Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

Hey shit head, income tax is not the only tax collected by the fed's.
Sure, the government can borrow and raid social security assets.
Is this where you attempt to back peddle rather than be man enough to admit your mistake? OK, be the good little punk you are and find an excuse for other taxes people pay. Start with the fuel tax.
Look, I've trumped you across the board whenever out paths have crossed. Since you come off like a pedantic little bitch you have to accept the occasional bitch slap.
Food stamps are suppose to be for poor people who cannot afford basic food items. If you can waste a majority of your food stamps on steak. You don't need them. If you think it's not fair that you can't buy steaks with your food stamps. Then get a job.
So no hamburger either?
Hamburger meat runs around $3.50 a pound. Ribeye steak runs around $12.99 a pound. What do you think?

You can buy steaks on sale or buy a cheaper cut.
You will never see yellow tagged meat in a SNAP recipients cart at Walmart.

Not true.
OK, I never see yellow tagged meat in a SNAP recipient's cart, BECAUSE I GRAB IT FIRST!!!!!

Happy now.
The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way.

Whaddaya wanna bet Brattin calls himself a "christian".

BTW, his demonic bill is all for show. Or, just as likely, the idiot has no idea how the system works. Thanks to gerrymandering hewill feed at the public trough for the rest of his working life and have plenty of time to do a lot more damage.

Brattin admits that the language might need some tweaking. “My intention wasn’t to get rid of canned tuna and fish sticks,” he said. But he also insists that people are abusing the system by purchasing luxury foods, and believes that that must be stopped, even if it ends up requiring the inclusion of other less luxurious items.

“I have seen people purchasing filet mignons and crab legs with their EBT cards,” he said. “When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”

Of course, Brattin is not only a first class asshole, he’s also full of shit. Missouri legislators are paid $35,915 per year plus a $104 a day per diem for miscellaneous costs such as food. Seeing as how a steak can be purchased for under $20.00 at Walmart, it’s pretty safe to assume Brattin can afford to buy prime cuts of beef from time to time. Filet mignon is even cheaper. Brattin can easily purchase filet mignon, a package of two in fact, at a Missouri Walmart for under $9.00.

Brattin makes more than twice the annual earnings of a family who is eligible to receive food assistance, and he probably makes a mint during tax refund season considering he has five kids. And you can bet he isn’t allowing his children to live on fish sticks and tuna. And apparently, Brattin doesn’t understand that his own pay is courtesy of the very taxpayers that he has been attacking relentlessly with stupid bills.

In addition, SNAP rules allow recipients to purchase steak and seafood because they are food items and it would be costly and burdensome to restrict these items. Brattin’s bill also has no teeth because only Congress can change SNAP rules.

"The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way."

Since I didn't pick the person the single mother spread her legs for, it means it's not my responsibility to be forced to fund the results of her choice. It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did.

I didn't cause them to be poor but you seem to think that taking money from me and others like me will somehow alleviate poverty. We tried that shit for 50 years now and it didn't work. You don't have a problem if the government takes money from me that can go to MY kid in order it go to ones I didn't create. Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?

"... the single mother spread her legs ..."

There it is again. That disgusting belief that its the woman's fault. Without knowing anything of the circumstances, she is always to blame for being a single mother.

"It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did. "

Thank you for that. Its a lie but at least you acknowledge that it takes two to make a baby.

RWs would be against this same woman aborting that fetus but once its a baby, they want to let it and the mother starve.

"Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?"

If your kid is doing with less, get off your butt and get a better job or a second job.

That's what you RWs say about people on food stamps so why isn't it true for you too?

Can you support your claim that the end result (single motherhood) is the man's fault and not the woman's? Generally speaking, of course.

Is he supporting her?
Hey shit head, income tax is not the only tax collected by the fed's.
Sure, the government can borrow and raid social security assets.
Is this where you attempt to back peddle rather than be man enough to admit your mistake? OK, be the good little punk you are and find an excuse for other taxes people pay. Start with the fuel tax.
Look, I've trumped you across the board whenever out paths have crossed. Since you come off like a pedantic little bitch you have to accept the occasional bitch slap.
Where in your dopey imagination did you bitch slap me?
The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way.

Whaddaya wanna bet Brattin calls himself a "christian".

BTW, his demonic bill is all for show. Or, just as likely, the idiot has no idea how the system works. Thanks to gerrymandering hewill feed at the public trough for the rest of his working life and have plenty of time to do a lot more damage.

Brattin admits that the language might need some tweaking. “My intention wasn’t to get rid of canned tuna and fish sticks,” he said. But he also insists that people are abusing the system by purchasing luxury foods, and believes that that must be stopped, even if it ends up requiring the inclusion of other less luxurious items.

“I have seen people purchasing filet mignons and crab legs with their EBT cards,” he said. “When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.”

Of course, Brattin is not only a first class asshole, he’s also full of shit. Missouri legislators are paid $35,915 per year plus a $104 a day per diem for miscellaneous costs such as food. Seeing as how a steak can be purchased for under $20.00 at Walmart, it’s pretty safe to assume Brattin can afford to buy prime cuts of beef from time to time. Filet mignon is even cheaper. Brattin can easily purchase filet mignon, a package of two in fact, at a Missouri Walmart for under $9.00.

Brattin makes more than twice the annual earnings of a family who is eligible to receive food assistance, and he probably makes a mint during tax refund season considering he has five kids. And you can bet he isn’t allowing his children to live on fish sticks and tuna. And apparently, Brattin doesn’t understand that his own pay is courtesy of the very taxpayers that he has been attacking relentlessly with stupid bills.

In addition, SNAP rules allow recipients to purchase steak and seafood because they are food items and it would be costly and burdensome to restrict these items. Brattin’s bill also has no teeth because only Congress can change SNAP rules.

"The main recipients of food stamps are children, elderly, veterans, disabled and of course, that most hated of all Americans, single mothers whose children's fathers have run out on them. Its very important to the right to punish people for being poor and to do anything and everything to keep them that way."

Since I didn't pick the person the single mother spread her legs for, it means it's not my responsibility to be forced to fund the results of her choice. It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did.

I didn't cause them to be poor but you seem to think that taking money from me and others like me will somehow alleviate poverty. We tried that shit for 50 years now and it didn't work. You don't have a problem if the government takes money from me that can go to MY kid in order it go to ones I didn't create. Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?

"... the single mother spread her legs ..."

There it is again. That disgusting belief that its the woman's fault. Without knowing anything of the circumstances, she is always to blame for being a single mother.

"It's interesting that you hold those of us not creating that child more responsible for feeding it than you do the sperm donor that did. "

Thank you for that. Its a lie but at least you acknowledge that it takes two to make a baby.

RWs would be against this same woman aborting that fetus but once its a baby, they want to let it and the mother starve.

"Why should mine do with less so someone else's can have more?"

If your kid is doing with less, get off your butt and get a better job or a second job.

That's what you RWs say about people on food stamps so why isn't it true for you too?

Can you support your claim that the end result (single motherhood) is the man's fault and not the woman's? Generally speaking, of course.

Post a link to where I wrote single motherhood is "the man's fault and not the woman's".

It takes two to make a baby and its the equal responsibility to support and raise that baby.

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Ah! The Compassionate Conservatives! Why not put a caldron of gruel on the town square and call it a day?

You hate the poor, so why not be even more visceral about it?

Liberals love the poor....and do everything they can to make more of 'em.

1. " .... the most dangerous element of the welfare state is not the fact that it spins up into increasing debt, but rather thatit creates citizens who are unfit for democratic self-governance."

."....welfare programs rarely encourage good behavior.For example, AFDC explicitly frowns upon thrift, as recipients are allowed to have only $1,000 in savings in order to remain eligible.

Grace Capetillo, a 36-year-old welfare mother, found this out the hard way after she managed to save up $3,000 over four years, only to be sued by the county of Milwaukee.... the county's request that she pay back the $15,545 she had received since going over the limit. However, she did have to pay a $1,000 fine and spend another $1,000 to get under the savings limit."The Yale Free Press

2. How, exactly, did Mrs. Capetillo accumulate the vast sum of $3,000 in savings?

a. She had shopped at thrift stores, stocked up on sale items in grocery stores....bought second hand clothes during the summer, and warm-weather outfits during the summer.

b. When her five-year-old daughter's t-shirts grew tight, she simply snipped them under the arms,...

c. When she asked for 'Li'l Miss Make-Up' for Christmas, Mrs. Capetillo didn't pay $19.99 at Toys-R-Us, she found it at Goodwill for $1.89; she cleaned it up and tied it with a pink ribbon.

d. At Goodwill, she found the pieces for Mr. Potato Head, and bought them for seventy-nine cents, saving $3.18.
Her reward from the welfare system was being sued for $14,545.
"The Tragedy of American Compassion," p. 42, by Marvin Olasky

That is the kind of responsibility that the current system penalizes, careful use of one's assets, savings, behaviors that might get one out of the welfare trap......instead the impersonal nature of the welfare system and it's built-in Liberal 'we'll take care of you' structure produce life-long dependency.

The challenge:
what, exactly does this system accomplish outside of enlisting the 'poor' as 'reliable Democrat voters'?
Lobster and Sushi. It's not even a bill yet and the wording isn't even finalized but the radicals are already doing a war dance. Hysteria about this proposed obscure bill is better than trying to defend Obama's policies that have actually increased food stamp use. Actually the proposed bill would be in line with Mrs. Obama's crusade to eliminate stuff like chips and energy drinks from everyone's diet and the author of the proposed bill says it is not his intent to ban all seafood and steak and that the wording needs to be "tweaked" so calm down lefties and consider the important issues for a change.
Hey shit head, income tax is not the only tax collected by the fed's.
Sure, the government can borrow and raid social security assets.
Is this where you attempt to back peddle rather than be man enough to admit your mistake? OK, be the good little punk you are and find an excuse for other taxes people pay. Start with the fuel tax.
Look, I've trumped you across the board whenever out paths have crossed. Since you come off like a pedantic little bitch you have to accept the occasional bitch slap.
Where in your dopey imagination did you bitch slap me?
I remember you mostly from Reagan threads where you claimed to understand the collapse of the USSR better than the likes of Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa. Things like that lend themselves to the perceptions of you as a little bitch and the accompanying bitch slaps.

All this could be avoided by not...wait for it...being a little bitch.

Hey shit head, income tax is not the only tax collected by the fed's.
Sure, the government can borrow and raid social security assets.
Is this where you attempt to back peddle rather than be man enough to admit your mistake? OK, be the good little punk you are and find an excuse for other taxes people pay. Start with the fuel tax.
Look, I've trumped you across the board whenever out paths have crossed. Since you come off like a pedantic little bitch you have to accept the occasional bitch slap.
Where in your dopey imagination did you bitch slap me?
I remember you mostly from Reagan threads where you claimed to understand the collapse of the USSR better than the likes of Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa. Things like that lend themselves to the perceptions of you as a little bitch and the accompanying bitch slaps.

All this could be avoided by not...wait for it...being a little bitch.

OK, in short, you could not find a post where you actually bitch slapped. Now run away shithead.
How the conversation seems to have change for all those little libbies who were thumping the tubs not so very long for Moochelle's scheme to government mandate what people were allowed to eat!

I wonder what happened......
We need to cut money we spend on food stamps because giving people food (stamps) rather than letting them provide it for themselves makes them dependent on government. Food stamps are meant to be used as a leg up, not a leg to stand on. Generational/long term use is the problem. Limit the funds, limit the time spent on it, get people back on their feet depending on themselves asap.

I know....we need to make poor people suffer
It is the only way we can get them to stop wanting to be poor

Can you point to a single example where poor people have done better by cutting their aid?

Only a leftist would see getting people back on their feet and providing for themselves as 'making them suffer'!


You are advocating removing food from their mouths

You have yet to provide a single case where cutting aid to poor people has helped them to do better. Red States slash aid to the poor all the time. Show me where the poor in those states do better than the poor in blue states

I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.
How the conversation seems to have change for all those little libbies who were thumping the tubs not so very long for Moochelle's scheme to government mandate what people were allowed to eat!

I wonder what happened......

If a leftist wants to tell them what to eat they think it's great. If a Republican wants to do the same? zomg, they are the devil!
We need to cut money we spend on food stamps because giving people food (stamps) rather than letting them provide it for themselves makes them dependent on government. Food stamps are meant to be used as a leg up, not a leg to stand on. Generational/long term use is the problem. Limit the funds, limit the time spent on it, get people back on their feet depending on themselves asap.

I know....we need to make poor people suffer
It is the only way we can get them to stop wanting to be poor

Can you point to a single example where poor people have done better by cutting their aid?

Only a leftist would see getting people back on their feet and providing for themselves as 'making them suffer'!


You are advocating removing food from their mouths

You have yet to provide a single case where cutting aid to poor people has helped them to do better. Red States slash aid to the poor all the time. Show me where the poor in those states do better than the poor in blue states

I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.

Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
We need to cut money we spend on food stamps because giving people food (stamps) rather than letting them provide it for themselves makes them dependent on government. Food stamps are meant to be used as a leg up, not a leg to stand on. Generational/long term use is the problem. Limit the funds, limit the time spent on it, get people back on their feet depending on themselves asap.

I know....we need to make poor people suffer
It is the only way we can get them to stop wanting to be poor

Can you point to a single example where poor people have done better by cutting their aid?

Only a leftist would see getting people back on their feet and providing for themselves as 'making them suffer'!


You are advocating removing food from their mouths

You have yet to provide a single case where cutting aid to poor people has helped them to do better. Red States slash aid to the poor all the time. Show me where the poor in those states do better than the poor in blue states

I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.
You make it sound like Carson's mom was of welfare and food stamps on her own. Ben Carson was raised on welfare and food stamps. Of course he has an excuse.
That story fit a longtime conservative suspicion that poor people use food stamps to purchase luxury items. Now, a Republican state lawmaker in Missouri is pushing for legislation that would stop people like Greenslate and severely limit what food stamp recipients can buy. The bill being proposed would ban the purchase with food stamps of "cookies, chips, energy drinks, soft drinks, seafood or steak."
Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood - The Washington Post
Banning food stamps for thugs who spend it on luxury items, or they're trying to destroy welfare system?
I think that the only way to stop these people to spend our tax money on unnecessary items - is to create list of goods they can buy! And what do you think guys?
I think the person who wrote the title is making shit up. They are not being banned from buying steak. The proposal is to further limit the types of things that can be bought with food stamps. Most states already have the limit that you can't buy booze or cigs with foodstamps. It's a stupid idea anyways.

Foodstamps have always been a stupid way to help people eat. You want to give food handouts, give them access to city water, city power for a stove and a fridge, a sack of potatoes, a bag a beans, a bag of rice, some canned meats, flour, sugar, salt, eggs and milk.
We need to cut money we spend on food stamps because giving people food (stamps) rather than letting them provide it for themselves makes them dependent on government. Food stamps are meant to be used as a leg up, not a leg to stand on. Generational/long term use is the problem. Limit the funds, limit the time spent on it, get people back on their feet depending on themselves asap.

I know....we need to make poor people suffer
It is the only way we can get them to stop wanting to be poor

Can you point to a single example where poor people have done better by cutting their aid?

Only a leftist would see getting people back on their feet and providing for themselves as 'making them suffer'!


You are advocating removing food from their mouths

You have yet to provide a single case where cutting aid to poor people has helped them to do better. Red States slash aid to the poor all the time. Show me where the poor in those states do better than the poor in blue states

I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.

Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
Get a job, means find or make a job. Useless is the act of pretending there are no jobs in a world where work is limitless, unbounded, infinite....
Look folks, it's from the dnc WashingtonCompost. so who the hell knows if it's true or not

disgusting pos PRAVDA rag

and if you don't believe it. I live in Missouri and I haven't heard anything about this.

so believe who you want I guess. the Compost is nothing but a mouth piece for the DEMOCRAT PARTY
We need to cut money we spend on food stamps because giving people food (stamps) rather than letting them provide it for themselves makes them dependent on government. Food stamps are meant to be used as a leg up, not a leg to stand on. Generational/long term use is the problem. Limit the funds, limit the time spent on it, get people back on their feet depending on themselves asap.

I know....we need to make poor people suffer
It is the only way we can get them to stop wanting to be poor

Can you point to a single example where poor people have done better by cutting their aid?

Only a leftist would see getting people back on their feet and providing for themselves as 'making them suffer'!


You are advocating removing food from their mouths

You have yet to provide a single case where cutting aid to poor people has helped them to do better. Red States slash aid to the poor all the time. Show me where the poor in those states do better than the poor in blue states

I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.

Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
Get a job, means find or make a job. Useless is the act of pretending there are no jobs in a world where work is limitless, unbounded, infinite....

Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
Only a leftist would see getting people back on their feet and providing for themselves as 'making them suffer'!


You are advocating removing food from their mouths

You have yet to provide a single case where cutting aid to poor people has helped them to do better. Red States slash aid to the poor all the time. Show me where the poor in those states do better than the poor in blue states

I'm advocating using food stamps and welfare as a leg up; you are advocating it as a leg to stand on.

Ben Carson's mother was on welfare and food stamps. She got off of them too. That's the kind of success that most on welfare/food stamps should strive for, but unlimited assistance and generational assistance = not happening.

You're the one who sees getting people off of welfare and food stamps as them 'suffering'. Self-sufficiency and depending on oneself should be the goal, not seen as some kind of punishment. Derrr.

Most people on food stamps do get off of them

In many of our communities, there is little opportunity to get off of them

Get a job is useless advice when there are no jobs
Get a job, means find or make a job. Useless is the act of pretending there are no jobs in a world where work is limitless, unbounded, infinite....

Great advice!

With 30 million Americans receiving government assistance, can you point to data showing that there are 30 million unfilled jobs or any time that 30 million new businesses were created so we can get these people off welfare?

Once you have done that ...we can start your plan
The reason million Americans are on welfare, is we are giving them welfare. People like free stuff.

As I said, you want proof that there are 30million unfilled jobs out there. What I'm telling you is that there is an INFINITE NUMBER OF UNFILLED JOBS OUT THERE. Your problem is your mind is constricting you. You can't even conceive of the idea of you yourself creating a job for you yourself. Not in a million years do you think someone could just come up with a job on their own. By your view all these jobs just grow on the job tree and you either grab one or are left out.. ROFL

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