Modern slavery


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
Why haven’t blacks ended slavery? Are blacks powerless in your world?
There is also an excellent movie called "Blood Diamond" that accurately depicts the brutality of the enslavement of Blacks by other Blacks to work the African diamond mines. Also consider that most of what you define as modern slavery is being conducted by China and North Korea.
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
Slavery is a human behavior, not a race behavior, IM2. It has been common in every major civilization that we know of, since time began. No European white can weasel out of being part of it (historically), but so has every other race and great civilization.
Dear IM2
I guess according to the White Privilege model, where history is always framed as White dominant and Eurocentric,
then by THAT definition, of course, Whites and Europeans are the predominant force for slavery and economic oppression
because you have placed Whites at the Top of the Pyramid.

Like deciding the World is going to have the North Pole and Europe at the TOP
while Africa and South America are at the BOTTOM, by framing the reference that way to begin with.

* You are not going to count the
Genocide and slavery of Native tribes against each other
as significant in human history, even though these tribes are much older
than European history and have progressed much farther in their SPIRITUAL progress in many ways.

You aren't going to count Native Americans and Natives around the world
as Superior in their strengths, wisdom and knowledge because you have
already given that to Whites and European culture and lineage as Superior to all the rest.

* Now as someone else pointed out about AFRICAN tribes
You aren't going to count those historical contributions, including the cost of tribal wars
slavery and genocide. Even though African villages created the first system now used for
college and universities, you are going to keep touting the White/Europeans as the
dominant definition of Education and Class WHILE COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS BEING

Even though the Reconciliation Villages and Truth Commission systems in Africa
are MORE DEVELOPED than the criminal justice system in America, you aren't going
because you are too
busy giving credit for inferior systems you empower and credit to WHITES IN THE U.S.

* Never mind the longer history of genocide and wars in ASIA and by CHINESE
that you don't count because of this system of EUROCENTRIC HISTORY
that you enforce while at the same time COMPLAIN IS DOMINATING THE NARRATIVE.

Great going IM2
Keep focusing on race and White/Europeans as the cultural norm and center of humanity,
and wonder why this doesn't change the dependence on that viewpoint.

In the meantime, people and leaders in AFRICA who HAVE FIGURED IT OUT
to break the cycle of oppression and abuse, and rebuild stronger relations and communities.

IM2 if you look up the people in AFRICA who have been empowering and building,
they don't define themselves based on WHITE people and power as you insist on focusing.


Bugesera Reconciliation Village - Rwanda Community Projects
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
What does slavery in Africa have to do with white racism? You really stretch to try to make your points don't you?
I bet not a single one of them is a native Brit.

As far as slavery in Britain is concerned, though, there are countless women who have been enslaved by men and it sure isn't white people doing it.
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins.

Good! I'm glad you value the the truth. TRUTH:
  1. I wasn't alive in 1865 when slavery was abolished in America.
  2. None of my relatives were even in this country.
  3. My relatives came here to get away from their own kind of slavery and oppression in their own countries.
  4. The state I live in was never part of the Confederacy. Lecture them.
  5. If I'm responsible because a handful of people in England ran a cheap labor ring you call "slavery" then YOU are responsible for the slavery and other crimes that still go on in Africa today.
I'm so glad you honor the truth!

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One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
Why do whites have to end slavery? You hate us all so we won't lift a finger to help you. Why don't blacks do something or are they too lazy?
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
Why do whites have to end slavery? You hate us all so we won't lift a finger to help you. Why don't blacks do something or are they too lazy?

IM2 is one of some blacks that are still enslaved in their mind, but they're really free. The only one that can free IM2 is IM2. No white man can do it.

If all white people disappeared tomorrow, IM2 would still be bitching about being enslaved and demanding reparations.
This IS a political issue.
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
Why do whites have to end slavery? You hate us all so we won't lift a finger to help you. Why don't blacks do something or are they too lazy?

IM2 is one of some blacks that are still enslaved in their mind, but they're really free. The only one that can free IM2 is IM2. No white man can do it.

If all white people disappeared tomorrow, IM2 would still be bitching about being enslaved and demanding reparations.

I am free, you are the slave. You are not only suffering from psychosis, but you are illiterate.
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
Why do whites have to end slavery? You hate us all so we won't lift a finger to help you. Why don't blacks do something or are they too lazy?

IM2 is one of some blacks that are still enslaved in their mind, but they're really free. The only one that can free IM2 is IM2. No white man can do it.

If all white people disappeared tomorrow, IM2 would still be bitching about being enslaved and demanding reparations.

I am free, you are the slave. You are not only suffering from psychosis, but you are illiterate.
Jesus you get more insane each day.
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
Slavery is a human behavior, not a race behavior, IM2. It has been common in every major civilization that we know of, since time began. No European white can weasel out of being part of it (historically), but so has every other race and great civilization.

Thank you for educating me on what I already know. Slavery has been wrong since time began too. So for people here to keep repeating that then claiming how much more advanced they are is really kinda weak.
One thing is evident to me as I grow older is how truth always wins. Now I know that some of the people here have difficulties facing truth. We keep being told about the slavery in Africa today by those who wish to dodge any discussion of white responsibility for racism. As usual, those same people ignore the same problems in their own.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed


The largest-ever UK modern slavery ring, which forced more than 400 people to work for a pittance while their criminal masters earned £2 million, has been smashed.

A three-year police investigation uncovered a well-organised criminal gang led by the Brzezinski family – which preyed on the homeless, ex-prisoners and alcoholics, from Poland.

UK’s largest-ever modern slavery ring smashed

Whites have not ended slavery.
Slavery is a human behavior, not a race behavior, IM2. It has been common in every major civilization that we know of, since time began. No European white can weasel out of being part of it (historically), but so has every other race and great civilization.

Thank you for educating me on what I already know. Slavery has been wrong since time began too. So for people here to keep repeating that then claiming how much more advanced they are is really kinda weak.
Why didn't blacks stop slavery instead of just crying about?
Dear IM2
I guess according to the White Privilege model, where history is always framed as White dominant and Eurocentric,
then by THAT definition, of course, Whites and Europeans are the predominant force for slavery and economic oppression
because you have placed Whites at the Top of the Pyramid.

Like deciding the World is going to have the North Pole and Europe at the TOP
while Africa and South America are at the BOTTOM, by framing the reference that way to begin with.

* You are not going to count the
Genocide and slavery of Native tribes against each other
as significant in human history, even though these tribes are much older
than European history and have progressed much farther in their SPIRITUAL progress in many ways.

You aren't going to count Native Americans and Natives around the world
as Superior in their strengths, wisdom and knowledge because you have
already given that to Whites and European culture and lineage as Superior to all the rest.

* Now as someone else pointed out about AFRICAN tribes
You aren't going to count those historical contributions, including the cost of tribal wars
slavery and genocide. Even though African villages created the first system now used for
college and universities, you are going to keep touting the White/Europeans as the
dominant definition of Education and Class WHILE COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS BEING

Even though the Reconciliation Villages and Truth Commission systems in Africa
are MORE DEVELOPED than the criminal justice system in America, you aren't going
because you are too
busy giving credit for inferior systems you empower and credit to WHITES IN THE U.S.

* Never mind the longer history of genocide and wars in ASIA and by CHINESE
that you don't count because of this system of EUROCENTRIC HISTORY
that you enforce while at the same time COMPLAIN IS DOMINATING THE NARRATIVE.

Great going IM2
Keep focusing on race and White/Europeans as the cultural norm and center of humanity,
and wonder why this doesn't change the dependence on that viewpoint.

In the meantime, people and leaders in AFRICA who HAVE FIGURED IT OUT
to break the cycle of oppression and abuse, and rebuild stronger relations and communities.

IM2 if you look up the people in AFRICA who have been empowering and building,
they don't define themselves based on WHITE people and power as you insist on focusing.


Bugesera Reconciliation Village - Rwanda Community Projects

Emily. I've been kind to you through all your longwinded defenses of racists. I think it time you just stopped replying to my posts. Because blacks have never defined ourselves by slavery or whites. We fight because we seek something better.

So do me a favor stop trying to define me as these white mother fuckers tell you I am. Stop repeating the white defined version of small government. Stop repeating the white defined political ideology of conservatism. And don't ever again dare try telling me about Africa based on a white ideal that ignores their responsibility in the problems on that continent.

You never say shit to whites about how they define us. Don't say shit to me about how I choose to hold a mirror to their faces.
This thread has gone exactly as I knew it would. You whites preach responsibility to others but take none yourself.

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