Moderates and Cemtrists have saved the country again, for now

White 6

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Nov 10, 2019
I have pushed moderate, centrists views on here since joining in November of last year. I consistently rejected what I see as the radical (sometimes violent) left, and the trumpian takeover of the once deliberate, though now defunct Republican leadership, caving to desires for mass suppression and their desire for single party dominance and at times, ruthless control, counter to the expressed desires of the founding fathers, along their tacitly supporting the sometimes violent right racial politics along with their foot soldiers in the militias and white supremacy groups. Just not the American way.
It is nice to start seeing articles expressing my sentiments and evaluation, that the centrist view is what is needed and in fact turned the presidential election to change direction at the top, while making no radical change in support of down ballot positions. Here is one I liked this morning from the Wall Street Journal, by somebody named Mark Penn. Eat your heart out radicals at both ends of the spectrum. If your person did not win in the Presidency plus the down ballot, you may be on the outs with where American society actually is.
America’s Shockingly Moderate Electorate
Polls predicted a landslide, but the result was close and split because voters reject radical changes.
The surprise finding of the exit polls is that moderates and men provided the crucial swing voters who put Joe Biden into office.
The nation is largely moderate, practical and driven by common sense over ideology.
Only 24% of voters identify as liberal, while 38% say they’re conservative, according to CNN exit polls. Another 38% are moderate.
Mr. Trump’s margin of victory among white women increased from 11 to 13 points, according to CNN’s final adjusted exit polls. But his advantage among white men narrowed from 30 points to 23.
Mr. Biden won almost all the liberals and Mr. Trump the conservatives. But Mr. Biden expanded the Democratic lead among moderates to 30 points from 12 in 2016—the single most significant change.

It is my opinion, the moderates and centrist men have spoken as the usually silent group they are, and are tired of the radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We will solve our problems together or not at all. That is why we elected Joe Biden.
I have pushed moderate, centrists views on here since joining in November of last year. I consistently rejected what I see as the radical (sometimes violent) left, and the trumpian takeover of the once deliberate, though now defunct Republican leadership, caving to desires for mass suppression and their desire for single party dominance and at times, ruthless control, counter to the expressed desires of the founding fathers, along their tacitly supporting the sometimes violent right racial politics along with their foot soldiers in the militias and white supremacy groups. Just not the American way.
It is nice to start seeing articles expressing my sentiments and evaluation, that the centrist view is what is needed and in fact turned the presidential election to change direction at the top, while making no radical change in support of down ballot positions. Here is one I liked this morning from the Wall Street Journal, by somebody named Mark Penn. Eat your heart out radicals at both ends of the spectrum. If your person did not win in the Presidency plus the down ballot, you may be on the outs with where American society actually is.
America’s Shockingly Moderate Electorate
Polls predicted a landslide, but the result was close and split because voters reject radical changes.
The surprise finding of the exit polls is that moderates and men provided the crucial swing voters who put Joe Biden into office.
The nation is largely moderate, practical and driven by common sense over ideology.
Only 24% of voters identify as liberal, while 38% say they’re conservative, according to CNN exit polls. Another 38% are moderate.
Mr. Trump’s margin of victory among white women increased from 11 to 13 points, according to CNN’s final adjusted exit polls. But his advantage among white men narrowed from 30 points to 23.
Mr. Biden won almost all the liberals and Mr. Trump the conservatives. But Mr. Biden expanded the Democratic lead among moderates to 30 points from 12 in 2016—the single most significant change.

It is my opinion, the moderates and centrist men have spoken as the usually silent group they are, and are tired of the radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We will solve our problems together or not at all. That is why we elected Joe Biden.
A true snowflake.
Partisan hacks are now "moderate"
Another day, another words meaning that got raped.
Gutless, spineless, limp-wristed Moderates and Centrist who have no actual ideology or belief system are the LAST THING we need more of in this country. I have far more respect for my Libersl and Socialist enemies than the fence sitting Moderstes.
I have pushed moderate, centrists views on here since joining in November of last year. I consistently rejected what I see as the radical (sometimes violent) left, and the trumpian takeover of the once deliberate, though now defunct Republican leadership, caving to desires for mass suppression and their desire for single party dominance and at times, ruthless control, counter to the expressed desires of the founding fathers, along their tacitly supporting the sometimes violent right racial politics along with their foot soldiers in the militias and white supremacy groups. Just not the American way.
It is nice to start seeing articles expressing my sentiments and evaluation, that the centrist view is what is needed and in fact turned the presidential election to change direction at the top, while making no radical change in support of down ballot positions. Here is one I liked this morning from the Wall Street Journal, by somebody named Mark Penn. Eat your heart out radicals at both ends of the spectrum. If your person did not win in the Presidency plus the down ballot, you may be on the outs with where American society actually is.
America’s Shockingly Moderate Electorate
Polls predicted a landslide, but the result was close and split because voters reject radical changes.
The surprise finding of the exit polls is that moderates and men provided the crucial swing voters who put Joe Biden into office.
The nation is largely moderate, practical and driven by common sense over ideology.
Only 24% of voters identify as liberal, while 38% say they’re conservative, according to CNN exit polls. Another 38% are moderate.
Mr. Trump’s margin of victory among white women increased from 11 to 13 points, according to CNN’s final adjusted exit polls. But his advantage among white men narrowed from 30 points to 23.
Mr. Biden won almost all the liberals and Mr. Trump the conservatives. But Mr. Biden expanded the Democratic lead among moderates to 30 points from 12 in 2016—the single most significant change.

It is my opinion, the moderates and centrist men have spoken as the usually silent group they are, and are tired of the radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We will solve our problems together or not at all. That is why we elected Joe Biden.
If by "moderates and centrists" you mean voting software, and by "saved the country" you mean delivered it to the globalist elites and the military/industrial complex, then yes. Moderates and Centrists did save the country.
I have pushed moderate, centrists views on here since joining in November of last year. I consistently rejected what I see as the radical (sometimes violent) left, and the trumpian takeover of the once deliberate, though now defunct Republican leadership, caving to desires for mass suppression and their desire for single party dominance and at times, ruthless control, counter to the expressed desires of the founding fathers, along their tacitly supporting the sometimes violent right racial politics along with their foot soldiers in the militias and white supremacy groups. Just not the American way.
It is nice to start seeing articles expressing my sentiments and evaluation, that the centrist view is what is needed and in fact turned the presidential election to change direction at the top, while making no radical change in support of down ballot positions. Here is one I liked this morning from the Wall Street Journal, by somebody named Mark Penn. Eat your heart out radicals at both ends of the spectrum. If your person did not win in the Presidency plus the down ballot, you may be on the outs with where American society actually is.
America’s Shockingly Moderate Electorate
Polls predicted a landslide, but the result was close and split because voters reject radical changes.
The surprise finding of the exit polls is that moderates and men provided the crucial swing voters who put Joe Biden into office.
The nation is largely moderate, practical and driven by common sense over ideology.
Only 24% of voters identify as liberal, while 38% say they’re conservative, according to CNN exit polls. Another 38% are moderate.
Mr. Trump’s margin of victory among white women increased from 11 to 13 points, according to CNN’s final adjusted exit polls. But his advantage among white men narrowed from 30 points to 23.
Mr. Biden won almost all the liberals and Mr. Trump the conservatives. But Mr. Biden expanded the Democratic lead among moderates to 30 points from 12 in 2016—the single most significant change.

It is my opinion, the moderates and centrist men have spoken as the usually silent group they are, and are tired of the radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We will solve our problems together or not at all. That is why we elected Joe Biden.
Delusional as fuck.
Amen Brother. I consider myself moderate center left. The job this election was to get rid of the Trump Dumpster, who was unsuccessful in painting Joe as a puppet mouthpiece for "The Squad".

Still SO much work to do however for Democrats, starting with the bleeding of Cubans and Central Americans in Miami Dade who went full Trump. He WAS successful painting Biden alongside murderous socialist dictators. Apparently they believed Joe was Chavez, Pinochet and Castro all rolled into one.

I was surprised the Biden didn't do better with women. I remember seeing polls showing women favoring Biden by 20 points. That didn't materialize. I think he got around 55% which is disappointing. Maybe some of that "I saved your suburbs" BS did rub off.

In the end, it was black women who came through like champs.
Amen Brother. I consider myself moderate center left. The job this election was to get rid of the Trump Dumpster, who was unsuccessful in painting Joe as a puppet mouthpiece for "The Squad".

Still SO much work to do however for Democrats, starting with the bleeding of Cubans and Central Americans in Miami Dade who went full Trump. He WAS successful painting Biden alongside murderous socialist dictators. Apparently they believed Joe was Chavez, Pinochet and Castro all rolled into one.

I was surprised the Biden didn't do better with women. I remember seeing polls showing women favoring Biden by 20 points. That didn't materialize. I think he got around 55% which is disappointing. Maybe some of that "I saved your suburbs" BS did rub off.

In the end, it was black women who came through like champs.
Moderate center left is what in this nation.? In 2020. As compared to to 1970.
Partisan hacks are now "moderate"
Another day, another words meaning that got raped.
They do it intentionally. It's their way of trying to marginalize views that are not lock step democrat.

The funny thing is - they think they are fooling people because they think everybody else is just as stupid as they are.
Amen Brother. I consider myself moderate center left. The job this election was to get rid of the Trump Dumpster, who was unsuccessful in painting Joe as a puppet mouthpiece for "The Squad".

Still SO much work to do however for Democrats, starting with the bleeding of Cubans and Central Americans in Miami Dade who went full Trump. He WAS successful painting Biden alongside murderous socialist dictators. Apparently they believed Joe was Chavez, Pinochet and Castro all rolled into one.

I was surprised the Biden didn't do better with women. I remember seeing polls showing women favoring Biden by 20 points. That didn't materialize. I think he got around 55% which is disappointing. Maybe some of that "I saved your suburbs" BS did rub off.

In the end, it was black women who came through like champs.
I don't get why you "centerist" admit you're flaming left-wing SJW. Stop being such fucking cowards!
  • Thread starter
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  • #17
I have pushed moderate, centrists views on here since joining in November of last year. I consistently rejected what I see as the radical (sometimes violent) left, and the trumpian takeover of the once deliberate, though now defunct Republican leadership, caving to desires for mass suppression and their desire for single party dominance and at times, ruthless control, counter to the expressed desires of the founding fathers, along their tacitly supporting the sometimes violent right racial politics along with their foot soldiers in the militias and white supremacy groups. Just not the American way.
It is nice to start seeing articles expressing my sentiments and evaluation, that the centrist view is what is needed and in fact turned the presidential election to change direction at the top, while making no radical change in support of down ballot positions. Here is one I liked this morning from the Wall Street Journal, by somebody named Mark Penn. Eat your heart out radicals at both ends of the spectrum. If your person did not win in the Presidency plus the down ballot, you may be on the outs with where American society actually is.
America’s Shockingly Moderate Electorate
Polls predicted a landslide, but the result was close and split because voters reject radical changes.
The surprise finding of the exit polls is that moderates and men provided the crucial swing voters who put Joe Biden into office.
The nation is largely moderate, practical and driven by common sense over ideology.
Only 24% of voters identify as liberal, while 38% say they’re conservative, according to CNN exit polls. Another 38% are moderate.
Mr. Trump’s margin of victory among white women increased from 11 to 13 points, according to CNN’s final adjusted exit polls. But his advantage among white men narrowed from 30 points to 23.
Mr. Biden won almost all the liberals and Mr. Trump the conservatives. But Mr. Biden expanded the Democratic lead among moderates to 30 points from 12 in 2016—the single most significant change.

It is my opinion, the moderates and centrist men have spoken as the usually silent group they are, and are tired of the radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We will solve our problems together or not at all. That is why we elected Joe Biden.
A true snowflake.
No snowflake. Just better than you at knowing what the country needs and should support, as proven by the recent election. Hope you are not going to be a whining sore loser. Republican used to be better than that, back when they supported free elections, the constitution, and democratic traditions of the country.
  • Thread starter
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  • #18
I have pushed moderate, centrists views on here since joining in November of last year. I consistently rejected what I see as the radical (sometimes violent) left, and the trumpian takeover of the once deliberate, though now defunct Republican leadership, caving to desires for mass suppression and their desire for single party dominance and at times, ruthless control, counter to the expressed desires of the founding fathers, along their tacitly supporting the sometimes violent right racial politics along with their foot soldiers in the militias and white supremacy groups. Just not the American way.
It is nice to start seeing articles expressing my sentiments and evaluation, that the centrist view is what is needed and in fact turned the presidential election to change direction at the top, while making no radical change in support of down ballot positions. Here is one I liked this morning from the Wall Street Journal, by somebody named Mark Penn. Eat your heart out radicals at both ends of the spectrum. If your person did not win in the Presidency plus the down ballot, you may be on the outs with where American society actually is.
America’s Shockingly Moderate Electorate
Polls predicted a landslide, but the result was close and split because voters reject radical changes.
The surprise finding of the exit polls is that moderates and men provided the crucial swing voters who put Joe Biden into office.
The nation is largely moderate, practical and driven by common sense over ideology.
Only 24% of voters identify as liberal, while 38% say they’re conservative, according to CNN exit polls. Another 38% are moderate.
Mr. Trump’s margin of victory among white women increased from 11 to 13 points, according to CNN’s final adjusted exit polls. But his advantage among white men narrowed from 30 points to 23.
Mr. Biden won almost all the liberals and Mr. Trump the conservatives. But Mr. Biden expanded the Democratic lead among moderates to 30 points from 12 in 2016—the single most significant change.

It is my opinion, the moderates and centrist men have spoken as the usually silent group they are, and are tired of the radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We will solve our problems together or not at all. That is why we elected Joe Biden.
Delusional as fuck.
Wake up and read a newspaper, illiterate fuck.
I have pushed moderate, centrists views on here since joining in November of last year. I consistently rejected what I see as the radical (sometimes violent) left, and the trumpian takeover of the once deliberate, though now defunct Republican leadership, caving to desires for mass suppression and their desire for single party dominance and at times, ruthless control, counter to the expressed desires of the founding fathers, along their tacitly supporting the sometimes violent right racial politics along with their foot soldiers in the militias and white supremacy groups. Just not the American way.
It is nice to start seeing articles expressing my sentiments and evaluation, that the centrist view is what is needed and in fact turned the presidential election to change direction at the top, while making no radical change in support of down ballot positions. Here is one I liked this morning from the Wall Street Journal, by somebody named Mark Penn. Eat your heart out radicals at both ends of the spectrum. If your person did not win in the Presidency plus the down ballot, you may be on the outs with where American society actually is.
America’s Shockingly Moderate Electorate
Polls predicted a landslide, but the result was close and split because voters reject radical changes.
The surprise finding of the exit polls is that moderates and men provided the crucial swing voters who put Joe Biden into office.
The nation is largely moderate, practical and driven by common sense over ideology.
Only 24% of voters identify as liberal, while 38% say they’re conservative, according to CNN exit polls. Another 38% are moderate.
Mr. Trump’s margin of victory among white women increased from 11 to 13 points, according to CNN’s final adjusted exit polls. But his advantage among white men narrowed from 30 points to 23.
Mr. Biden won almost all the liberals and Mr. Trump the conservatives. But Mr. Biden expanded the Democratic lead among moderates to 30 points from 12 in 2016—the single most significant change.

It is my opinion, the moderates and centrist men have spoken as the usually silent group they are, and are tired of the radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We will solve our problems together or not at all. That is why we elected Joe Biden.

It cracks me up when Dimm Neo-Marxists play dress up and try to portray themselves as moderates.
I have pushed moderate, centrists views on here since joining in November of last year. I consistently rejected what I see as the radical (sometimes violent) left, and the trumpian takeover of the once deliberate, though now defunct Republican leadership, caving to desires for mass suppression and their desire for single party dominance and at times, ruthless control, counter to the expressed desires of the founding fathers, along their tacitly supporting the sometimes violent right racial politics along with their foot soldiers in the militias and white supremacy groups. Just not the American way.

It is my opinion, the moderates and centrist men have spoken as the usually silent group they are, and are tired of the radicals on both ends of the spectrum. We will solve our problems together or not at all. That is why we elected Joe Biden.

But white human are 120 million or clearly 130 million of US and 72 million Trumpist vote.


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