Moore Smear Campaign:Truth has Come Out!

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?

No, that simply isn't possible. She a Democrat, which means she is a lying piece of shit. Two reportors set out to find anyone who would throw mud on Moore, and, what do you know, the found some! What a shock than there are Democrats willing to lie about Moore!

It's not Teresa Jones who did translating, it's the other accuser. She says she works for deae people? Bullshit. The Hillary campaign was paying her. Deaf people weren't paying her. That right there shows that she's not honest.
I attend church with some Democrats and they are not lying pieces of shit. Just saying.
and then there is reality and yes they actually are.
So what you’re telling me is that you know people you’ve never met and with whom I have shared grief, sorrow and joy over the years, better than I do merely because they self identify as Democrats? Is that what I’m hearing? If so, do you think that level of prejudice is good for America?
I know yours isn't good for america. until one is behind closed door with people, truths are always hidden. ALWAYS
Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?

No, that simply isn't possible. She a Democrat, which means she is a lying piece of shit. Two reportors set out to find anyone who would throw mud on Moore, and, what do you know, the found some! What a shock than there are Democrats willing to lie about Moore!

It's not Teresa Jones who did translating, it's the other accuser. She says she works for deae people? Bullshit. The Hillary campaign was paying her. Deaf people weren't paying her. That right there shows that she's not honest.
I attend church with some Democrats and they are not lying pieces of shit. Just saying.
and then there is reality and yes they actually are.
So what you’re telling me is that you know people you’ve never met and with whom I have shared grief, sorrow and joy over the years, better than I do merely because they self identify as Democrats? Is that what I’m hearing? If so, do you think that level of prejudice is good for America?
I know yours isn't good for america. until one is behind closed door with people, truths are always hidden. ALWAYS
can you say russia russia? fake dossier, no intelligence agency has looked at the DNC server, and there is no proof that roy moore is guilty of anything. democrats lie quite frequently
Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?

No, that simply isn't possible. She a Democrat, which means she is a lying piece of shit. Two reportors set out to find anyone who would throw mud on Moore, and, what do you know, the found some! What a shock than there are Democrats willing to lie about Moore!

It's not Teresa Jones who did translating, it's the other accuser. She says she works for deae people? Bullshit. The Hillary campaign was paying her. Deaf people weren't paying her. That right there shows that she's not honest.
I attend church with some Democrats and they are not lying pieces of shit. Just saying.
How do you know?
Good point. They’ve never lied to me that I️ can tell. They’ve been solid members of the church helping the community in a lot of ways.
There hardly needs to be backgrounders on these 4 women accusers. Just that they never said a word about Moore for 39 years, and suddenly pop up one month before an election which Democrats are desperate to win, says it all.

This whole scam is a laughingstock. The Post is a cheap, low-grade tabloid, and all those accusing Moore (without a shred of evidence) are just as low.
. If a person approaches a media outlet with claims or allegations of criminal assault, rape or criminal misconduct, then the media outlet should immediately refer the person to law enforcement. After law enforcement investigates the claims, and nothing is found or the allegations can't be proven, and the statute of limitations has been long past depending on the severity of the case, then a recommendation would be issued by law enforcement to the inquiring media outlet that if it persues a story on alledged allegations that can't be proven, then it will open itself up to libel along with the accuser or accusers. It best to report all crimes or criminal activity to the proper authorities. The media is not the proper authorities in criminal cases. When will law enforcement stop letting the media attempt to make them the laughing stocks of the nation or allowing it to get it's officers killed ?
ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?

No, that simply isn't possible. She a Democrat, which means she is a lying piece of shit. Two reportors set out to find anyone who would throw mud on Moore, and, what do you know, the found some! What a shock than there are Democrats willing to lie about Moore!

It's not Teresa Jones who did translating, it's the other accuser. She says she works for deae people? Bullshit. The Hillary campaign was paying her. Deaf people weren't paying her. That right there shows that she's not honest.
I attend church with some Democrats and they are not lying pieces of shit. Just saying.
and then there is reality and yes they actually are.
So what you’re telling me is that you know people you’ve never met and with whom I have shared grief, sorrow and joy over the years, better than I do merely because they self identify as Democrats? Is that what I’m hearing? If so, do you think that level of prejudice is good for America?
. You know where they stand on the issues ? Are they in tune with the church on the issues in which they follow after the Democrat party on ?
You mean like all those women the Washington Post produced just before the election claiming Trump raped them? Where are they now?

Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?
. Like Bripat said, who paid her ?
How much are you willing to bet that she doesn't answer?

I don't think that she, or any of the others, were paid at all. People didn't report these things back at the time. There was no one to report it to who would take these things seriously and not just blame and shame the victim. I guess you folks are not as old as I am. Why do you think that all of these stories from both women and men are just being brought to light now?
As for Moore. I have no ties to him and would never want to. I consider him to be trash.
Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?
. Like Bripat said, who paid her ?
How much are you willing to bet that she doesn't answer?

I don't think that she, or any of the others, were paid at all. People didn't report these things back at the time. There was no one to report it to who would take these things seriously and not just blame and shame the victim. I guess you folks are not as old as I am. Why do you think that all of these stories from both women and men are just being brought to light now?
As for Moore. I have no ties to him and would never want to. I consider him to be trash.

They are being brought out now because Moore is about to win a U.S. Senate seat, and for no other reason.
Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?
. Like Bripat said, who paid her ?
How much are you willing to bet that she doesn't answer?

I don't think that she, or any of the others, were paid at all. People didn't report these things back at the time. There was no one to report it to who would take these things seriously and not just blame and shame the victim. I guess you folks are not as old as I am. Why do you think that all of these stories from both women and men are just being brought to light now?
As for Moore. I have no ties to him and would never want to. I consider him to be trash.
. You consider him to be trash as based on what ? Unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that are 40 years old ? So the tactic if it was a tactic has worked on you ? Otherwise you fell for it if you are calling him trash as based upon an allegation or claim that hasn't been vetted by law enforcement or the justice system yet and/or never will be ?? So if the WAPO report tells you something, then it must be true ?? I mean they bring forth a story that is virtually impossible to prove, and the statute of limitations has long ago past, and it just so happened to come at a time that a critical campaign is taking place, and that ain't fishy to you ? Shouldn't we say that this whole thing stinks of a political hit ??
ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?
. Like Bripat said, who paid her ?
How much are you willing to bet that she doesn't answer?
I don't think that she, or any of the others, were paid at all. People didn't report these things back at the time. There was no one to report it to who would take these things seriously and not just blame and shame the victim. I guess you folks are not as old as I am. Why do you think that all of these stories from both women and men are just being brought to light now?
As for Moore. I have no ties to him and would never want to. I consider him to be trash.
You consider him to be trash as based on what ? Unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that are 40 years old ? So the tactic if it was a tactic has worked on you ? Otherwise you fell for it if you are calling him trash as based upon an allegation or claim that hasn't been vetted by law enforcement or the justice system yet and/or never will be ?? So if the WAPO report tells you something, then it must be true ?? I mean they bring forth a story that is virtually impossible to prove, and the statute of limitations has long ago past, and it just so happened to come at a time that a critical campaign is taking place, and that ain't fishy to you ? Shouldn't we say that this whole thing stinks of a political hit ??
I consider him trash based on his entire record and his arrogant and foolish preachiness of a spurious version of the Christian faith. No, it ain't "fishy" to me.
Lots of stories are coming out about people nowadays from past times when there was no real opportunity to "vet" them through law enforcement. Several people have been forced to resign, both here and the UK because of it. Get real. And no, I don't not want to see some lowlife as this punk in the Senate. Let this girl-chasing pompous ass take it elsewhere.
ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?
. Like Bripat said, who paid her ?
How much are you willing to bet that she doesn't answer?

I don't think that she, or any of the others, were paid at all. People didn't report these things back at the time. There was no one to report it to who would take these things seriously and not just blame and shame the victim. I guess you folks are not as old as I am. Why do you think that all of these stories from both women and men are just being brought to light now?
As for Moore. I have no ties to him and would never want to. I consider him to be trash.
. You consider him to be trash as based on what ? Unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that are 40 years old ? So the tactic if it was a tactic has worked on you ? Otherwise you fell for it if you are calling him trash as based upon an allegation or claim that hasn't been vetted by law enforcement or the justice system yet and/or never will be ?? So if the WAPO report tells you something, then it must be true ?? I mean they bring forth a story that is virtually impossible to prove, and the statute of limitations has long ago past, and it just so happened to come at a time that a critical campaign is taking place, and that ain't fishy to you ? Shouldn't we say that this whole thing stinks of a political hit ??

They are not unsubstantiated. She told at least 2 people what happened. Roy Moore's answer to the question was not very convincing. The trouble is at the time it happened, Roy Moore was law enforcement since he was the DA. I can see why she would not have come forward. It also comes out at a time when Harvey Weinstein's sexual peccadillos have taken center stage.
Actually, testimony is evidence. As with all evidence, the jury decides what value to put on it.
No it isn’t. Try again.
In the law, testimony is a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact. Testimony may be oral or written, and it is usually made by oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury.

Feel free to dispute that.

Testimony - Trial |

So who has testified under oath?

This has not gone to court.

And it never will, unless Moore sues them all.

If Moore wants to waste his time and money then he is welcome to do so.

She did not work for the Clinton campaign. She worked for deaf people so they could participate in the election. It is only trash like you that tries to turn that into a dirty thing.

Who paid her?

Doesn't matter. She was there to help deaf people. The fact is that there are very few people able to do the job. Around 125 in the entire state of Alabama. This is a excerpt from a article from RedState.

"As @TheMaverick21, a deaf Twitter friend of mine and the founder of a deaf advocacy group called Mav Project, explained:

I have a friend who is an ASL interpreter. She is very far right but has interpreted for DNC events. I asked her about it. She said it would be unethical for her to turn down events due to differences. She said that their function was to serve the Deaf accurately. She is also a devout Baptist. She said she has worked Methodist and Catholic events where she has disagreed with interpretation as well."

A Tone Deaf Attempt at Discrediting One of Roy Moore's Accusers

You are nothing but trash.
the only person and people this LAST MINUTE breaking news helps.... are McConnell and Republicans...

Alabamians will NEVER vote for a Democrat, even if Moore is guilty, Moore wins, then if this accusation is true, he resigns and the republican governor of Alabama appoints a replacement for Moore, another Republican...maybe even Luther Strange again, which benefits Republicans and MCConnell.


THIS IS establishment republicans...

just think about it....
You don't think the allegations are true?
. Does law enforcement say it's true ? If not then it's unproven accusations or allegations. Do you usually go on unproven bullcrap ?

Bullcrap. Law enforcement does not have the last word. It has been proven enough for Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Tim Scott to withdraw their endorsements. David Horowitz says he did it and he is a supporter of Moore.
Yeah, but when a politician moves from the state to federal level - scrutiny gets a whole lot more intense. At the state level Moore was only affecting Alabama; whereas, at the federal level he would affect us all. That puts his history under a much bigger microscope.
You mean like all those women the Washington Post produced just before the election claiming Trump raped them? Where are they now?

Fifteen of the sixteen Trump accusers are afraid to come forward - except for one.

ROFL! In other words, there is no "there" there. How is this not a Hillary scandal when one of the accusers worked for the Hillary campaign and this shows all the earmarks of a Hillary smear campaign?

I'll bet that after this Teresa woman is thoroughly investigated it will turn out that she's a Democrat party operative. One thing is already apparent is that she's an ambulance chaser - not the most ethical branch of the legal profession.

Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?

No, that simply isn't possible. She a Democrat, which means she is a lying piece of shit. Two reportors set out to find anyone who would throw mud on Moore, and, what do you know, the found some! What a shock than there are Democrats willing to lie about Moore!

It's not Teresa Jones who did translating, it's the other accuser. She says she works for deae people? Bullshit. The Hillary campaign was paying her. Deaf people weren't paying her. That right there shows that she's not honest.

It shows how dishonest you are. You are nothing but garbage and pondscum. Apparently you don't believe that deaf people should be allowed to participate in our elections.
There hardly needs to be backgrounders on these 4 women accusers. Just that they never said a word about Moore for 39 years, and suddenly pop up one month before an election which Democrats are desperate to win, says it all.

This whole scam is a laughingstock. The Post is a cheap, low-grade tabloid, and all those accusing Moore (without a shred of evidence) are just as low.
. If a person approaches a media outlet with claims or allegations of criminal assault, rape or criminal misconduct, then the media outlet should immediately refer the person to law enforcement. After law enforcement investigates the claims, and nothing is found or the allegations can't be proven, and the statute of limitations has been long past depending on the severity of the case, then a recommendation would be issued by law enforcement to the inquiring media outlet that if it persues a story on alledged allegations that can't be proven, then it will open itself up to libel along with the accuser or accusers. It best to report all crimes or criminal activity to the proper authorities. The media is not the proper authorities in criminal cases. When will law enforcement stop letting the media attempt to make them the laughing stocks of the nation or allowing it to get it's officers killed ?

The only scam is the one you are running. Protecting someone like Moore because of politics. What you propose is what I would expect in a police state. The fact is that Moore is running on Christian values so this is fair game. It has nothing to do with whether a crime was committed. Has Bill Clinton been convicted of any crimes?

She did not work for the Clinton campaign. She worked for deaf people so they could participate in the election. It is only trash like you that tries to turn that into a dirty thing.

Who paid her?

Doesn't matter. She was there to help deaf people. The fact is that there are very few people able to do the job. Around 125 in the entire state of Alabama. This is a excerpt from a article from RedState.

"As @TheMaverick21, a deaf Twitter friend of mine and the founder of a deaf advocacy group called Mav Project, explained:

I have a friend who is an ASL interpreter. She is very far right but has interpreted for DNC events. I asked her about it. She said it would be unethical for her to turn down events due to differences. She said that their function was to serve the Deaf accurately. She is also a devout Baptist. She said she has worked Methodist and Catholic events where she has disagreed with interpretation as well."

A Tone Deaf Attempt at Discrediting One of Roy Moore's Accusers

You are nothing but trash.

She said there was no sexual misconduct. Two kisses during the time they dated.
Has it ever occurred to you that, even if it could be true that this woman works for the Democratic Party, she might do so because she knows this pompous, arrogant, little Moore tramp and knows what he really is?
I don't know anything about Theresa Jones. Busybee01 in #557 has said that she worked with deaf people on the election, not that she worked for the Democratic Party. As for her being an "ambulance chaser," how would you know?
. Like Bripat said, who paid her ?
How much are you willing to bet that she doesn't answer?

I don't think that she, or any of the others, were paid at all. People didn't report these things back at the time. There was no one to report it to who would take these things seriously and not just blame and shame the victim. I guess you folks are not as old as I am. Why do you think that all of these stories from both women and men are just being brought to light now?
As for Moore. I have no ties to him and would never want to. I consider him to be trash.
. You consider him to be trash as based on what ? Unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that are 40 years old ? So the tactic if it was a tactic has worked on you ? Otherwise you fell for it if you are calling him trash as based upon an allegation or claim that hasn't been vetted by law enforcement or the justice system yet and/or never will be ?? So if the WAPO report tells you something, then it must be true ?? I mean they bring forth a story that is virtually impossible to prove, and the statute of limitations has long ago past, and it just so happened to come at a time that a critical campaign is taking place, and that ain't fishy to you ? Shouldn't we say that this whole thing stinks of a political hit ??

They are not unsubstantiated. She told at least 2 people what happened. Roy Moore's answer to the question was not very convincing. The trouble is at the time it happened, Roy Moore was law enforcement since he was the DA. I can see why she would not have come forward. It also comes out at a time when Harvey Weinstein's sexual peccadillos have taken center stage.

Telling two people a fairy tale doesn't mean that fairy tale is real.
. Like Bripat said, who paid her ?
How much are you willing to bet that she doesn't answer?

I don't think that she, or any of the others, were paid at all. People didn't report these things back at the time. There was no one to report it to who would take these things seriously and not just blame and shame the victim. I guess you folks are not as old as I am. Why do you think that all of these stories from both women and men are just being brought to light now?
As for Moore. I have no ties to him and would never want to. I consider him to be trash.
. You consider him to be trash as based on what ? Unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that are 40 years old ? So the tactic if it was a tactic has worked on you ? Otherwise you fell for it if you are calling him trash as based upon an allegation or claim that hasn't been vetted by law enforcement or the justice system yet and/or never will be ?? So if the WAPO report tells you something, then it must be true ?? I mean they bring forth a story that is virtually impossible to prove, and the statute of limitations has long ago past, and it just so happened to come at a time that a critical campaign is taking place, and that ain't fishy to you ? Shouldn't we say that this whole thing stinks of a political hit ??

They are not unsubstantiated. She told at least 2 people what happened. Roy Moore's answer to the question was not very convincing. The trouble is at the time it happened, Roy Moore was law enforcement since he was the DA. I can see why she would not have come forward. It also comes out at a time when Harvey Weinstein's sexual peccadillos have taken center stage.

Telling two people a fairy tale doesn't mean that fairy tale is real.

It is not necessarily a "fairy tale," though. You're just in love with this fart for whatever reason.
How much are you willing to bet that she doesn't answer?

I don't think that she, or any of the others, were paid at all. People didn't report these things back at the time. There was no one to report it to who would take these things seriously and not just blame and shame the victim. I guess you folks are not as old as I am. Why do you think that all of these stories from both women and men are just being brought to light now?
As for Moore. I have no ties to him and would never want to. I consider him to be trash.
. You consider him to be trash as based on what ? Unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that are 40 years old ? So the tactic if it was a tactic has worked on you ? Otherwise you fell for it if you are calling him trash as based upon an allegation or claim that hasn't been vetted by law enforcement or the justice system yet and/or never will be ?? So if the WAPO report tells you something, then it must be true ?? I mean they bring forth a story that is virtually impossible to prove, and the statute of limitations has long ago past, and it just so happened to come at a time that a critical campaign is taking place, and that ain't fishy to you ? Shouldn't we say that this whole thing stinks of a political hit ??

They are not unsubstantiated. She told at least 2 people what happened. Roy Moore's answer to the question was not very convincing. The trouble is at the time it happened, Roy Moore was law enforcement since he was the DA. I can see why she would not have come forward. It also comes out at a time when Harvey Weinstein's sexual peccadillos have taken center stage.

Telling two people a fairy tale doesn't mean that fairy tale is real.

It is not necessarily a "fairy tale," though. You're just in love with this fart for whatever reason.

The hell I am. But I do believe in "innocent until proven guilty" and there is no evidence 40 years on that these claims are true.

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