill and maim while you play God.

And you aren't allowed to ruin herd immunity for people who actually cannot get immunizations due to real medical issues, not some conspiracy laced crap about vaccinations. If you want to be vaccine free, home school your kids, and live in a shack in the middle of the woods. Just don't come crying when they catch something that could have been prevented.
People are not your "herd" asshole.
Have you ever been harmed by a vaccine Rod?
I personally have never had a vaccine. My grandchildren have allergies no one has ever had in our family history and my children both have the SV-40 that came with their vaccines. If I had known no one would have ever touched any of them.
No "pity" but anyone that supports gambling with other peoples live with these dangerous vaccines that are listed above should have great shame.
I hope that you aren't drinking the water, Rod. The government has put fluoride in it to pollute your bodily fluids. It's a commie plot.
it is actually not even remotely "akin" to it.
Yes it is. It may be smaller than your run of the mill parasites but viruses, bacterias and fungi's require a host to survive. The whackjobs shooting children up with crap have only a few clues as to what the long term damage will be to the delicate human that has not fully formed. They already know if someone is immune compromised the shots can kill or maim children and adults both. Medical Nazi's are playing roulette with other peoples lives. It would not be an issue if they were only putting this crap into themselves and but you all seem to believe you have rights to gamble with other peoples lives and force their children to take whatever the hell you put out. All for profit and a desire to control what is not yours and doesn't belong to you.

How much "profit" is in a one dose (or at most 3 dose) vaccine? Your entire concept is rendered nothing more than a whacky conspiracy theory. Why do you think the government has to cover vaccine issues themselves? The simple fact of the matter is most vaccines have horrible profit margins. If you were talking about a long term dose medicine you would have much more of a point.

Vaccines work for the vast majority of people and have saved millions of lives. You are just too dumb to think about what it used to be like prior to them.

Polio, Smallpox, Rubella, Mumps, all of them were either lethal or maimed people for life.
You and yours are free to shoot your selves up with all the crap you want but again you are not entitled to do it to others or use others tax payer dollars to kill and maim while you play God.

And you aren't allowed to ruin herd immunity for people who actually cannot get immunizations due to real medical issues, not some conspiracy laced crap about vaccinations. If you want to be vaccine free, home school your kids, and live in a shack in the middle of the woods. Just don't come crying when they catch something that could have been prevented.
People are not your "herd" asshole.

it's a concept. You obviously are not smart enough to get it.
Have you ever been harmed by a vaccine Rod?
I personally have never had a vaccine. My grandchildren have allergies no one has ever had in our family history and my children both have the SV-40 that came with their vaccines. If I had known no one would have ever touched any of them.
No "pity" but anyone that supports gambling with other peoples live with these dangerous vaccines that are listed above should have great shame.
Sure, it is a pity. If you had suffered from a vaccine it would have at least explained your extreme hyperventilating paranoia.
Yes it is. It may be smaller than your run of the mill parasites but viruses, bacterias and fungi's require a host to survive. The whackjobs shooting children up with crap have only a few clues as to what the long term damage will be to the delicate human that has not fully formed. They already know if someone is immune compromised the shots can kill or maim children and adults both. Medical Nazi's are playing roulette with other peoples lives. It would not be an issue if they were only putting this crap into themselves and but you all seem to believe you have rights to gamble with other peoples lives and force their children to take whatever the hell you put out. All for profit and a desire to control what is not yours and doesn't belong to you.

How much "profit" is in a one dose (or at most 3 dose) vaccine? Your entire concept is rendered nothing more than a whacky conspiracy theory. Why do you think the government has to cover vaccine issues themselves? The simple fact of the matter is most vaccines have horrible profit margins. If you were talking about a long term dose medicine you would have much more of a point.

Vaccines work for the vast majority of people and have saved millions of lives. You are just too dumb to think about what it used to be like prior to them.

Polio, Smallpox, Rubella, Mumps, all of them were either lethal or maimed people for life.
You and yours are free to shoot your selves up with all the crap you want but again you are not entitled to do it to others or use others tax payer dollars to kill and maim while you play God.

And you aren't allowed to ruin herd immunity for people who actually cannot get immunizations due to real medical issues, not some conspiracy laced crap about vaccinations. If you want to be vaccine free, home school your kids, and live in a shack in the middle of the woods. Just don't come crying when they catch something that could have been prevented.
People are not your "herd" asshole.

it's a concept. You obviously are not smart enough to get it.
You "obviously" did not read through the information that I posted. Its on you though as karma is a bitch when justice rolls around.
Have you ever been harmed by a vaccine Rod?
I personally have never had a vaccine. My grandchildren have allergies no one has ever had in our family history and my children both have the SV-40 that came with their vaccines. If I had known no one would have ever touched any of them.
No "pity" but anyone that supports gambling with other peoples live with these dangerous vaccines that are listed above should have great shame.
Sure, it is a pity. If you had suffered from a vaccine it would have at least explained your extreme hyperventilating paranoia.
Its your own shame they you don't get that other peoples children are not yours or your cronies to do with as you please. Facts of damaged generations of other peoples children and your little gang ignores it all. Your groupies deserve whatever comes their way.
Have you ever been harmed by a vaccine Rod?
I personally have never had a vaccine. My grandchildren have allergies no one has ever had in our family history and my children both have the SV-40 that came with their vaccines. If I had known no one would have ever touched any of them.
No "pity" but anyone that supports gambling with other peoples live with these dangerous vaccines that are listed above should have great shame.
Sure, it is a pity. If you had suffered from a vaccine it would have at least explained your extreme hyperventilating paranoia.
Its your own shame they you don't get that other peoples children are not yours or your cronies to do with as you please. Facts of damaged generations of other peoples children and your little gang ignores it all. Your groupies deserve whatever comes their way.
You should have gotten the vaccine that causes coherent English. :thup:

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