Moral of Nietzsche.


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
All the chatter of this nonentity can be reduced to one thing: the justification of predation. This ideology is not new, it is no coincidence that he praised the bloody Dionysianism. This is the morality of Old Europe, which was destroyed several times by the Aryan peoples, which is reflected in the symbolism of the Serpent-fighting myth.

Nietzsche deftly manipulated concepts, hiding the Aryan history. The real superman is precisely the superpredator that killed the Nietzschean predator. The superman of Nietzsche is not in the future, but in the past, but with the feet of the Snake-fighters Indra, Zeus, Apollo, Jupiter, Perun and Taranis, this is all you need to know about the insignificance of his philosophy.
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His criticism of Christianity is also hypocritical. In many ways, he is right when he denounces contradictions, but the Christian Eucharist and part of Christian morality are inherited precisely from Dionysianism. Christ himself is in many ways written off from Dionysus, the Ideas of the sacrifice and eating of flesh of God and much more are replicas of the same Dionysianism and its local variants.
All the chatter of this nonentity can be reduced to one thing: the justification of predation. This ideology is not new, it is no coincidence that he praised the bloody Dionysianism. This is the morality of Old Europe, which was destroyed several times by the Aryan peoples, which is reflected in the symbolism of the Serpent-fighting myth.

Nietzsche deftly manipulated concepts, hiding the Aryan history. The real superman is precisely the superpredator that killed the Nietzschean predator. The superman of Nietzsche is not in the future, but in the past, but with the feet of the Snake-fighters Indra, Zeus, Apollo, Jupiter, Perun and Taranis, this is all you need to know about the insignificance of his philosophy.
Never trust the judgement of a man that has sex one time in his life, choosing somebody that would and did give him syphilis, at that.
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He tried to present Zoroastrianism as the world's first example of distinguishing between Good and Evil. But in fact, Zoroastrianism is a relatively new religion, and politically conditioned, more similar just to Judeo-Christianity with their heaven and hell and witnesses.
Good and Evil had been divided by the Aryans several thousand years earlier. In the Vedas, this is already a perfectly clear distinction. Rigveda was compiled in the Bronze Age, about 2,5-3 thousand years before arise of Zoroastrinism
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Never trust the judgement of a man that has sex one time in his life, choosing somebody that would and did give him syphilis, at that.
He had sex with his 5-year-old sister, more than one occasion.
No idea what the OP is about, but I am disappointed. I thought for sure that you being a teacher and all, would have left a more elaborate response.

Now carry on with your 8th grade gym class, Mr. Teacher. :auiqs.jpg:
The topic is far more involved than the head case OP is equipped to understand.
Then decipher it for me. I have no idea what this thread is about.
In a nutshell: Nietzsche denied traditional compassionate morality and the war against predation. He talked about how the strong have the right to offend the weak, gave examples of when "great" nations were engaged in robbery and violence, and it did them good, justified the priesthood that zombified the masses. For him, the main value was the will to live at any cost, he denied the ideals of striving for good and protecting the offended. Including condemned Christianity for compassion.
In a nutshell: Nietzsche denied traditional compassionate morality and the war against predation. He talked about how the strong have the right to offend the weak, gave examples of when "great" nations were engaged in robbery and violence, and it did them good, justified the priesthood that zombified the masses. For him, the main value was the will to live at any cost, he denied the ideals of striving for good and protecting the offended. Including condemned Christianity for compassion.
Not exactly.
I don't think Nietzsche was into Aryans.

The whole Nazi Aryan thing was pseudo history. Fake history.
He loved Jews and their culture.
In fact, all that he said besides criticism of Christianity is anti-Aryan philosophy. The Aryan ideal of a kshatriya, a warrior who defends cows and widows, defenseless creatures, killing a villain, directly contradicts his ideal of a robber and a predator.
Then decipher it for me. I have no idea what this thread is about.
Ok, to simplify it (too much): Nietzsche was an esoteric moralist. He felt that "higher" human beings should not be bound by the same mundane morality that worked well enough for the masses, the churches, and governments. It's far more complex than this format allows, but that's basically it.
Ok, to simplify it (too much): Nietzsche was an esoteric moralist. He felt that "higher" human beings should not be bound by the same mundane morality that worked well enough for the masses, the churches, and governments. It's far more complex than this format allows, but that's basically it.
What's so hard about that? The fraudster inflates the masses with double standards, for the people and for the elites. For the people, an appearance of care and love of truth is created.
Even simpler: a wolf in sheep's clothing, which is the shepherd of the same sheeps.

And you needlessly include the priesthood in one list with the masses, this is nonsense.
For example, the Bolsheviks played a semblance of traditional morality in front of the people, while they themselves bathed in luxury and debauchery. The head of state, Beria, was a pedophile and abused minors.
Stalin was never a military man, even when they were engaged in robbery and terrorism under old power, he was not in combat groups, but he never took off his military uniform with general stripes.

For the left, this is generally a standard model, they always do this. They cannot go to the podium and say: be under our authority and we will eat your children for breakfast.
This is the meaning of the concept of esotericism, the common people have an exoteric (false) knowledge of the state of affairs
Yes, he praised the priesthood for the fact that it deftly manipulated the masses, for the sake of its "will to live". But, of course, he did not come up with it.
This is the main form of power since the dawn of our era. Our era is called the speculative era. But this model existed before, in the primitive agricultural cultures of old Europe and the Middle East. This is the chthonic culture of the ancient world, just to the east it penetrated later and met strong resistance, which remains to this day. It was necessary not only to provide "God" but to fake Hades as a heavenly father, and so on.
He had sex with his 5-year-old sister, more than one occasion.
That is what I thought, but when I looked it up, the syphilis prostitute thing is what I found. Amazing revisionism to move him up from doing his 5-year-old sister multiple times, to only having sex once in his life and being a man of such judgement that he picks a syphilitic prostitute, catches the disease and in his best philosophic manor says, never again, they all suck, but not this.
No matter how you slice, nobody to take judgement calls, philosophy or life lessons from. Just sayin...:rolleyes:

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