Moral Clarity Versus Moral Depravity in Israel and Gaza

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
American Greatness ^

In this perverse cosplay, Israel is the “white” Derek Chauvin, Hamas is the “brown” George Floyd, and the Left will not let facts or morality get in the way of the preferred narrative.​

Nationally syndicated radio host Dennis Prager has often observed that if the Israelis were to lay down their guns, Israel would be destroyed tomorrow, but if the Palestinians were to lay down their guns, there would be peace tomorrow. It has always been thus.

The latest flare-up of violence between Israelis and Palestinians is no different. The proximate causes are a thorny combination of an abstruse housing dispute in northeastern Jerusalem, deceitful Palestinian slander about an ostensible threat to Al-Aqsa Mosque, the destabilizing nature of Israel’s current domestic political morass, and the contemporaneous American appeasement in Vienna of the Palestinians’ preeminent jihad bankroller, the Islamic Republic of Iran. But the immediate aggressors, as per usual, are clear: Hamas, the internationally recognized Gaza-based terrorist outfit whose founding charter calls for the murder of every Jew worldwide, and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, ruled in profoundly corrupt fashion by serial jihad-inciter Mahmoud Abbas, a Holocaust denialist now in the 16th year of his four-year term.

The result has been the worst bout of bloodshed since the last full-scale Israel-Hamas war in 2014. Hamas has fired thousands of rockets into the Jewish state, seeking—and, tragically, occasionally succeeding—to inflict maximal harm upon Israel’s civilian population. Hamas’ rockets do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, or religion: Victims include an Israel Defense Forces soldier, a 6-year-old boy in the oft-targeted Gaza border town of Sderot, and a 32-year-old Indian national in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon. One would be waiting in vain for Black Lives Matter, or other leading institutional wokesters and intersectional shakedown artists, to reconcile such calamities with their professed principles.

When it comes to some contentious issues, dogmatic ideology or blind zeal can prevent reasonable people from assessing a situation through the lens of prudence, which Aristotle recognized as the queen of the virtues. But this does not apply to the plight in the Levant—to the Palestinians’ century-long civilizational jihad to destroy the world’s sole Jewish state. In this latest round of recriminations and escalations, there is a side that is in the right and a side that is in the wrong.

Israel, a first-world nation-state and global technological hub with ascendant geopolitical and diplomatic clout, is in the right to exercise its sovereign right to defend itself from the predations of a thuggish Palestinian Authority and a genocidal Muslim Brotherhood offshoot; Ramallah’s deceitful inciters of Temple Mount jihad and nationwide anti-Jewish pogroms, along with Hamas’ murderous petty tyrants, are in the wrong. To anyone with a functioning moral compass, this stark dichotomy ought to be intuitive and obvious.

Alas, this past week has highlighted just how utterly depraved the leftist moral compass actually is. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), a longstanding anti-Semite and co-founder of House Democrats’ de facto Hamas Caucus, outrageously tweeted that Israeli airstrikes in Gaza against military targets amounted to “act(s) of terrorism.” Omar’s partner in crime and Hamas Caucus co-founder Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) joined in the intersectional fun, opining, “What they are doing to the Palestinian people is what they continue to do to our Black brothers and sisters here” in the United States.

Ben Rhodes, the failed novelist-turned-former Obama staffer who attained outsized notoriety in foisting the vile Iran nuclear deal upon an American polity that rightfully opposed it, seized the moment not to stand in solidarity with our Israeli allies but to openly muse what the world looks like “through the eyes of a Palestinian child.” Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, meanwhile, saw no apparent contradiction in maintaining his permanent ban of former President Donald Trump while imposing a mere 12-hour suspension on Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh for celebrating the “bombing of Tel Aviv,” and providing a platform for blue-checked Hitler nostalgia to percolate.

Joe Biden took a very long time to issue a mealy-mouthed statement defending Israel’s “right to defend itself”—a patronizing talking point that would never be trotted out about any other sovereign nation in the world. And a galling percentage of elected Democratic senators and congressmen, more generally, droned on about the need for Israel to exercise restraint while studiously avoiding any condemnation whatsoever of Hamas.

The American Left and the media organs it controls are exporting their paroxysms of “1619 Project” rage onto a foreign stage, expiating their “white guilt” sins and armchair-quarterbacking a foreign conflict on a cosplayed chessboard. In this perverse cosplay, Israel (whose Jewish population is plurality-Mizrahi, meaning of Middle Eastern, non-European descent) is the “white” Derek Chauvin; Hamas is the “brown” George Floyd. And the Left will not let facts or rudimentary morality get in the way of this preferred woke narrative, even if it means increasing willingness to openly side with a terrorist group.


Awaiting the terrorist Muslim fringe of USMB to fully display their warped morality and depraved attitude to not only Jews but ALL OTHER RELIGIONS...BUT JEWS FIRST MUST GO!
Nationally syndicated radio host Dennis Prager has often observed that if the Israelis were to lay down their guns, Israel would be destroyed tomorrow, but if the Palestinians were to lay down their guns, there would be peace tomorrow. It has always been thus.

The Israelis would never lay down their guns and neither would Hamas, the Palestinians fight with rocks..The example given by the Trumpet's fail to realize that this struggle has been going on since they started writing the Bible started and it will continue until the last one dies...
Nationally syndicated radio host Dennis Prager has often observed that if the Israelis were to lay down their guns, Israel would be destroyed tomorrow, but if the Palestinians were to lay down their guns, there would be peace tomorrow. It has always been thus.

The Israelis would never lay down their guns and neither would Hamas, the Palestinians fight with rocks..The example given by the Trumpet's fail to realize that this struggle has been going on since they started writing the Bible started and it will continue until the last one dies...
The bible is way older than Islam, you moron.
American Greatness ^

In this perverse cosplay, Israel is the “white” Derek Chauvin, Hamas is the “brown” George Floyd, and the Left will not let facts or morality get in the way of the preferred narrative.​

Nationally syndicated radio host Dennis Prager has often observed that if the Israelis were to lay down their guns, Israel would be destroyed tomorrow, but if the Palestinians were to lay down their guns, there would be peace tomorrow. It has always been thus.

The latest flare-up of violence between Israelis and Palestinians is no different. The proximate causes are a thorny combination of an abstruse housing dispute in northeastern Jerusalem, deceitful Palestinian slander about an ostensible threat to Al-Aqsa Mosque, the destabilizing nature of Israel’s current domestic political morass, and the contemporaneous American appeasement in Vienna of the Palestinians’ preeminent jihad bankroller, the Islamic Republic of Iran. But the immediate aggressors, as per usual, are clear: Hamas, the internationally recognized Gaza-based terrorist outfit whose founding charter calls for the murder of every Jew worldwide, and the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, ruled in profoundly corrupt fashion by serial jihad-inciter Mahmoud Abbas, a Holocaust denialist now in the 16th year of his four-year term.

The result has been the worst bout of bloodshed since the last full-scale Israel-Hamas war in 2014. Hamas has fired thousands of rockets into the Jewish state, seeking—and, tragically, occasionally succeeding—to inflict maximal harm upon Israel’s civilian population. Hamas’ rockets do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, or religion: Victims include an Israel Defense Forces soldier, a 6-year-old boy in the oft-targeted Gaza border town of Sderot, and a 32-year-old Indian national in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon. One would be waiting in vain for Black Lives Matter, or other leading institutional wokesters and intersectional shakedown artists, to reconcile such calamities with their professed principles.

When it comes to some contentious issues, dogmatic ideology or blind zeal can prevent reasonable people from assessing a situation through the lens of prudence, which Aristotle recognized as the queen of the virtues. But this does not apply to the plight in the Levant—to the Palestinians’ century-long civilizational jihad to destroy the world’s sole Jewish state. In this latest round of recriminations and escalations, there is a side that is in the right and a side that is in the wrong.

Israel, a first-world nation-state and global technological hub with ascendant geopolitical and diplomatic clout, is in the right to exercise its sovereign right to defend itself from the predations of a thuggish Palestinian Authority and a genocidal Muslim Brotherhood offshoot; Ramallah’s deceitful inciters of Temple Mount jihad and nationwide anti-Jewish pogroms, along with Hamas’ murderous petty tyrants, are in the wrong. To anyone with a functioning moral compass, this stark dichotomy ought to be intuitive and obvious.

Alas, this past week has highlighted just how utterly depraved the leftist moral compass actually is. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), a longstanding anti-Semite and co-founder of House Democrats’ de facto Hamas Caucus, outrageously tweeted that Israeli airstrikes in Gaza against military targets amounted to “act(s) of terrorism.” Omar’s partner in crime and Hamas Caucus co-founder Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) joined in the intersectional fun, opining, “What they are doing to the Palestinian people is what they continue to do to our Black brothers and sisters here” in the United States.

Ben Rhodes, the failed novelist-turned-former Obama staffer who attained outsized notoriety in foisting the vile Iran nuclear deal upon an American polity that rightfully opposed it, seized the moment not to stand in solidarity with our Israeli allies but to openly muse what the world looks like “through the eyes of a Palestinian child.” Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, meanwhile, saw no apparent contradiction in maintaining his permanent ban of former President Donald Trump while imposing a mere 12-hour suspension on Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh for celebrating the “bombing of Tel Aviv,” and providing a platform for blue-checked Hitler nostalgia to percolate.

Joe Biden took a very long time to issue a mealy-mouthed statement defending Israel’s “right to defend itself”—a patronizing talking point that would never be trotted out about any other sovereign nation in the world. And a galling percentage of elected Democratic senators and congressmen, more generally, droned on about the need for Israel to exercise restraint while studiously avoiding any condemnation whatsoever of Hamas.

The American Left and the media organs it controls are exporting their paroxysms of “1619 Project” rage onto a foreign stage, expiating their “white guilt” sins and armchair-quarterbacking a foreign conflict on a cosplayed chessboard. In this perverse cosplay, Israel (whose Jewish population is plurality-Mizrahi, meaning of Middle Eastern, non-European descent) is the “white” Derek Chauvin; Hamas is the “brown” George Floyd. And the Left will not let facts or rudimentary morality get in the way of this preferred woke narrative, even if it means increasing willingness to openly side with a terrorist group.


Awaiting the terrorist Muslim fringe of USMB to fully display their warped morality and depraved attitude to not only Jews but ALL OTHER RELIGIONS...BUT JEWS FIRST MUST GO!
Wow. I hope you just cutnpasted that. Otherwise what a waste of time.
the Palestinians fight with rocks

You mean rock...ets!

Israel, a first-world nation-state and global technological hub with ascendant geopolitical and diplomatic clout, is in the right to exercise its sovereign right to defend itself from the predations of a thuggish Palestinian Authority and a genocidal Muslim Brotherhood offshoot
I heard that Israel removed the USA insignia off the F15’s the us gave them and then stuck on the Star of David in its place.
The value of the Israeli dollar, the Shekel is worth five (5) American cents.
Now, please do not get me wrong. As the Lord is my witness, I care a lot about Israel. I want Israel to succeed.

Israel needs to go back and read some Biblical scripture. In those verses God singled out the Jews and chose them to show us the way.
Please, follow the Lord’s instructions.

Confess our sins

Welcome the stranger with open arms

Ask the Lord for forgiveness

I believe He is listening
Now it is your turn to do the right thing

The clock is ticking :)-
Everyone knows that ... but Arabs have been around since the Akkadians, Amorites, Edomites and Midianites.
Not moonglow, considering he is saying a religious problem is older than the religion itself.
I don't understand. The Jews were landless Canaanites from Urfa near Haran.
The Hebrews may have been Nomads. But they did live in Ur. Abraham's father had a store.
And Abraham moved to Canaan. And founded the Jewish belief which then became the Jewish Nation with not only his family but many of those Indigenous people who lived in Canaan.

People moved around, settled, made it their homeland.

David freed the Jews from the Philistines and made it concrete a Nation of Israel on the Land of Israel .

That is the story of the Jewish Nation.

Why do you continue to question it?
It's always been a land problem
Since the Mandate for Palestine, it has been an issue of the Muslims not wanting Jews to become sovereign of their own homeland, because the Muslims wanted to keep all the land they conquered to themselves.

Which is why they never cried and will never cry that the Hashemites took 78% of the Mandate and no one else cried about it.

Jordan and Egypt took land in 1948 till 1967. NO one cried about it.

It is matter of Religious superiority over the Jews, and the belief that Jews do not have the right to their own sovereignty,

It has been said and dealt with too many times.

Stop digging threads up.

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