Month-old child injured during Israeli raid in Kafr Qaddum

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But I agree, the palis need to quit using children as shields not only because it is despicable but also because the jew/israelis/zionists don't give a shit anyway.

They shoot first and ask for child body counts later...

Then have a party when it hits the over/under.

They were firing tear gas at houses.. The child was in the house.
But I agree, the palis need to quit using children as shields not only because it is despicable but also because the jew/israelis/zionists don't give a shit anyway.

They shoot first and ask for child body counts later...

Then have a party when it hits the over/under.

They were firing tear gas at houses.. The child was in the house.

Stories from Ma'an are dubious. That is common knowledge.
But I agree, the palis need to quit using children as shields not only because it is despicable but also because the jew/israelis/zionists don't give a shit anyway.

They shoot first and ask for child body counts later...

Then have a party when it hits the over/under.

They were firing tear gas at houses.. The child was in the house.

The only crime committed against that child was by Israel who deliberately attacked a 1 month old child with tear gas.

Since then, ISRAEL has shot a 13 year old child in the back walking home from school killing him and attacked and killed a 3 year old little girl in Gaza.

Israel's crimes against the child in Palestine continue nonstop.
But I agree, the palis need to quit using children as shields not only because it is despicable but also because the jew/israelis/zionists don't give a shit anyway.

They shoot first and ask for child body counts later...

Then have a party when it hits the over/under.

They were firing tear gas at houses.. The child was in the house.

The only crime committed against that child was by Israel who deliberately attacked a 1 month old child with tear gas.

Since then, ISRAEL has shot a 13 year old child in the back walking home from school killing him and attacked and killed a 3 year old little girl in Gaza.

Israel's crimes against the child in Palestine continue nonstop.

Give us all a break. One day a year, that's all we ask. :mad:
And since when do Zionists care about Christmas or Christians?

The story is their ancestors crucified the founder of Christianity.
And since when do Zionists care about Christmas or Christians?

The story is their ancestors crucified the founder of Christianity.

This Zionist here is concerned that you fake Christian there posts on your most holiest day of the year. As I said, you are paranoid, as there is no let-up in your hate against Jews.
Christmas Day was the day a mother in Palestine living under Occupation gave birth to a baby who saved the world.

Are you stuck to your computer chair? Are you so paranoid about the Jews that even on Christmas Day you need to vomit your lies and hate against Jews. :mad:

Christmas Day was the day a mother in Palestine living under Occupation gave birth to a baby who saved the world.

Adolph, why don't you give it a rest?
Christmas Day was the day a mother in Palestine living under Occupation gave birth to a baby who saved the world.

Are you stuck to your computer chair? Are you so paranoid about the Jews that even on Christmas Day you need to vomit your lies and hate against Jews. :mad:

Christmas Day was the day a mother in Palestine living under Occupation gave birth to a baby who saved the world.

Adolph, why don't you give it a rest?

What is surprising, since Mrs. Sherri informed this forum that she has twins at home, one would think that she would be busy celebrating with her children today. When my twins were younger, I would certainly not think of spending any holiday on a forum but would have planned to do something with them. One would also think that in her little town, Mrs. Sherri and her family would be invited to the homes of others such as the church ladies for some Christmas cheer at their open houses.
Are you stuck to your computer chair? Are you so paranoid about the Jews that even on Christmas Day you need to vomit your lies and hate against Jews. :mad:

Christmas Day was the day a mother in Palestine living under Occupation gave birth to a baby who saved the world.

Adolph, why don't you give it a rest?

What is surprising, since Mrs. Sherri informed this forum that she has twins at home, one would think that she would be busy celebrating with her children today. When my twins were younger, I would certainly not think of spending any holiday on a forum but would have planned to do something with them. One would also think that in her little town, Mrs. Sherri and her family would be invited to the homes of others such as the church ladies for some Christmas cheer at their open houses.

Nah, Sherri only has eyes for her computer on this the holiest of Christian days. The church's ladies are probably not as hateful as her. Sherri relishes the attention she gets on here instead and like a child any attention, whether pro or anti her hateful cause, makes her feel important. Hate like hers makes others shy away. If Sherri would realize that love is easier to cope with than hate then her life will be so much better.
Adolph, why don't you give it a rest?

What is surprising, since Mrs. Sherri informed this forum that she has twins at home, one would think that she would be busy celebrating with her children today. When my twins were younger, I would certainly not think of spending any holiday on a forum but would have planned to do something with them. One would also think that in her little town, Mrs. Sherri and her family would be invited to the homes of others such as the church ladies for some Christmas cheer at their open houses.

Nah, Sherri only has eyes for her computer on this the holiest of Christian days. The church's ladies are probably not as hateful as her. Sherri relishes the attention she gets on here instead and like a child any attention, whether pro or anti her hateful cause, makes her feel important. Hate like hers makes others shy away. If Sherri would realize that love is easier to cope with than hate then her life will be so much better.

Sherri makes an excellent point-----with some glitches. The mother who gave birth
to the child christians recognize as a SAVIOR-----was in Bethlehem because her husband
was A JEW -------a descendant of the son of Israel named JUDAH (according to the
book that sherri claims she reads and "studies) Bethlehem is of the lands
accorded the descendants of JUDAH------ It is true that JUDEA was under
occupation ------by the filth that sherri recognizes as her very own kith and kin
----gee. The Mother then went UP to the CENTRAL TEMPLE OF ZION----and there
sacrificed a pigeon. zionist that she was . READ THE BOOK, sherri

well---the mother was a "JEW" too. -----but the lineage is ascribed to JOSEPH---
She went UP to the temple after her child was circumcized ----sheeesh

I remember what I read. I read the New Testament as a child----well--adolescent.
I also read superman comics and remember LANA LANG

for the record-----bethlehem is a hebrew word------not arabic .
King David was born in Bethlehem----and he was a prolific writer-----in
hebrew----not arabic He was also a descendant of JUDAH-----
that made him a "JEW" too. I cannot understand how anyone can
MISS------the constant reference to JEW (yehudi) in the story presented
in the NEW TESTAMENT------or the continued reference to ZION ----
as mary ascended to ZION with her child------yehoshua the jew
The word Jew did not even exist when the first text of The New Testament was written.

Actually, it did.
The word Jew comes from the Tribe of Judah, which was one of the surviving tribes.

Your bottomless well of knowledge always ceases to amaza me.
The word Jew did not even exist when the first text of The New Testament was written.

Actually, it did.
The word Jew comes from the Tribe of Judah, which was one of the surviving tribes.

Your bottomless well of knowledge always ceases to amaza me.


Yehudi is the Hebrew for Jew.

Yehudim is the Hebrew for Jews.

Yehudah is the Hebrew word for Judah.

Poor Sherri, she just can't win any which way she turns. :lol:
The word Jew did not even exist when the first text of The New Testament was written.

Actually, it did.
The word Jew comes from the Tribe of Judah, which was one of the surviving tribes.

Your bottomless well of knowledge always ceases to amaza me.


Yehudi is the Hebrew for Jew.

Yehudim is the Hebrew for Jews.

Yehudah is the Hebrew word for Judah.

Poor Sherri, she just can't win any which way she turns. :lol:

Its not her fault. My little snowflake (boy child) attended a "yeshiva" for grammar
school-----and for high school----ninth thru 12th grade-----a special school---for
the -------brainy------city school-----that required an entry exam. It was very culturally
diverse. His chem lab partner was a pakistani -----so at age 14 he SUDDENLY got
hit with-----"others" ----all of whom were bright and articulate. He observed------
"mom----christians see the bible as a kind of fairy tale--------the whole book of
jonah ----for them is about a man who gets eaten by a whale" My little snowflake
harbored no bigotries-------he just described it as it seemed to him. He said "for
christians history begins 2000 years ago and for muslims----it starts when
muhummad was born--<<< an observation by a fairly naive 14 year old

when I was small----I did attend ---now and then---a protestant sunday school ---
and fairy tale bible stories -----complete with coloring books. Sherri's problem is
that she never GREW OUT OF IT. I had little friends who got insulted
when I claimed that jesus never ate bacon and eggs for breakfast
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