Moodys economists score the Obama and R econ plans


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
Moody's Economist Says GOP Jobs Bill Would 'Likely Push The Economy Back Into Recession' | ThinkProgress

Moody’s Analytics estimated that Obama’s American Jobs Act would create 1.9 million jobs, grow the economy by 2 percent and cut unemployment by a percentage point. Their review of the Republicans’ plan is not nearly as favorable. In fact, the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent reports that one Moody’s economist thinks it may damage the economy even more:

But an economist I spoke to just now said there isn’t enough information in the plan to evaluate whether it could even achieve its goals as Republicans themselves have defined them. He said it won’t help the economy in the short term, and could even make matters worse.

“I don’t have enough detail to evaluate how many jobs this would create,” Gus Faucher, the director of macroeconomics at Moody’s Analytics, told me. [...]

“Should we look at regulations and make sure they make sense from a cost benefit standpoint? Certainly. Should we reduce the budget deficit over the long run? Certainly,” Faucher said. “But in the short term, demand is weak, businesses aren’t hiring, and consumers aren’t spending. That’s the cause of the current weakness — and Republican Senate proposals aren’t going to address that in the short term.”
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how I wish the republican party would find some ideas that might work
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I guess now you will have to start hating on economists just like you do teachers
What did the Moody's economist have to say in 2007 about the 2008 financial market melt-down?


Only a Truthmatters gives any credability to a Moody's economist predictions.
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What did the republican party say about the meltdown just before it happened?


that is what they said
Please stop.......


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Agencies are sometimes accused of being oligopolists,[15] because barriers to market entry are high and rating agency business is itself reputation-based (and the finance industry pays little attention to a rating that is not widely recognized). Of the large agencies, only Moody's is a separate, publicly held corporation that discloses its financial results without dilution by non-ratings businesses, and its high profit margins (which at times have been greater than 50 percent of gross margin) can be construed as consistent with the type of returns one might expect in an industry which has high barriers to entry.
where is your economists backing the republicans plan of austerity for recovery?
I cannot read Tms posts thank god but as to the thread title I would say, oh so they DO have a plan?

Obama has been saying at every opportunity they didn't have a plan, had offered nothing and were just being obstructionists? :lol:

they had a plan they had made suggestions all along. he just doesn't LIKE their plan which of course is a different thing altogether.....its his usual dishonesty. *shrugs*

oh and lets remember that the house passed a budget too, the senate has not. we do not (as the 1974 budget process spells out) for the second year in a row have a budget by Oct 1 for the new federal fiscal year.
Of course the economist predicts that Obama's plan will create hundreds of millions of jobs in like a week
and the republicans plans will cause the end of mankind as we know it....

What a shock TM came across this one.
I cannot read Tms posts thank god but as to the thread title I would say, oh so they DO have a plan?

Obama has been saying at every opportunity they didn't have a plan, had offered nothing and were just being obstructionists? :lol:

they had a plan they had made suggestions all along. he just doesn't LIKE their plan which of course is a different thing altogether.....its his usual dishonesty. *shrugs*

oh and lets remember that the house passed a budget too, the senate has not. we do not (as the 1974 budget process spells out) for the second year in a row have a budget by Oct 1 for the new federal fiscal year.

Just like the lies the left has repeated over and over the the Republicans want to take Social Security away from the old folks....

Paul Ryan said over and over that his proposal will not change Social Security one bit for
ANYONE over 50 something.The changes will affect people who are many years away from retiring.

So what does the left do....They go out and say again that republicans want to take away Social Security....

What a bunch of jackoffs...

All they know is spend,spend,spend...and find a way to tax people till there is nothing left to squeeze from people. :(
What did the republican party say about the meltdown just before it happened?


that is what they said

Actually theY requested reform on a multiple of occasions, Sorry to interrupt your lies.

I take that back...NO I AM NOT.
Reform of what?

Fannie and freddie?

Your convoluted logic yet again fails.

March 21, 2006

Republicans All Alone in Viewing the Economy as in Good Shape

Partisan Attitudes

It should come as no surprise to find that overall measures of satisfaction and ratings of the president and Congress are strongly partisan in nature, i.e., that Republicans at this point are positive while Democrats are negative.

It may be a little more surprising to find that these same partisan orientations underlie views of the economy. Republicans, currently in control of the White House and both houses of Congress, are most positive about the economy. Democrats are most negative. Independents are in the middle:
I cannot read Tms posts thank god but as to the thread title I would say, oh so they DO have a plan?

Obama has been saying at every opportunity they didn't have a plan, had offered nothing and were just being obstructionists? :lol:

they had a plan they had made suggestions all along. he just doesn't LIKE their plan which of course is a different thing altogether.....its his usual dishonesty. *shrugs*

oh and lets remember that the house passed a budget too, the senate has not. we do not (as the 1974 budget process spells out) for the second year in a row have a budget by Oct 1 for the new federal fiscal year.

You are so partisan you dont want to read what is said yet you insist on being ignorant and commenting on what you havent even read?

Do you have any idea just how stupid that makes you look?
I have an idea, let’s not pass it and let the recession that Obama's stimulus/jobs bill (2008) keep us in the Recession we never left.

Are you really trying to find a way to blame Republicans for Obama’s recession?

[ame=]FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube[/ame]
...March 21, 2006 Republicans All Alone in Viewing the Economy as in Good Shape...
People's views on the economy often say more about people's politics than the economy. So rather than read economic opinions from say, Moody's experts, it makes more sense for us to have our own opinions based on what we see when we look for ourselves:

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