More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

This goes to Justice Scalia's dissent when he said "each decision...unabashedly not based on law the court moves one step closer to being reminded of it's impotence".

Pound Sand, Your Honor! More Americans Want States to Ignore Federal Courts

While dissenting from the recent Supreme Court decision rubber-stamping same-sex “marriage,” Justice Antonin Scalia warned his colleagues that with “each decision ... unabashedly based not on law” the Court moves “one step closer to being reminded of [its] impotence.” And a new poll shows that another such step has in fact been taken, with more Americans supporting the idea that states should have the right to ignore federal court rulings. WritesRasmussen Reports, “A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 33% of Likely U.S. Voters now believe that states should have the right to ignore federal court rulings if their elected officials [dis]agree with them. That’s up nine points from 24% when we first asked this question in February.Just over half (52%) disagree, down from 58% in the earlier survey. Fifteen percent (15%) are undecided.”

This shift is clearly influenced not just by Obergefell v. Hodges (the marriage ruling), but also a late June ObamaCare decision so contrary to the “Affordable Care Act’s” text that Justice Scalia lamented to the Court, “Words no longer have meaning.” Not surprisingly, there was an ideological divide among poll respondents.

Pound Sand Your Honor More Americans Want States to Ignore Federal Courts
Correction. More Republicans want states to ignore the federal government. Don't you find it odd that over the last few years Republicans have become more and more anarchist? Anti American?

Republicans are Americans. Rethink and try again
Ok let's say a million Republicans for Americans wanted to secede from the union when Bill Clinton was president and now because a black man is President 2,000,000 want to secede. So your poll showing that more Republicans want to secede isn't telling me anything I don't already know. That means this polll is misleading. Its not telling you what you think it is. No you try again

How in the hell did you arrive at it's because a black man is POTUS? How? Falling back to that BS is ignorance
There are times when I agree its not racist but you're still wrong
I guess you are right. It isn't like you disrespected Bill Clinton any less than you do Obama. You're just using different talking points when attacking each of them. We sense a hint of racism in your attacks on Obama. Perfect example is your spokesman in South Carolina who walked into a church and told black people that they were raping white women and taking over the country. That is absolutely the GOP's talking point. Could have come straight from Rush Limbaugh or Donald trumps mouth

No, asshole YOU are injecting racism into it.
There is / racism and then there's subtle racism. You know what you're doing or what your side is doing. And maybe you don't see yourself as racist but we do
That's the thing your cute little buzz words no longer work because we know the truth we know facts back us up and we could care less about the rantings and ravings of an idiot who has to stoop to RACIST and BIGOT to try and win an argument. Its an automatic fail. ALL people are born racist which is an inherent love,wanting,attachment to their own race its only through brainwashing indoctrination,media propaganda and other avenues available to make whites feel bad about being white. It REALLY pisses off the establishment when they either miss one or their lies can't break through our defenses.
No, we are talking asshole conservatives.
The same asshole conservatives who oppose gay marriage
Democrats were the ones that didn't want apes and humans in school together...same party you vote for. :) I am not a conservative although I am against faggot "marriage" and integration which has done nothing positive.
Jefferson lost, just like conservatives today will lose
So you are FOR the constitution when its bent and broken to fit YOUR view of how the world is but you hate it when its not...gotcha...and no just because the PC are trying to force America into the shitter doesn't mean us normal folks are losing or giving up push to hard and we all know what can and will happen...
What do you mean normal? Can you define that?
Heterosexual,willing to accept facts. Aka not like you or any other butt fucker self hating idiot.
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS
You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?
No, asshole YOU are injecting racism into it.
There is / racism and then there's subtle racism. You know what you're doing or what your side is doing. And maybe you don't see yourself as racist but we do
That's the thing your cute little buzz words no longer work because we know the truth we know facts back us up and we could care less about the rantings and ravings of an idiot who has to stoop to RACIST and BIGOT to try and win an argument. Its an automatic fail. ALL people are born racist which is an inherent love,wanting,attachment to their own race its only through brainwashing indoctrination,media propaganda and other avenues available to make whites feel bad about being white. It REALLY pisses off the establishment when they either miss one or their lies can't break through our defenses.
Democrats were the ones that didn't want apes and humans in school together...same party you vote for. :) I am not a conservative although I am against faggot "marriage" and integration which has done nothing positive.
So you are FOR the constitution when its bent and broken to fit YOUR view of how the world is but you hate it when its not...gotcha...and no just because the PC are trying to force America into the shitter doesn't mean us normal folks are losing or giving up push to hard and we all know what can and will happen...
What do you mean normal? Can you define that?
Heterosexual,willing to accept facts. Aka not like you or any other butt fucker self hating idiot.
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS
You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?

You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
No, asshole YOU are injecting racism into it.
There is / racism and then there's subtle racism. You know what you're doing or what your side is doing. And maybe you don't see yourself as racist but we do
That's the thing your cute little buzz words no longer work because we know the truth we know facts back us up and we could care less about the rantings and ravings of an idiot who has to stoop to RACIST and BIGOT to try and win an argument. Its an automatic fail. ALL people are born racist which is an inherent love,wanting,attachment to their own race its only through brainwashing indoctrination,media propaganda and other avenues available to make whites feel bad about being white. It REALLY pisses off the establishment when they either miss one or their lies can't break through our defenses.
Democrats were the ones that didn't want apes and humans in school together...same party you vote for. :) I am not a conservative although I am against faggot "marriage" and integration which has done nothing positive.
So you are FOR the constitution when its bent and broken to fit YOUR view of how the world is but you hate it when its not...gotcha...and no just because the PC are trying to force America into the shitter doesn't mean us normal folks are losing or giving up push to hard and we all know what can and will happen...
What do you mean normal? Can you define that?
Heterosexual,willing to accept facts. Aka not like you or any other butt fucker self hating idiot.
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS

Forgive them, they are just doing what they do and taking care of another black man, who obviously does not have the ability to stand on his own.
Let's see you guys nominate Ben Carson. Not going to happen. Notice also bat Herman Cain wasn't elected by any white Republicans and neither was Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell none of them were elected by white Republicans. They are simply black tokens
How in the hell did you arrive at it's because a black man is POTUS? How? Falling back to that BS is ignorance
I guess you are right. It isn't like you disrespected Bill Clinton any less than you do Obama. You're just using different talking points when attacking each of them. We sense a hint of racism in your attacks on Obama. Perfect example is your spokesman in South Carolina who walked into a church and told black people that they were raping white women and taking over the country. That is absolutely the GOP's talking point. Could have come straight from Rush Limbaugh or Donald trumps mouth

No, asshole YOU are injecting racism into it.
There is / racism and then there's subtle racism. You know what you're doing or what your side is doing. And maybe you don't see yourself as racist but we do
That's the thing your cute little buzz words no longer work because we know the truth we know facts back us up and we could care less about the rantings and ravings of an idiot who has to stoop to RACIST and BIGOT to try and win an argument. Its an automatic fail. ALL people are born racist which is an inherent love,wanting,attachment to their own race its only through brainwashing indoctrination,media propaganda and other avenues available to make whites feel bad about being white. It REALLY pisses off the establishment when they either miss one or their lies can't break through our defenses.
You mean the democratic party members....and of course SANE NORMAL people would be pissed when their children are forced into schools with ******* who have no interest in time has shown it was a waste of time and big big mistake. Test scores have gone down,gangs,crime,drugs have gone up and all non white schools for the most part of full of criminals.
No, we are talking asshole conservatives.
The same asshole conservatives who oppose gay marriage
Democrats were the ones that didn't want apes and humans in school together...same party you vote for. :) I am not a conservative although I am against faggot "marriage" and integration which has done nothing positive.
That's from the article...not me.Jefferson must be an un american sob eh? He was for and called for nullification.
Jefferson lost, just like conservatives today will lose
So you are FOR the constitution when its bent and broken to fit YOUR view of how the world is but you hate it when its not...gotcha...and no just because the PC are trying to force America into the shitter doesn't mean us normal folks are losing or giving up push to hard and we all know what can and will happen...
What do you mean normal? Can you define that?
Heterosexual,willing to accept facts. Aka not like you or any other butt fucker self hating idiot.
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Who decides what is right? 5 old men and women?
There is / racism and then there's subtle racism. You know what you're doing or what your side is doing. And maybe you don't see yourself as racist but we do
That's the thing your cute little buzz words no longer work because we know the truth we know facts back us up and we could care less about the rantings and ravings of an idiot who has to stoop to RACIST and BIGOT to try and win an argument. Its an automatic fail. ALL people are born racist which is an inherent love,wanting,attachment to their own race its only through brainwashing indoctrination,media propaganda and other avenues available to make whites feel bad about being white. It REALLY pisses off the establishment when they either miss one or their lies can't break through our defenses.
What do you mean normal? Can you define that?
Heterosexual,willing to accept facts. Aka not like you or any other butt fucker self hating idiot.
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS

Forgive them, they are just doing what they do and taking care of another black man, who obviously does not have the ability to stand on his own.
Let's see you guys nominate Ben Carson. Not going to happen. Notice also bat Herman Cain wasn't elected by any white Republicans and neither was Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell none of them were elected by white Republicans. They are simply black tokens

You're a fucking racist
There is / racism and then there's subtle racism. You know what you're doing or what your side is doing. And maybe you don't see yourself as racist but we do
That's the thing your cute little buzz words no longer work because we know the truth we know facts back us up and we could care less about the rantings and ravings of an idiot who has to stoop to RACIST and BIGOT to try and win an argument. Its an automatic fail. ALL people are born racist which is an inherent love,wanting,attachment to their own race its only through brainwashing indoctrination,media propaganda and other avenues available to make whites feel bad about being white. It REALLY pisses off the establishment when they either miss one or their lies can't break through our defenses.
What do you mean normal? Can you define that?
Heterosexual,willing to accept facts. Aka not like you or any other butt fucker self hating idiot.
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS
You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?

You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.
That's the thing your cute little buzz words no longer work because we know the truth we know facts back us up and we could care less about the rantings and ravings of an idiot who has to stoop to RACIST and BIGOT to try and win an argument. Its an automatic fail. ALL people are born racist which is an inherent love,wanting,attachment to their own race its only through brainwashing indoctrination,media propaganda and other avenues available to make whites feel bad about being white. It REALLY pisses off the establishment when they either miss one or their lies can't break through our defenses.
Heterosexual,willing to accept facts. Aka not like you or any other butt fucker self hating idiot.
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS
You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?

You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS
You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?

You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
I or we care about the poor even though we are not poor ourselves. We don't lack empathy like you do. That's the difference
Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS
You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?

You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
I or we care about the poor even though we are not poor ourselves. We don't lack empathy like you do. That's the difference

Democrats have no qualms about using other people's money to support the poor, when it comes to putting up their own is where they stumble
I guess you are right. It isn't like you disrespected Bill Clinton any less than you do Obama. You're just using different talking points when attacking each of them. We sense a hint of racism in your attacks on Obama. Perfect example is your spokesman in South Carolina who walked into a church and told black people that they were raping white women and taking over the country. That is absolutely the GOP's talking point. Could have come straight from Rush Limbaugh or Donald trumps mouth

No, asshole YOU are injecting racism into it.
There is / racism and then there's subtle racism. You know what you're doing or what your side is doing. And maybe you don't see yourself as racist but we do
That's the thing your cute little buzz words no longer work because we know the truth we know facts back us up and we could care less about the rantings and ravings of an idiot who has to stoop to RACIST and BIGOT to try and win an argument. Its an automatic fail. ALL people are born racist which is an inherent love,wanting,attachment to their own race its only through brainwashing indoctrination,media propaganda and other avenues available to make whites feel bad about being white. It REALLY pisses off the establishment when they either miss one or their lies can't break through our defenses.
No, we are talking asshole conservatives.
The same asshole conservatives who oppose gay marriage
Democrats were the ones that didn't want apes and humans in school together...same party you vote for. :) I am not a conservative although I am against faggot "marriage" and integration which has done nothing positive.
Jefferson lost, just like conservatives today will lose
So you are FOR the constitution when its bent and broken to fit YOUR view of how the world is but you hate it when its not...gotcha...and no just because the PC are trying to force America into the shitter doesn't mean us normal folks are losing or giving up push to hard and we all know what can and will happen...
What do you mean normal? Can you define that?
Heterosexual,willing to accept facts. Aka not like you or any other butt fucker self hating idiot.
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Who decides what is right? 5 old men and women?
They damn sure screwed the slaves for many years...
You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?

You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
I or we care about the poor even though we are not poor ourselves. We don't lack empathy like you do. That's the difference

Democrats have no qualms about using other people's money to support the poor, when it comes to putting up their own is where they stumble
How are my taxes not supporting the poor?
But that's the thing. We don't have to resort to racism or homophobia. Our points are validated by the Constitution the law fairness facts logic and doing what's right. It's the great thing about being a liberal progressive secular society. If we were conservatives we would still be wearing those wigs George Washington wore in all the photos I ever see in him and we'd be a Christian nation.

Give me a break, YOU injected racism into this thread, YOU did. You idiots are too stupid to realize there are many of us who support Ben Carson, Mia Love, Allen West, etc.....we don't dislike Obama because of race we dislike him for policy and being a clueless, lying POS
You support Uncle Tom and house slaves? You do know black men served the South in the Civil War right?

You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
I have no desire to be rich or powerful...except in my own castle and kingdom...
You use the term Uncle Tom and accuse me of racism? You're too stupid to live
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
I or we care about the poor even though we are not poor ourselves. We don't lack empathy like you do. That's the difference

Democrats have no qualms about using other people's money to support the poor, when it comes to putting up their own is where they stumble
How are my taxes not supporting the poor?

scrooge are there no poorhouses - Yahoo Search Results
I can show you a rich gay Black Muslim atheist rich Republican. What do they all have in common? The greedy gene.

and that makes them different from almost any democrat, how?
I or we care about the poor even though we are not poor ourselves. We don't lack empathy like you do. That's the difference

Democrats have no qualms about using other people's money to support the poor, when it comes to putting up their own is where they stumble
How are my taxes not supporting the poor?

scrooge are there no poorhouses - Yahoo Search Results
Yes there are poor houses, tents ....
I'm not ignoring Federal law...I'm supporting the dissenting SCOTUS justices who argued those decisions were not based in law OH SNAP!! Eat it libs.

But the majority opinion is now Federal take your own advise and open wide...
Bleh, they made a lousy choice.

It is their choice to make...not yours.

Simple solution...If you don't agree with same sex marriage, don't marry someone from your sex.
Bleh, they made a lousy choice.

It is their choice to make...not yours.

Simple solution...If you don't agree with same sex marriage, don't marry someone from your sex.

I've said all along let the queers be pretend married, I really don't care. But when they start trying to force it on people then I have a problem, keep it away from our children and out of our Church.

How can they "force it on people"...make straight people marry someone from the same sex?
More Americans want states to ignore federal courts

More Americans? Did we find more Americans hiding in the closet that we thought were not there???
It is true that a lot of religious Americans are having a hard time wrapping their brains around this and probably wouldn't object too much if their state ignored what the Supreme Court decided. They'll get over it

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