Mitch McConnell Betrays Trump; Will MAGA Fight Back??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that the mob that attacked the Capitol was "provoked" by President Donald Trump. "The mob was fed lies," McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said on the Senate floor. "They were provoked by the President and other powerful people." McConnell touted that Congress did its duty despite the violence on January 6, certifying the victory of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. "We'll have a safe and successful inaugural right here on the very front of the Capitol," said McConnell."

We will have a successful inaugural right here on the very front of the Capitol??

WTF?? Look at how Moscow Mitch is basically rubbing it in our faces that Biden will be sworn in and begin his term; was Mitch in a coma?? Wasn't he in the Senate when Ted Cruz and others in the GOP said Trump will have a second term and the election was stolen, blah blah blah.....Doesn't he know his very act of going on record and admitting to everyone that it was all bullshit -- doesn't he know that will make Trumpers have to twist themselves into even more pretzel shapes in order to justify the bullshit delusions they have been spouting for the past 4 or 5 years??

Doesn't he know admitting it was all bullshit will force Trumpers to have to reconcile with the fact that they were duped -- and how that just isn't fair?? Doesn't he know this will make it easier for those mean ole libs to mock them and make memes and stuff?? Something that Trumpers would have never engaged in because of their morals and utmost respect for others who disagree with them. Trumpers will be left with no choice but to launch a second civil war or stage another type of violent overthrow of government in order to not be proven wrong about stuff..
Mitch didn't betray Trump he simply did what Mitch has always done saddle up to his country club style of conciliatory compassionate conservatism and ride the winds of less resistance.
Unlike Graham that is scarred shitless and is playing the flip-flopper of the year...
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Even turtles have their limits.
Mitch knows that his power is gone and he'd better stop acting like a Rump apologist.

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Trump is going to do like MacArthur and just,,,fade away...

How about the 75M who voted for him?
The majority of them will do like the majority of Democrats did when they lost the election.....move on and continue to advocate for the policies...oh who I am kidding, Trumpers dont' give a fuck about policies....

Most likely they will continue to hint at violent overthrows and secession like they normally do after they lose an election.....then later coalesce around a new cult leader
Trump is going to do like MacArthur and just,,,fade away...

How about the 75M who voted for him?
The majority of them will do like the majority of Democrats did when they lost the election.....move on and continue to advocate for the policies...oh who I am kidding, Trumpers dont' give a fuck about policies....

Most likely they will continue to hint at violent overthrows and secession like they normally do after they lose an election.....then later coalesce around a new cult leader
They could go live with Trump at Mar-A-Lago after they lose their jobs and get out of jail..
These people need to be brought back to reality.

It will still take a lot more, though. Talk radio needs to be honest with them.
Hard to sell people reverse mortgages and dick pills if you admit to them you have been lying to them the whole time.....

Best thing for them to do is continue with the new lost cause strategy and ride that denial for the next 150 years -- it worked for the Confederacy...
These people need to be brought back to reality.

It will still take a lot more, though. Talk radio needs to be honest with them.
Hard to sell people reverse mortgages and dick pills if you admit to them you have been lying to them the whole time.....

Best thing for them to do is continue with the new lost cause strategy and ride that denial for the next 150 years -- it worked for the Confederacy...
I don't see how these media types can turn on a dime, unless they find someone they can blame.

Otherwise, the only other thing I can see is that enough of them finally wake up so that the whole movement shrinks enough to fit back in the lunatic fringe.
McConnell was never trusted or well-liked by trump voters

so this is not surprising
McConnell was never trusted or well-liked by trump voters

so this is not surprising
Is that why Trumpers basically said nothing as he and his ilk selected all of Trump's judge picks?? Because of how much they don't "trust" him??
Trump is going to do like MacArthur and just,,,fade away...

How about the 75M who voted for him?
The majority of them will do like the majority of Democrats did when they lost the election.....move on and continue to advocate for the policies...oh who I am kidding, Trumpers dont' give a fuck about policies....

Most likely they will continue to hint at violent overthrows and secession like they normally do after they lose an election.....then later coalesce around a new cult leader

No, they just won't vote.

They will probably do as I have done in Canada. Sit and watch with amusement as the people who turned their backs on them are slowly Primaried or defeated by their opponents.. I've seen what my country has become, we are so inept and ignored that now Pfizer just surprised us with an announcement that we are receiving 50% of the promised vaccines. This, from Europe as well.

I know how fast we are falling, the consequences of a creepy, covert police force that is more concerned with destroying lives, spitting on civil liberties, making bank and getting their stupid kids jobs, than, actually defending our nation. You better pray you don't follow us. I see the early signs, that's for sure...

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