More Ancient Proof of Jewish Claims to Jerusalem Temple

Jesus said Jews are the children of the devil, and that when he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

The article from the OP is complete bullsh1t, as already pointed out in thread. That the coin turns out to fake is just the flies on the Zionist sh1t pie that they're trying to get us to eat.

Zionists lie, period.

8-year-old girlā€™s 2,000-year-old ā€˜half-shekelā€™ turns out to be museum souvenir

Coin found in Halamish, initially believed to be minted just prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, is actually one of thousands produced by children each year at Israel Museum, expert says

ROFL!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
"Archaeology has been used by the Israeli occupation as an important tool to [make] legitimate its illegal control over Palestine, utilising ancient biblical tales and sites to inspire Israeli public sentiment," he said.

Furthermore, the intertwining of biblical sites and religious archaeologists draws greater support from Evangelical Christians in the United States, Israel's political allies."

Hobby Lobby funds Israeli settlement archaeology

...more evidence that Zionists lie.
Yup, it's all "fake" according to the Islamo-terrorist apologists, Israel never really existed, the Jews didn't really live there, and there was no Temple Mount! Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the insanity!

September: Second Temple flooring and Jews in caves

Sections of floor tiling from the Second Temple courtyard have been restored by archaeologists, using fragments found in debris removed from the Temple Mount. The team believes the regally decorated tiles adorned porticos (roofed colonnades) atop the Temple Mount during the reign of Roman vassal King Herod in Jerusalem, from 37 to 4 BCE. The shards were found by the Temple Mount Sifting Project.
read more: The best archaeological finds in Israel of 2016

Meanwhile, surveying in the Galilee, scientists discovered hundreds of limestone caves in which Jews hid when Roman troops came marching through 2,000 years ago, during the Great Jewish Revolt (66-70 CE(.Extensive embellishment such as baths and candle niches carved into the rock show that the caves had been prepared for extensive habitation.
read more: The best archaeological finds in Israel of 2016

August: Synagogues when there shouldn't be any
Yet another synagogue was discovered in the Galilee that somewhat rewrites the history of Judaism.This one too predates the destruction of the Second Temple ā€“ which was supposed to concentrate all Jewish worship at the time. But maybe it wasn't a house of worship exactly. Inscriptions and historical sources suggest that the "other" synagogues of the time were confined to use for meetings, Torah readings and study.
A palatial building dating to the era of King Solomon, 3000 years ago, has been discovered in Gezer, though there is no evidence which of the Israelite kings lived there, if any. The diggers found a layer of Philistine pottery, lending credence to the biblical account of them living in the city until being vanquished by King David.
read more: The best archaeological finds in Israel of 2016

An important and unusual discovery was made in archaeological excavations that were carried out in the Tel Lachish National Park: a gate-shrine from the First Temple period (eighth century BCE) in what archaeologists perceive as compelling evidence of King Hezekiahā€™s efforts to abolish worship there, as described in the Bible: ā€œHe removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah polesā€¦ā€ (II Kings 18:4).

The archaeological excavation was conducted in Januaryā€“March by the Israel Antiquities Authority, at the initiative of the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and in cooperation with the Nature and Parks Authority, in order to further the continued development of the Tel Lachish National Park.

Evidence of the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Babylonians is currently being unearthed in the City of David in excavations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority at the Jerusalem Walls National Park, funded by the City of David Foundation (Elad). In the excavations ā€“ concentrated on the eastern slope of the City of David, dwelling places 2,500 years old, once covered by a rockslide, have been revealed. Nestled within the rockslide many findings have surfaced: charred wood, grape seeds, pottery, fish scales and bones, and unique, rare artifacts. These findings depict the affluence and character of Jerusalem, capital of the Judean Kingdom, and are mesmerizing proof of the city's demise at the hands of the Babylonians.

Among the excavation's salient findings were dozens of jugs which served to store both grain and liquids, a stamp seal appearing on some of them.
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The Kotel (Western Wall) is arguably the most important archaeological site in Israel. As the focal point of Israeli archaeology, there are new discoveries found periodically. However, the latest finds have been particularly exciting to archaeologists and tourists alike.

The Channel from the City of David to the Temple Mount

The most important archeological discovery in the Old City of Jerusalem is the ancient Second Temple Period water system, linking the City of David to the Western Wall. It is amazing to consider that this tunnel would have existed at the time of the second temple. This was the main water drainage tunnel that flowed through the Shiloah Pool and outside the city. Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron are the archaeologist leading this massive effort of unearthing these ancient structures and discovering the meaning and importance to the people of Israel during the Second Temple period.

Read more at Recent Ancient Discoveries Under the Western Wall
It's all fake! Jews were never there. Ha ha ha!

Archaeology | City Of David


Excavations From 2010-2020
The Spring House | 1995 - 2012 | Eli Shukron
In 1995, Ronny Reich and Eli Shukron began to excavate near the Gihon Spring and forever changed our understanding of Ancient Jerusalem.
> Read More
The Shiloah Pool and the Second Temple Road | 2004 - 2012
In 2004, Reich and Shukron began an excavation in the southern part of the City of David, at the site of the Second Temple period Shiloah Pool.
> Read More
Givati Parking Lot | 2007 - 2012 | Doron Ben-Ami
In 2007, Doron Ben-Ami and Yana Tchekhanovets began a comprehensive excavation in the Givati Parking Lot, located west of the entrance to the City of David.
> Read More
The Central Water Drainage Channel |2007 - 2012 | Eli Shukron
Since 2007, Reich and Shukron have been excavating the main water drainage tunnel of the city of Jerusalem from the Second Temple period, inside the Tyropoeon Valley.
Yup, it's all "fake" according to the Islamo-terrorist apologists, Israel never really existed, the Jews didn't really live there, and there was no Temple Mount! Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the insanity!

It's all fake! Jews were never there. Ha ha ha!

*sigh* Rude-eee, no-one has ever said that people who adhered to the Judean Temple cult based in Jerusalem were "never there"; the religion certainly existed in the region, beyond any doubt. We're just laughing at the desperate attempts by Zionists to claim that they have an ethnic link to the Judeans of antiquity, clutching at any straw...or do so. The European Zionist colonists have been trying to do this for decades, and failing miserably.

Zionists lie, period.

8-year-old girlā€™s 2,000-year-old ā€˜half-shekelā€™ turns out to be museum souvenir

Coin found in Halamish, initially believed to be minted just prior to the destruction of the Second Temple, is actually one of thousands produced by children each year at Israel Museum, expert says

ROFL!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
2,000-year-old ā€˜half-shekelā€™ turns out to be museum souvenir

So much for those "Expert opinions"
"Ancient Etruscan coin found in Vatican excavation"

Tuscans claim Vatican as their own.

The Tuscans mean business, this new Tuscan recruit (in full Etruscan regalia) says he's going kick Swiss Guard ass.

Any Palestinian coins with the inscription of the Tammimi or Banu-Abbas tribes?
Yup, it's all "fake" according to the Islamo-terrorist apologists, Israel never really existed, the Jews didn't really live there, and there was no Temple Mount! Ha ha ha. Ya gotta love the insanity!

It's all fake! Jews were never there. Ha ha ha!

*sigh* Rude-eee, no-one has ever said that people who adhered to the Judean Temple cult based in Jerusalem were "never there"; the religion certainly existed in the region, beyond any doubt. We're just laughing at the desperate attempts by Zionists to claim that they have an ethnic link to the Judeans of antiquity, clutching at any straw...or do so. The European Zionist colonists have been trying to do this for decades, and failing miserably.
Why does it matter, dufus? Isrsel has been the Jewish religious, spiritual, ancestral, and cultural homeland for over three thousand years.

Do Muslims have "ethnic" or "DNA" links to lands or sites they control and consider holy to them?
The Tuscans mean business, this new Tuscan recruit (in full Etruscan regalia) says he's going kick Swiss Guard ass.

So since the Poop is Argentinian he should not be running that criminal, Mafia organization that harbors thousands of pedophile priests known as the Vatican.
The Tuscans mean business, this new Tuscan recruit (in full Etruscan regalia) says he's going kick Swiss Guard ass.


Yeah...I think the Swis can take him..


If it comes to a real fight, a quick look into the Swiss Guard armoury would seal the deal...


Same problem with the Zionist regime, they have the guns; the Palestinians just have rocks...

The Tuscans mean business, this new Tuscan recruit (in full Etruscan regalia) says he's going kick Swiss Guard ass.


Yeah...I think the Swis can take him..


If it comes to a real fight, a quick look into the Swiss Guard armoury would seal the deal...


Same problem with the Zionist regime, they have the guns; the Palestinians just have rocks...

So the Pslestinian missiles and suicide bombs are made of rocks? LOL

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