Mitch McConnell... not a fan, but he is right. And what he said deserves attention it won't get. COVID Stimulus.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

No. We won't be silent. But as I'm not a leftist, I'll have to do.
McConnell can go fuck himself. For MONTHS, there were two passed House relief bills. He didn't even take them up. Not even debate.
And then, he finally gets off his dead ass and gets his Republican pigeons to sign off on one, and lo and behold, couldn't leave a tax cut
for low income individuals in there without having that 3 Martini lunch deduction...jeez.

Democrats need to stop playing nice with this hump and his caucus. Time to take the gloves off and get muddy.
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

Amazing hypocrisy and dirty politics at the expense of the people they represent.
Can this video be shared on FB and Twitter, or will they take it down ?
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

Fake news!

Orange man bad!

Post banned on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube!


Besides, told me so and they know all truthiness.
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

I wonder if McConnell, or any of the others who voted for this bill, want to talk about all the pork included?
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

  1. Scoffed at the Covid threat telling people to go out and shop.
  2. Empowered, approved and inflamed race riots, burning and looting all Summer.
  3. Shut down the nation destroying business, industry, jobs, education and the economy.
  4. Withheld billions in aid for months to maximize damage.
  5. Politicized the deaths of thousands of people then blamed it all on Trump.
Yet their lackeys will be right back voting for them in a few years.
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

No. We won't be silent. But as I'm not a leftist, I'll have to do.
McConnell can go fuck himself. For MONTHS, there were two passed House relief bills. He didn't even take them up. Not even debate.
And then, he finally gets off his dead ass and gets his Republican pigeons to sign off on one, and lo and behold, couldn't leave a tax cut
for low income individuals in there without having that 3 Martini lunch deduction...jeez.

Democrats need to stop playing nice with this hump and his caucus. Time to take the gloves off and get muddy.

Oh be serious.
I mean really?
What Pelosi put forth was an impassable bill and everyone knew it. It wasn't serious. It was a 2 $Trillion gargantuan giveaway that was unconscionable. And the Democrats damn well knew it was not a serious bill.
Quit acting like a sheep and trying to pretend it was.
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

no it is not the same as the ones that were previously negotiated. Gone is the provisions for release of liability for business that the Repubs wanted and gone is the funding for govts. which the Dems wanted.
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The Democrat party is the biggest cult in the America. They don't care what their leaders do because they're conditioned to believe everything done is for their own good. They're children.
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

no it is not the same as the ones that were previously negotiated. Gone is the provisions for release of liability for business that the Repubs wanted and gone is the funding for govts. which the Dems wanted.

sometimes you are pretty funny guy...
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid... I clearly said, as McConnell did also, there are a few changes. And yes I note you picked out the two you were informed of that makes pubs look bad.
Now... what about the $1.1 Trillion of Democrat pork that is different.... Gee... I would think you would notice that?
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McConnell can go fuck himself. For MONTHS, there were two passed House relief bills. He didn't even take them up. Not even debate.
The point is that pelosi agreed to the senate bill

which she could have done months ago
A point you will see, examples already here, that liberals will ignore and deflect.
That was McConnell's entire point - say anything you want about this bill, but whatever that is doesn't change the fact it is almost completely the same bill with only minor changes. Changes that could have been made back in June and July. But Pelosi and Democrats REFUSED to do anything that might help Trump. So, as pointed out, as soon as that "danger" was over - suddenly they are cooperative and passed the bill with only a few changes.
Pelosi is an ASSHOLE who held Covid aid for the American people hostage just for political gain. She doesn't give a rats ass about the American people and most of those other ASSHOLE Democrats in congress don't either.
The Democrats here can't admit Pelosi played politics with citizens hurting. They don't have the integrity or the courage.
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

no it is not the same as the ones that were previously negotiated. Gone is the provisions for release of liability for business that the Repubs wanted and gone is the funding for govts. which the Dems wanted.

sometimes you are pretty funny guy...
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid... I clearly said, as McConnell did also, there are a few changes. And yes I note you picked out the two you were informed of that makes pubs look bad.
Now... what about the $1.1 Trillion of Democrat pork that is different.... Gee... I would think you would notice that?

Ghee, you should be happy that welfare is approved by Republicans and Democrats..
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

no it is not the same as the ones that were previously negotiated. Gone is the provisions for release of liability for business that the Repubs wanted and gone is the funding for govts. which the Dems wanted.

sometimes you are pretty funny guy...
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid... I clearly said, as McConnell did also, there are a few changes. And yes I note you picked out the two you were informed of that makes pubs look bad.
Now... what about the $1.1 Trillion of Democrat pork that is different.... Gee... I would think you would notice that?

Ghee, you should be happy that welfare is approved by Republicans and Democrats..

I was against the $2400 we got with the first one, and don't support this one either.
It is ridiculous that people who have not lost their jobs get a single dime. That makes no sense. It is far better to give that money to businesses who have to use the money wholly on wages, are still in business, and can show revenue loss.

But that is besides the point isn't it. It isn't about what I think. Or anyone else. It is about the Democrats blocking a bill for political reasons, and then when it is no longer a political threat - they pass it while waving banners.
And then you see right here on this forum who ARE for this fact want it to be larger... but won't say a word about their party blocking it's passage for 7 months
You won't see this on the media.
Mitch McConnell makes the point - the COVID stimulus bill that passed... is virtually the same bill Republicans repeatedly tried to get Democrats to work with - and Pelosi and clan refused. Again and again.
This bill has few differences. There are minor additions made by Democrats, but as McConnell pointed out - we would have included those if the Democrats would have even talked. Pelosi refused.

But - now the election is over. The Democrats were suddenly cooperative and ready to pass a bill.

The Democrats made millions of poor Americans suffer... for political reasons. PERIOD.
And the media will be silent about it. And so will leftist on this forum.

No. We won't be silent. But as I'm not a leftist, I'll have to do.
McConnell can go fuck himself. For MONTHS, there were two passed House relief bills. He didn't even take them up. Not even debate.
And then, he finally gets off his dead ass and gets his Republican pigeons to sign off on one, and lo and behold, couldn't leave a tax cut
for low income individuals in there without having that 3 Martini lunch deduction...jeez.

Democrats need to stop playing nice with this hump and his caucus. Time to take the gloves off and get muddy.

pig-lousy can go fuck herself......
finally this twat gets off its dead ass and gets its demonRAT pigeons to sign off on one. republicans need to stop playing nice with this twat and its caucus. Time to take the gloves off and get muddy.
come on...are you really wasting your typing skills on these asswipe, brain dead, brain washed commies of the demonRATs? all they do is...deny...deflect, and twist to suit. same as they have been doing for decades

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