Models Are Always Wrong

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Take for instance Global Warming Models. Never was there a bigger Hoodwinking and Bamboozling scam ever launched by mankind. If you can call Al Gore a man. It was nothing but a money making scheme which was designed to literally create money out of thin air, but selling carbon credits on, well AIR....CO2. You know that "Pollutant" plants breath in, and turn in to oxygen.

“It is not scientifically justified to dismiss model error, possibly substantial, as one source of the discrepancy,” they said.

Despite this and other studies that show the computer models’ credibility as shaky at best, government agencies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change still base their predictions, policies, and frightening warnings on them.

No Government should base it's policies on Divining Livers, and Computer Modeling, especially when the so called cure for the fictional future issue is worse than the disease. And in this case with Global Warming and Covid, the disease is insanity.

Covid models are the phoney-fake-bullshit Models. I suspect this lockdown is an engineered one, for someone's benefit, but not ours. It's more of the same. Al Gore Regurgitated.

Someone is getting rich off of Martial Law, and shutting down certain aspects of The Economy. I call bullshit on this lockdown, and on COVID. Out of 100,000 people tested only 16-20% test positive.

Out of our 350 Million Citizens, we can't even approach a 1% mortality for our country. More children are murdered in abortion mills, more people die from choking, more people die from the flu, more people die from alcoholism, stabbings, or accidents.

I call bullshit on the bullshit. There is more to this than being afraid of a lil ole virus that we already know how to treat.

End Martial Law Now!

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When this is all done the health care industry will be screaming for their fix.


Some times they are right. I met this model one time she sais hey you are attracted to me and want some leg. She was right!LOL
That is the only time a model is right, when they are half naked on your bed.
my, question was why bring my wants up if ya ain't gunna fullfill them. I made some promises and now I sit waiting much like meat loaf for the end of time.
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When this is all done the health care industry will be screaming for their fix.



I think it's a back door for universal health care. They engineered this crisis for that sole purpose.

no,one engineered this crisis. The pain from this shit will reach every corner in every living room. No one wnated this. I hope we are so filled with cabin fever by the time this is over that the economy catches fire but we could have some rough times ahead.
It's tough to hit a moving target, especially one that came out of Communist China. Everyone thinks this is the China virus, but I think it has mutated in Europe. This is the strain of COVID-19 that is hitting Europe and the East coast. It is more powerful and deadly. How else can you explain it? China and Asia has recovered for the most part. California hasn't been hit that hard.

Unfortunately, I don't have the hard evidence because of lack of testing California but two research companies found the different mutation from Europe a couple of days ago.
"Models" is not some alternative form of forecast aproach some seem to think is. But rather IT IS THE ONLY SERIOUS APROACH TO FORECASTING.

If you want to make a serious prediction you have to deal with technical details, quantaties and volumes.
Take for instance Global Warming Models. Never was there a bigger Hoodwinking and Bamboozling scam ever launched by mankind. If you can call Al Gore a man. It was nothing but a money making scheme which was designed to literally create money out of thin air, but selling carbon credits on, well AIR....CO2. You know that "Pollutant" plants breath in, and turn in to oxygen.

“It is not scientifically justified to dismiss model error, possibly substantial, as one source of the discrepancy,” they said.

Despite this and other studies that show the computer models’ credibility as shaky at best, government agencies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change still base their predictions, policies, and frightening warnings on them.

No Government should base it's policies on Divining Livers, and Computer Modeling, especially when the so called cure for the fictional future issue is worse than the disease. And in this case with Global Warming and Covid, the disease is insanity.

Covid models are the phoney-fake-bullshit Models. I suspect this lockdown is an engineered one, for someone's benefit, but not ours. It's more of the same. Al Gore Regurgitated.

Someone is getting rich off of Martial Law, and shutting down certain aspects of The Economy. I call bullshit on this lockdown, and on COVID. Out of 100,000 people tested only 16-20% test positive.

Out of our 350 Million Citizens, we can't even approach a 1% mortality for our country. More children are murdered in abortion mills, more people die from choking, more people die from the flu, more people die from alcoholism, stabbings, or accidents.

I call bullshit on the bullshit. There is more to this than being afraid of a lil ole virus that we already know how to treat.

End Martial Law Now!

Sometimes ya just don't care if the model is wrong.
Weather models dealing with 5+ days out dont show the most likely outcome but rather a variety of potential outcomes. Works great for funding verification time because almost always get one right.
Idiot liberals and media went with a worst case model and somehow this got sold to an all to willingly frightened public and they bought it as most likely scenario
Time, past time, to reverse that now
I think it's a back door for universal health care. They engineered this crisis for that sole purpose.

Trust me they'll be screaming for more government money to "fix" the problems/deficences when this is all over. After all they'll deserve a huge piece of pie if everyone else is being given one up front also.

What's a few trillion dollars among friends?


It's tough to hit a moving target, especially one that came out of Communist China. Everyone thinks this is the China virus, but I think it has mutated in Europe. This is the strain of COVID-19 that is hitting Europe and the East coast. It is more powerful and deadly. How else can you explain it? China and Asia has recovered for the most part. California hasn't been hit that hard.

Unfortunately, I don't have the hard evidence because of lack of testing California but two research companies found the different mutation from Europe a couple of days ago.

We can explain it with questionable statistics Chinese state publishes as it bans all western media and punishes local governors that dare publish un-aproved numbers.
If Evil Communists Leftists Believe in Evolution, Euthanasia, and Infanticide, then why in The Hell are we shutting down the Economy and putting everyone in Lock Down?

Go back to work you lazy son of a bitches, and if you die, you DIED for your beliefs.
Take for instance Global Warming Models. Never was there a bigger Hoodwinking and Bamboozling scam ever launched by mankind. If you can call Al Gore a man. It was nothing but a money making scheme which was designed to literally create money out of thin air, but selling carbon credits on, well AIR....CO2. You know that "Pollutant" plants breath in, and turn in to oxygen.

“It is not scientifically justified to dismiss model error, possibly substantial, as one source of the discrepancy,” they said.

Despite this and other studies that show the computer models’ credibility as shaky at best, government agencies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change still base their predictions, policies, and frightening warnings on them.

No Government should base it's policies on Divining Livers, and Computer Modeling, especially when the so called cure for the fictional future issue is worse than the disease. And in this case with Global Warming and Covid, the disease is insanity.

Covid models are the phoney-fake-bullshit Models. I suspect this lockdown is an engineered one, for someone's benefit, but not ours. It's more of the same. Al Gore Regurgitated.

Someone is getting rich off of Martial Law, and shutting down certain aspects of The Economy. I call bullshit on this lockdown, and on COVID. Out of 100,000 people tested only 16-20% test positive.

Out of our 350 Million Citizens, we can't even approach a 1% mortality for our country. More children are murdered in abortion mills, more people die from choking, more people die from the flu, more people die from alcoholism, stabbings, or accidents.

I call bullshit on the bullshit. There is more to this than being afraid of a lil ole virus that we already know how to treat.

End Martial Law Now!

All mathematical models are created by man thus they all contain human errors only sometimes aggravated and vastly amplified by machine.
Simpler is better and less prone to failure will always be a true statement that withstands the test of time forever.
"Models" is not some alternative form of forecast aproach some seem to think is. But rather IT IS THE ONLY SERIOUS APROACH TO FORECASTING.

If you want to make a serious prediction you have to deal with technical details, quantaties and volumes.
There is no serious approach to prediction when you have to eliminate variables to make your models work.

So the modelers and so called scientists are false prophets. We should throw them off of the cliffs. Same with the false prophets of global warming.

Same with the liars engaging in fake news.
It's tough to hit a moving target, especially one that came out of Communist China. Everyone thinks this is the China virus, but I think it has mutated in Europe. This is the strain of COVID-19 that is hitting Europe and the East coast. It is more powerful and deadly. How else can you explain it? China and Asia has recovered for the most part. California hasn't been hit that hard.

Unfortunately, I don't have the hard evidence because of lack of testing California but two research companies found the different mutation from Europe a couple of days ago.

Europe you say?

Lets see if we can connect the dots:

March 12:

Of course, the airports were, in no way, shape, or form prepared for this mad dash to get every flight from Europe through 13 airports. The result? Massive delays with passengers standing shoulder to shoulder for hours:


More dots to connect....

Which Airports you ask?


Gee, JFK AND EWR Airport in New York City/NJ. And now lets look at how the other states of
fared from having these flights of unchecked people forced through their airports:


Hawaii seems to be doing okay. The others...not so much.

Need more dots?

Press releases from the Blob's DHS citing JFK as having infected workers:
March 18: TSA statement on COVID-19 at JFK Airport
March 22: TSA statement on fifth COVID-19 case at JFK Airport

So the blob forced all these flights to land at 13 public airport putting thousands of unchecked passengers from Europe into the nation along with travelers who were just flying from Peoria to Pittsburgh... Made them stand shoulder to shoulder for hours... And you see the results up above where the states with the most infections happen to be; where the airports were.
Take for instance Global Warming Models. Never was there a bigger Hoodwinking and Bamboozling scam ever launched by mankind. If you can call Al Gore a man. It was nothing but a money making scheme which was designed to literally create money out of thin air, but selling carbon credits on, well AIR....CO2. You know that "Pollutant" plants breath in, and turn in to oxygen.

“It is not scientifically justified to dismiss model error, possibly substantial, as one source of the discrepancy,” they said.

Despite this and other studies that show the computer models’ credibility as shaky at best, government agencies such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change still base their predictions, policies, and frightening warnings on them.

No Government should base it's policies on Divining Livers, and Computer Modeling, especially when the so called cure for the fictional future issue is worse than the disease. And in this case with Global Warming and Covid, the disease is insanity.

Covid models are the phoney-fake-bullshit Models. I suspect this lockdown is an engineered one, for someone's benefit, but not ours. It's more of the same. Al Gore Regurgitated.

Someone is getting rich off of Martial Law, and shutting down certain aspects of The Economy. I call bullshit on this lockdown, and on COVID. Out of 100,000 people tested only 16-20% test positive.

Out of our 350 Million Citizens, we can't even approach a 1% mortality for our country. More children are murdered in abortion mills, more people die from choking, more people die from the flu, more people die from alcoholism, stabbings, or accidents.

I call bullshit on the bullshit. There is more to this than being afraid of a lil ole virus that we already know how to treat.

End Martial Law Now!

You have to remember that when some of these predictions were made, the blob had not done jack shit to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus outside of shutting down flights from China. And given that the blob is completely unpredictable in what he will do and's difficult to make any predictions based on what that damn fool will do.

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