Mitt Romney blames himself for failure to communicate with minorities

Mitt Romney is blaming himself for not being able to communicate with minorities and says this kept him from winning the election. But if he needed to promise the welfare leeches more money to buy their votes conservatives are glad he lost rather than forsake his conservative principles. Only the liberals can win the votes of the leeches until the hard working people of this country finally stand up and put an end to all of the entitlement programs started by the liberals since FDR. Welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, and the rest of the liberal handouts that are breaking this country. Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

In First Interview, Mitt Romney Says He Lost Because He Failed to Reach Minorities, ?Kills? Not to Be in Washington - ABC News

You don't even realize how you sound, do you.

Your entire post portrays minorities as a bunch of "welfare leeches".

Gee, that sure makes a minority want to vote GOP!

Your kind is trapped in an Idiot Paradox. You call minorities a bunch of welfare leeches, and that really turns them off. Then you blame the loss of minority votes on your belief the GOP didn't promise the leeches any gifts, instead of realizing the blame lies with asshole idiots like you.

CaGo Patriot knows exactly how he sounds, G. He is fucking with you. Damn.
Mitt Romney is blaming himself for not being able to communicate with minorities and says this kept him from winning the election. But if he needed to promise the welfare leeches more money to buy their votes conservatives are glad he lost rather than forsake his conservative principles. Only the liberals can win the votes of the leeches until the hard working people of this country finally stand up and put an end to all of the entitlement programs started by the liberals since FDR. Welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, and the rest of the liberal handouts that are breaking this country. Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

In First Interview, Mitt Romney Says He Lost Because He Failed to Reach Minorities, ?Kills? Not to Be in Washington - ABC News

There was no problem with Romney's communication skills. Put another way, minorities got the message just fine. They simply didn't like what they were hearing and voted accordingly.
Mitt Romney is blaming himself for not being able to communicate with minorities and says this kept him from winning the election. But if he needed to promise the welfare leeches more money to buy their votes conservatives are glad he lost rather than forsake his conservative principles. Only the liberals can win the votes of the leeches until the hard working people of this country finally stand up and put an end to all of the entitlement programs started by the liberals since FDR. Welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, and the rest of the liberal handouts that are breaking this country. Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

In First Interview, Mitt Romney Says He Lost Because He Failed to Reach Minorities, ?Kills? Not to Be in Washington - ABC News

There was no problem with Romney's communication skills. Put another way, minorities got the message just fine. They simply didn't like what they were hearing and voted accordingly.

A lot of white people didn't vote for him either.
Mitt Romney is blaming himself for not being able to communicate with minorities and says this kept him from winning the election. But if he needed to promise the welfare leeches more money to buy their votes conservatives are glad he lost rather than forsake his conservative principles. Only the liberals can win the votes of the leeches until the hard working people of this country finally stand up and put an end to all of the entitlement programs started by the liberals since FDR. Welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, and the rest of the liberal handouts that are breaking this country. Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

In First Interview, Mitt Romney Says He Lost Because He Failed to Reach Minorities, ?Kills? Not to Be in Washington - ABC News

There was no problem with Romney's communication skills. Put another way, minorities got the message just fine. They simply didn't like what they were hearing and voted accordingly.

A lot of white people didn't vote for him either.

In my case, in a post financial system meltdown world, I had no intention whatsoever of voting for a former private equity fund manager who greatly benefited from the very tax code changes which made a mockery of capitalism as an economic system by turning it into a legalized method of extracting wealth from failure while also financially benefiting at the same time by exporting jobs and destroying the futures of tens of thousands of American workers in order to greatly benefit a few well-connected people who ultimately rewarded the law makers with campaign contributions.
In my case, in a post financial system meltdown world, I had no intention whatsoever of voting for a former private equity fund manager who greatly benefited from the very tax code changes which made a mockery of capitalism as an economic system by turning it into a legalized method of extracting wealth from failure while also financially benefiting at the same time by exporting jobs and destroying the futures of tens of thousands of American workers in order to greatly benefit a few well-connected people who ultimately rewarded the law makers with campaign contributions.

Daaaaaaaaaaaamn bringing out the big guns
In my case, in a post financial system meltdown world, I had no intention whatsoever of voting for a former private equity fund manager who greatly benefited from the very tax code changes which made a mockery of capitalism as an economic system by turning it into a legalized method of extracting wealth from failure while also financially benefiting at the same time by exporting jobs and destroying the futures of tens of thousands of American workers in order to greatly benefit a few well-connected people who ultimately rewarded the law makers with campaign contributions.

Daaaaaaaaaaaamn bringing out the big guns

There were a number of people (Republicans AND Democrats) over the last 30 years who betrayed this country (and I RARELY use that phrase). They pushed for changes in the tax code, and the banking laws, and host of other 'reforms' of our system which were specifically meant to benefit American corporations at the expense of the American worker/people. They were clever. They thought that most Americans would jump at the chance to buy consumer goods for less than they used to cost. Little did most people understand what those costs would eventually rise to be.

Wanna get a glimpse of the future to come if we don't fix the mess our leaders created because of their often ideologically-driven ideas regarding the fairness of free markets?

China to surpass US as top luxury car market: study - FRANCE 24
There was no problem with Romney's communication skills. Put another way, minorities got the message just fine. They simply didn't like what they were hearing and voted accordingly.

A lot of white people didn't vote for him either.

In my case, in a post financial system meltdown world, I had no intention whatsoever of voting for a former private equity fund manager who greatly benefited from the very tax code changes which made a mockery of capitalism as an economic system by turning it into a legalized method of extracting wealth from failure while also financially benefiting at the same time by exporting jobs and destroying the futures of tens of thousands of American workers in order to greatly benefit a few well-connected people who ultimately rewarded the law makers with campaign contributions.

Worse, the very month of the election, he was moving one of his companies from Illinois to China. Of course, he shows us his palms and says, "Blind trust" as if that's "safe" from a game of "tag - you're it".

Only we have him on videotape calling the "blind trust" a "ruse" on the American people. He shows us how big a ruse by making his secretary/lawyer the manager of his "blind trust".

For a man who is supposed to be so smart, somehow, he forgot about the invention of videotape and has never heard of Youtube.

But you have to admit, he did look very attractive in "brownface":

Mitt Romney is blaming himself for not being able to communicate with minorities and says this kept him from winning the election. But if he needed to promise the welfare leeches more money to buy their votes conservatives are glad he lost rather than forsake his conservative principles. Only the liberals can win the votes of the leeches until the hard working people of this country finally stand up and put an end to all of the entitlement programs started by the liberals since FDR. Welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, and the rest of the liberal handouts that are breaking this country. Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

In First Interview, Mitt Romney Says He Lost Because He Failed to Reach Minorities, ?Kills? Not to Be in Washington - ABC News

There was no problem with Romney's communication skills. Put another way, minorities got the message just fine. They simply didn't like what they were hearing and voted accordingly.
...So, instead......Mittens is gettin' out, there, tellin' all those nice White-kids to start....

Its a bit funny that Obama can't admit to screwing ANYTHING up.....actually it isn't, it is very sad.
He think he walks on water.
Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

Are you on something? Because if you are it'd be good to get something that can cause this kind of hallucination.

Reagan TRIPLED government spending.
Junebug Bush DOUBLED government spending.

Where do you believe you can find a real conservative among the filthy god damned neocon scum who have hoodwinked white trash nutballs for 33 years? I am laughing out loud reading the wild-eyed, uh... optimism... of that post.
Romney shouldn't blame himself, the black vote went the way it went nothing would change it. With what has happened to the blacks in the last 4 years and they still voted for Obama tells me there is absolutely NOTHING that would have changed their vote. Maybe some if a black Republican was run. So in the end Romney was right. Even with the BS the liberal left made out of his 47 percent remark we all know it was true. The fight was over RINOS and independents, what they were thinking is anyone's guess.
Well if Mitt Romney had just put some effort into finding out

'who let the dogs out',

he could have gone to the black community with some answers.
Mitt Romney is blaming himself for not being able to communicate with minorities and says this kept him from winning the election. But if he needed to promise the welfare leeches more money to buy their votes conservatives are glad he lost rather than forsake his conservative principles. Only the liberals can win the votes of the leeches until the hard working people of this country finally stand up and put an end to all of the entitlement programs started by the liberals since FDR. Welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, and the rest of the liberal handouts that are breaking this country. Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

In First Interview, Mitt Romney Says He Lost Because He Failed to Reach Minorities, ?Kills? Not to Be in Washington - ABC News

[ame=]Who Spends More: Democratic Or Republican Presidents? - YouTube[/ame]
On one hand the left says Banghazi was too long ago to deal with and on the other hand they bring up reasons the former republican candidate lost the election.
Mitt Romney is blaming himself for not being able to communicate with minorities and says this kept him from winning the election. But if he needed to promise the welfare leeches more money to buy their votes conservatives are glad he lost rather than forsake his conservative principles. Only the liberals can win the votes of the leeches until the hard working people of this country finally stand up and put an end to all of the entitlement programs started by the liberals since FDR. Welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, and the rest of the liberal handouts that are breaking this country. Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

In First Interview, Mitt Romney Says He Lost Because He Failed to Reach Minorities, ?Kills? Not to Be in Washington - ABC News

You don't even realize how you sound, do you.

Your entire post portrays minorities as a bunch of "welfare leeches".

Gee, that sure makes a minority want to vote GOP!

Your kind is trapped in an Idiot Paradox. You call minorities a bunch of welfare leeches, and that really turns them off. Then you blame the loss of minority votes on your belief the GOP didn't promise the leeches any gifts, instead of realizing the blame lies with asshole idiots like you.

His post doesn't mention minorities as being the 47%, that's all you. You asswipes on the left blame the right for not having minorities in the party but when they do surface they are characterized as race traitors and Uncle Toms by your racist party. Democrats are the fuckin racist, always have been. The "minority" population chooses not t loin the conservatives and it's not because conservatives don't want them.
Mitt Romney is blaming himself for not being able to communicate with minorities and says this kept him from winning the election. But if he needed to promise the welfare leeches more money to buy their votes conservatives are glad he lost rather than forsake his conservative principles. Only the liberals can win the votes of the leeches until the hard working people of this country finally stand up and put an end to all of the entitlement programs started by the liberals since FDR. Welfare, unemployment insurance, social security, medicare, medicaid, and the rest of the liberal handouts that are breaking this country. Times are changing and by 2014 the Republicans will begin to regain power in Congress. In 2016 the Republicans will take control of Congress and the Presidency and all of the entitlements that got democrats elected for the past 80 years will be repealed. We will stop the run away spending and the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt run up by the democrats and Obama on their give away programs for the leeches.

In First Interview, Mitt Romney Says He Lost Because He Failed to Reach Minorities, ?Kills? Not to Be in Washington - ABC News

[ame=]Who Spends More: Democratic Or Republican Presidents? - YouTube[/ame]

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2012
Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

The myth that Obama is not increasing, or only slowly increasing spending and deficit is truly laughable

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