MIT Study: Vehicle Emissions Cause 200,000 US Deaths per Year


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
MIT Study: Vehicle Emissions Cause 200,000 US Deaths per Year

In the past, we’ve written about the dangers of harmful emissions from diesels and the clear and present dangers of commuting. We’ve talked about the American Lung Association’s Minnesota division coming out in favor of cleaner-burning fuels, and we’ve talked about the Chinese government threatening to enforce emissions laws with the death penalty. Until now, though, we haven’t seen too much in the way of hard figures. Luckily, the big-brains at MIT have been crunching the numbers, and here’s what they came up with: 200,000.

That’s right. The research team from MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment concluded that “ground-level emissions” from combustion engines like those in, cars, ships, trains, and more cause about 200,000 premature deaths each year, with another 10,000 or so Americans dropping dead from “changes in the ozone concentration.”

Read more at MIT Study: 200,000 Americans Die Premature Deaths Caused by Emissions

official scienfic paper from mit. Air pollution and early deaths in the United States. Part I: Quantifying the impact of major sectors in 2005


Ozone and PM impacts of the major combustion sectors in the U.S. are modeled.
Early deaths attributable to each sector are estimated.
∼200,000 early deaths occur in the U.S. each year due to U.S. combustion emissions.•
The leading causes are road transportation and power generation.


We freely emit this crap into the air :( Solar, wind or hydro doesn't emit anything. Maybe during manufacturing of course but you're within a controlled environment...Not like you're drilling the gulf of mexico.

I support silicon production as I mightily love my computer...BUT you better believe that I expect that to be taken care of.
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Allow me to play devil's advocate.

You've got no proof.

Are these the same scientists who warned us of an imminent ice age back in the early 1970s? What a bunch of idiots. You can't trust them.

This is just a bunch of Marxists trying to destroy this country with a redistribution of the wealth from the hard workers who earned it to the lazy slobs who think they deserve it.

If it weren't for automobile emissions, how would our food have gotten to market? How would our sick and injured have gotten to hospital. You just want to eliminate ambulances so you can watch people bleed out in the streets. This is population control.
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People don't matter to the right.

All about defending big oil.

I am not really for killing big oil but charging the percentage away from it. Reality screams that we're going to be out of it the next 50 years.
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It's fucking mind blowing just how bad fossil fuels are on human health.

The same people that support fossil fuels that kill fish, birds and mammals by mind blowing numbers some how has the nerve to question renewables.

Fuck you.
It's fucking mind blowing just how bad fossil fuels are on human health.

The same people that support fossil fuels that kill fish, birds and mammals by mind blowing numbers some how has the nerve to question renewables.

Fuck you.
And what is your plan to replace it, put big fan blades on top of our cars and hope for a strong wind?
I suggest Jake just quits breathing. And maybe some meds. Answering yourself over and over is a sign of mental illness.
What a crock of shit. Purely subjective garbage funded by Greenies.

Fuck them. Matthew, you need to grow the hell up already.
For their own benefit, we need to outsource our Progressives to a no Carbon footprint location

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