MORE 'Boots on the Ground'....In Syria

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?
I want to be clear on this:

1. You are a partisan idiot.

2. You do not speak for me.

3. I want a President who does NOT supply, finance, arm, protect, & defend terrorists - Obama has proven he isn't such a President.

4. I want a President who does not violate the US Constitution by taking the country to war on his own, by-passing Congress to do so, which Barry has done. He never went to Congress and asked for the authority to send combat ground troops into Syria!

5. Obama, as usual, is a LIAR - he promised 'NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND', and now he's sending at least 200 more (approx 500 troops total) into Syria... NOT BAD FOR A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER.

I want to be clear

1. You are dodging the question- because you are just another anti-Obama asshole.

2. You are a partisan idiot.

3. No one would want to speak for you.

4. You will be fine when Trump unilaterally send troops anywhere.

5. Trump has been lying all the way into his election. And you are not only okay with that, you will applaud Trump as he lies to us as President.
So elected presidents shouldn't lie? my my
Speaking of 'Obama broken promises'... Barry's send8ng in 200 ground troops to fight alongside Kurds and Arabs...

Obama continues to send combat troops into Syria to fight his own personal Un-Constitutional War against the enemy he supplied, financed, armed, trained, protected, and allowed into Iraq...

U.S. is sending 200 more troops to Syria to help fight ISIS

MANAMA, Bahrain – U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Saturday that as many as 200 more American troops are being sent to Syria to help Kurdish and Arab fighters capture the Islamic State group's key stronghold of Raqqa.

U.S. is sending 200 more troops to Syria to help fight ISIS

I hope MY President will bring them back.

Obama can continue fucking up for 40 days.

Got news for you, by this time next year we will have invaded the place and two years from now there will be several thousand American troops stuck in the middle of a civil war they have no hope of putting down. Look at all the generals and defense executives your messiah has appointed, every one of them is already counting the money they are going to make. What? Did you actually believe Trump's isolationist bullshit? Sucker.
You thinkin Obama won't convey power?
A Nobel Peace Prize Winner walks into a bar... the time he walks out, he has taken the US to war Un-Constitutionally to help Al Qaeida take over Libya, taken the US to war Un-Constitutionally in SYRIA with promise-breaking combat troops / boots on the ground IN SYRIA, used an international arms dealer to provide weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS, and he's running his own Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program in which he is killing foreign terrorists, innocent people ('collateral damage'), & Americans.

There is no punch line...just FACTS.
I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?
I want to be clear on this:

1. You are a partisan idiot.

2. You do not speak for me.

3. I want a President who does NOT supply, finance, arm, protect, & defend terrorists - Obama has proven he isn't such a President.

4. I want a President who does not violate the US Constitution by taking the country to war on his own, by-passing Congress to do so, which Barry has done. He never went to Congress and asked for the authority to send combat ground troops into Syria!

5. Obama, as usual, is a LIAR - he promised 'NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND', and now he's sending at least 200 more (approx 500 troops total) into Syria... NOT BAD FOR A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER.

I want to be clear

1. You are dodging the question- because you are just another anti-Obama asshole.

2. You are a partisan idiot.

3. No one would want to speak for you.

4. You will be fine when Trump unilaterally send troops anywhere.

5. Trump has been lying all the way into his election. And you are not only okay with that, you will applaud Trump as he lies to us as President.
So elected presidents shouldn't lie? my my

All politicians lie.

Trump has just pushed the boundaries from earthly lying to galactic lying.
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?

See how the far left will ignore the illegal wars of Obama?
I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?
I want to be clear on this:

1. You are a partisan idiot.

2. You do not speak for me.

3. I want a President who does NOT supply, finance, arm, protect, & defend terrorists - Obama has proven he isn't such a President.

4. I want a President who does not violate the US Constitution by taking the country to war on his own, by-passing Congress to do so, which Barry has done. He never went to Congress and asked for the authority to send combat ground troops into Syria!

5. Obama, as usual, is a LIAR - he promised 'NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND', and now he's sending at least 200 more (approx 500 troops total) into Syria... NOT BAD FOR A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER.

I want to be clear

1. You are dodging the question- because you are just another anti-Obama asshole.

2. You are a partisan idiot.

3. No one would want to speak for you.

4. You will be fine when Trump unilaterally send troops anywhere.

5. Trump has been lying all the way into his election. And you are not only okay with that, you will applaud Trump as he lies to us as President.
So elected presidents shouldn't lie? my my

All politicians lie.

Trump has just pushed the boundaries from earthly lying to galactic lying.

Says the far left drone that voted for worse than Bush 5 times!
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?

See how the far left will ignore the illegal wars of Obama?

Hmmm if the wars were illegal, the Republican controlled Senate and House would have been able to impeach him for it.

Oh wait.......
I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?
I want to be clear on this:

1. You are a partisan idiot.

2. You do not speak for me.

3. I want a President who does NOT supply, finance, arm, protect, & defend terrorists - Obama has proven he isn't such a President.

4. I want a President who does not violate the US Constitution by taking the country to war on his own, by-passing Congress to do so, which Barry has done. He never went to Congress and asked for the authority to send combat ground troops into Syria!

5. Obama, as usual, is a LIAR - he promised 'NO BOOTS ON THE GROUND', and now he's sending at least 200 more (approx 500 troops total) into Syria... NOT BAD FOR A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER.

I want to be clear

1. You are dodging the question- because you are just another anti-Obama asshole.

2. You are a partisan idiot.

3. No one would want to speak for you.

4. You will be fine when Trump unilaterally send troops anywhere.

5. Trump has been lying all the way into his election. And you are not only okay with that, you will applaud Trump as he lies to us as President.
1. Against fighting ISIS?

You will be fine when President Trump unilaterally sends his troops anywhere because you have your head so firmly buried up his ass you slurp up his lies and call them pie.
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?

See how the far left will ignore the illegal wars of Obama?

Hmmm if the wars were illegal, the Republican controlled Senate and House would have been able to impeach him for it.

Oh wait.......

You mean just like the far left Nancy Pelosi said about Bush?

even the far left Atlantic called the wars of Obama illegal as they are!

See how the far left drones will ignore things that are factually illegal!

How Obama Is Enabling the Next President to Launch Illegal Wars
At least Bush had Congressional approval to go to war.

How many more soldiers are going to be sent to fight in Barry's private war to make up for his 'Red Line' F*-Up?!

I just want to be clear on this- you do not want American troops committed to fighting ISIS?

Are you serious about fighting ISIS? Do you want to see them destroyed? The fastest way for that to happen is for us to get the hell out of Syria, and offer whatever information or assistance they request. Because right now, we're the baddies in the fight. ?

Am I serious about fighting ISIS? I am not sure that the United States should be in their at all. Our record of intervention in the Middle East is pretty spotty.

Unfortunately I tend to agree with you- we should probably pull out of Syria and leave the Syrians to the mercy of ISIS and Abbad. Because we aren't helping there.

And then pressure Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan to actually defeating ISIS. While continuing our strategy of targeting ISIS leadership for drone and special forces strikes.

Will you make up your mind? First you sneer at someone who thinks that we shouldn't have troops fighting, then after I show how much damage we are doing you sigh and switch sides of the fence and agree that we shouldn't be there. Then haughtily you say that the Syrians should be left to Assad. Or at least I think you mean Assad since Abbas is the President of the Palastinian Authority.

If you look past the propaganda put out by the current Administration you would know that things under Assad were actually not bad. Before our efforts to stir up the civil war, and it was us, make no mistake about it, Syria was one of the most stable multi-racial nations in the entire region.

Now the propaganda will claim that Syria was illegitimate because Assad was President for Life, but how the hell was he different than Saudi, UAE, Qutar, or any other Middle East nation? Oh that's right, he was friendly with the Russians. Well, we can't have that.

Hillary believed that Assad would fall with a small effort like Libya, Tunisia, and Yemen. Egypt was perhaps the closest, and our experts saw this as a great opportunity to get Russia out of the Mediterranean Sea. They had one naval base, in the entire Med, and it was in Syria. If Assad could be made to fall, the Russians would have to leave the Med because any Naval assets would be unsustainable.

Only the majority of the population of Syria didn't want the Jihadi's to win. ISIS is made up primarily of foreign born fighters. Oh well, at least the guys we like, the Free Syrian Army are Syrians. Nope, they just don't draw as many foreign born radicals to Syria which is probably why they are a minor power. The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

So we sponsor terrorism in the Free Syrian Army. That is what our country is doing in our names. We are attempting to overthrow the legitimate government of Syria. We even used the lame assed excuse that Syria violated the ban on Chemical Weapons that they hadn't signed. We stirred up a civil war in a nation that was stable and peaceful, until we got involved. We are the criminals. We are the bad guys. We are the evil bastards playing games. That is what History should be showing, but it's not because thou shalt not speak ill of Obama.

There are issues in which I disagree with Trump. Immigration and Trade are not two of those issues in which we disagree. I'm waiting to see if he gets smart and pulls us out of Syria and offers the Russians and Assad any help we can, or if he decides to continue drone striking the leaders of the Terrorists. That's another stupid god damned policy. Striking the leader works if the group is a personality cult. Otherwise someone else just steps up and takes over. We lose the ability to guess what the leader will do, because it takes time to build up a profile of the individual through study. Then we kill him, and we manage to start that crap all over again. For some reason, it just never actually defeats the group. All it does is make us feel like we are accomplishing things.

We are. We're working towards our own downfall with feel good policies wrapped around imperialism of three centuries ago instead of wise and well considered actions based upon truth instead of manipulative bullshit.
Got news for you, by this time next year we will have invaded the place and two years from now there will be several thousand American troops stuck in the middle of a civil war they have no hope of putting down. Look at all the generals and defense executives your messiah has appointed, every one of them is already counting the money they are going to make. What? Did you actually believe Trump's isolationist bullshit? Sucker.

Well then he was no different from Hillary who is one of the architects of this debacle. In fact, he might even be better since his hands are clean unlike Hillary in how we got there in the first place.

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